I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, September 23, 2019

Why Do You Clap Your Hands?

* * * Clapping Your Hands is Good for Your Health * * *

There are numerous reasons to clap your hands. Some people may clap their hands to get your attention while others may clap their hands because they are happy.

Hand clap sound effect

1. History:

According to the Atlantic.com technology applause, was a sign of acclamation in the Ancient world. By applauding a performer we are giving that performer a pat on the back. Did you know that clapping in the Western Culture was in the theater. Also, politicians gauged their standing with the people by the applauds they received when they entered the arena. Do politicians today gauge from the applauds they get when giving a speech? What about when you hear a good sermon, do you clap your hands to let the minister no that you appreciate it? Everyone likes to be appreciated. Hand clapping is one way to do this.

2. Hand Clapping in Church

Psalm 47:1, “Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! The bible talks about clapping your hands and shouting to God. When I look back over my life, the first church I attended was a Methodist Church. There was no hand clapping in that church. Nor very little in the second church I attended which was a Baptist church. When I first started attending my present church, I was not used to clapping during the praise and worship. In fact, there was so much clapping and praising I asked my daughter, " Are you sure this is a Baptist church and not sanctified?" I have observed that more Baptist churches are clapping and praising and as of today it is just natural for me to clap during the praise and worship. I am clapping and praising God, not anyone else.

3. Miss Mary Mack

Do you remember hand clapping to the lyrics of “Miss Mary Mack?’ That was one of my favorites as a child.

4. If You are Happy Clap Your Hands

Did you know the song “If Your Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands” was published in the late 1950’s according to en. Wikipedia.org. In addition this song was noted for similarities to Mologejnaya; a song that appeared in the soviet union in 1938 in the Soviet musical film Volga-Volga.

I have seen many children sing this song, “If your Happy and you know it, clap your hands.” When you think about the lyrics, it makes sense, you are clapping to signify that you are happy. I have observed that it is a real catchy tune that children really seem to like. I have also observed that adults like it as well.

5. Clapping and Brain Power

Did you know that hand clapping benefits adults as well as children according to wired.com? Dr. Sulkin further suggests that adults that engage in these games from childhood reported feeling less tense and their mood improved. Isen’t this amazing? So that is why I feel so good after clapping my hands.

6. Benefits of Clapping Your Hands

According to clap4health.com clapping stimulates the 28 acupuncture points in your hands and it also improves your immune system. Isen’t this interesting?

I have visited several churches including my daughter’s church in the south. I was so comfortable at her church, it was almost like being at my own. The clapping and praise was awesome. I noticed a few just sitting around and just looking, but that is their right to do so. What about you? Do you clap your hands during your morning worship at church?


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