I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, April 17, 2020

12 Healthy Habitual Habits to Practice

All habits are not bad. There is a way to break the habit. Yes break bad habits by replacing them with good habits. There are some habits that are actually good for you. Are you practicing good habits? Are you practicing healthy habits? It is not too late to start now.

creative habits

                                                        ***Good News***

Habitual Habits

There are so many healthy habits that you can do today, especially since the covid-19 pandemic is going on. We can develop creative habits, because God gives us creativeness in our spirit.

1. Money

Take a look at your spending habits. Since there is a shutdown for our state have you been spending more money? Have you been spending money that you really don’t have such as charging many things? You can practice observing how, when, and where you are spending your money. It is a good habit to know how much you are spending.

2. Thinking

How is your thinking? Did you know that you can change your way of thinking? Positive thinking is always better than negative thinking. No you don’t have control over others, but you do have control over your thinking. It is your choice what you decide to think.

3. Mistakes

There are those that may never want to make a mistake. If you live long enough you will make some type of mistake. Hopefully you learn from your mistakes and will not continue to make the same mistake over and over. Have you gotten into the habit of learning from your mistakes? Take a look at your mistake and going forward acknowledge what you could have done differently and purpose not to make the same mistake going forward.

4. Understanding

When you are in a conversation do you seek to understand or are you seeking to be understood? Possibly you are so busy trying to be understood that you are not understanding what is being conveyed to you.

5. Reward

If you have an unhealthy habit, you might want to ask yourself, “What reward am I getting out of this habit? Is this habit really helping me or hurting me? Is this habit hurting someone else? You should be getting good rewards from healthy habits. Do you see the rewards or results of your healthy habits?

6. Study

If you are in school or college what type of study habits do you have? Since we are in a pandemic at the present you will definitely need good study habits for classes online. You will need to be disciplined enough to set your time, your goal, and remember to always look at the big picture. You are not studying if you are online playing games all day.

7. Words

Are you aware of how important your words are? Your words can cause chaos or your words can diffuse a situation. People may react to your words. Have you gotten into the habit of saying thank you? This is a good habit to have. Saying thank you lets others know that you do appreciate them. Everyone likes to be appreciated.

8. Time

Time waits for no one. God gives everyone 24 hours in a day. How are you using your time? There have been times when I was doing something that I loved and I was not aware, but it seemed like time went very fast. Do you recall when you were a child and you could hardly wait for your birthday or for Christmas? It seemed as though time was going so slow. Time can feel different for everyone, but it is a good idea to be aware of how you are using your time daily. Remember time does not wait for you.

9. Knowledge

Remember there is always someone smarter than you. There is always something that you can learn. Get in the habit of learning from others. Sometimes you can learn a lot by watching the behavior of animals. People can learn a lot from each other. Knowledge will give you the understanding that you need. Learn new things. Learn a new language. Learn a new skill or craft. This is a very good habit to form. Learn a new word everyday. Learn. . . learn. . . learn.

10. Breathe

Are you constantly rushing? Do you know of others that are constantly rushing? Slow down. God has given you breath so use it wisely. Take your time. I do deep breathing daily. Did you know that deep breathing calms and relaxes the muscles. Yes it does. Try it sometime. Take 10 deep breaths and slowly exhale. I first really learned about deep breathing when I was pregnant. I took the classes that stressed the deep breathing usage during labor and delivery. It really did help me. My first baby was born in 20 minutes. I know it really helped me.

Your breath is so important. You probably never think about it until you have shortness of breath or other breathing issues. Our choir director is constantly telling us to watch our breathing when we sing. I recall she once asked me “Betty are you holding your breath when you are singing?” I was unaware, but she was very much aware.

11. Reading

Reading is understanding and more knowledge. I recall when I would encourage and take my children to the library as toddlers, they all had different interests. I would allow them to pick out the books that they liked and had an interest in. I would also take my grandchildren and discovered that the boys loved comic books. That was ok because it helped them to start reading. What are your interests? If you do not care to read there are audiobooks and podcasts that you can listen to. Even the bible is on tape now. Speaking of Bible a wise friend of mine recently said that Bible stands for “Basic instructions before leaving earth.” That is something to think about You can even listen to sermons from utube. Since the covid-19 pandemic numerous pastors are now putting their sermons on utube and other social media. They are still getting God’s word out to the sants and loss souls.

12. Breaks

Definitely get in the habit of taking a break from whatever it is that you are doing. That has been a culprit for me. When I am writing I leave myself notes to take a break, stand up and walk around so I am not constantly sitting in one spot too long. It is so important for you body. I have often said I am so thankful that Michelle Obama started the “let’s move” movement in the schools. That was just awesome. Okay you like to catch up on your favorite pictures on the television. Don’t just sit there all day like a “couch potato.” Get that body moving.

What are your healthy habits?

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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K (Sunshiney Days) said...

These are great reminders! Thank you for sharing!

Sara @ Content in the Meantime said...

Hello, thanks again for sharing your post on my What Are You Doing? Social media hop. I might revert my hop to twice a month now, since 2 posts is the minimum. I hope you can share again next time!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

Good evening! I am featuring your post from Encouraging Hearts and Home, on Thursday @ Scratch Made Food! Thank you for linking up, and please come again!