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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, June 14, 2019

(Ouch) Premenstrual Cramps are Real

There are several options available for relief of menstrual cramps. I sure wish I knew about them when I was a teenager I would be miserable with cramps.

Menstrual Cramp Relief

It was no joke; I vomited, passed out, and was almost bed ridden because of Menstrual Cramps. When the doctor gave me medication, I was so relieved. I had suffered with menstrual cramps for many years. After I had my first baby, I no longer needed the medication the cramps were gone. Yea!!!

1. Diet

According to Betternutrition.com too much sugar and too many carbs at once are a strong inducer of inflammation. They further add that eating fiber and vegetables are helpful. Now that I think about it that was my downfall. The week before my menstrual I would crave sugar and sweets. I discovered that chocolate milk or cow’s milk was a big offender for me during my menstrual cycle. I recall so many years of pain and misery.

2. Cause of Menstrual Cramps

According to Organicauthority.com menstrual cramps may be caused by too many prostaglandins (a chemical that causes the uterus to contract), fibroid, low thyroids, and ovarian cysts. That is why it is so important to get a doctor’s diagnosis. There could be one or numerous things causing the cramping.

I remember sometimes when I had the cramping; it felt like someone was literally hitting me in the stomach with their fist. It would actually cause me to double over in pain.

3. Possible Alternatives

Webmd mentions to rest when needed, avoid foods that contain caffeine and salt, no usage of tobacco or drinking alcohol, and making exercise a part of your weekly routine. Possibly you have done all of this and the menstrual cramps continue. It is ultimately important to see a doctor if menstrual cramps persist or are severe, like mine were.

4. More Alternatives

Authority.com suggests soaking in a hot bath, or applying heating pad to the lower abdomen, chamomile tea, vitamin d, and taking vitamin D to help with reducing menstrual cramps.

What do you do for menstrual cramps?

Photo Caption: Commons Wikimedia.org., Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.



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