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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Are We There Yet?

* * * (5 Excellent Online Dating Tips)* * *

Online dating has become more popular lately. There are a few safety factors that you might want to keep in mind, if you decide to online date. Educate yourself and become a smart online dater.

Free Online Dating

In the past I had shunned online dating. When talking with a few co-workers, I discovered that 2 of them said their parents had met online and were still together. I thought that was amazing. Although, that may not always be the case, Should you decide to try online dating, a few online dating tips you might want to take into consideration are as follows:

  1. Personal Identity
Take into account that you hope the person that you are talking to is who they say that they are. If you have never seen the movie tall hot blonde, you will want to watch it. A husband goes online pretending to be single and younger than he really is. It turned out the lady that he was talking to was not the “hotmama” from the picture that she sent him. He found out he was talking to the mother of a young lady that he thought was “hot.” His wife found out and was he ever in trouble. In this picture both people online were lying and deceiving each other.
If you have ever watched the picture Catfish, you will discover people seeking the help from the owner’s of the show because they feel there is something just not right about that online relationship that they are attempting to have. Some have even found out they thought they were talking to a male online only to find out it was a female. Now online so many people makeup fake identities and when discovered, just move on and create another fake identity.

  1. Background check
It never hurts to get a background check if you think you might be getting serious about a person. At various jobs you are required to have a background check, so why not get one on the person that you are dating? Most liars and con men are not going to come out and tell you that they are lying to you or that they just want your money. As I watched the Steve Harvey show a lady disclosed she had been dating a young man on line that said he was celibate for several years.  He also lied about several things concerning his work. She eventually discovered he had been celibate, because he had been in prison. I also know of several young ladies concerned about the man their mother was dating. They performed a background search on the man.

  1. Personal Information
According to onlinedating magazine.com, you want to be safe when dating online. Do not give out too much personal information such as your phone number and always meet in a public place on the first date.

  1. Separate Email Account
Online datingsafetytips.com suggests that you setup a separate email account from your personal and working accounts. This way you can isolate any inappropriate email and you want to be sure not to include your real name.

5.  FBI Official Site
Did you know that you can do a search of the person prior to dating online. They suggest searching at http://www.fbi.gov/scams-safety/registry. This search will search in 50 states. Do this in order to protect yourself from a potential sex offender.

Photo Caption: Pixabay


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