I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, June 28, 2019

What are Random Acts of Kindness?

Kindness is free. It is something that we as human beings desire. Kindness may come in different forms. Thank God you don’t have to pay for kindness with your money.

act of kindness

Several acts of kindness that I can think of are as follows:
1.Babysitting a day for free
2. Paying a bill for someone
I recall standing in line for an event with my grandchild. I was unaware that I had to pay. The line was long. The gentleman in front of me heard my conversation with my grandchild. As he paid for himself he also paid for me. I thought this was a nice gesture considering we did not know each other.

3. Taking someone to the grocery store
4. Volunteering
I found this interesting. According to Indy100.com Trump spent Martin Luther King holiday golfing at his Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. The Previous President Obama Volunteered doing acts of community service with his family. The Previous President George W. Bush made a surprise visit to the Cordozo High School in Washington DC and helps paint a mural in honor of Martin Luther King. Previous President Bill Clinton helped to tear down a wall to begin renovation of the Regency House, a senior health center On January 18th in Washington. I see these past President’s showing great examples of volunteering and acts of kindness. There are numerous ways you can volunteer.

5. Smile
A smile can do wonders for others. You never know what others are going through. Usually a smile is contagious. If you smile at someone, they usually will smile back at you. Especially children. Try smiling at a toddler and note the response.
6. Raking and Mowing Your Lawn
When you rake and mow your lawn, what about doing the same for your neighbor. An elderly neighbor would just love this. I recall a young boy that was using the snow blower to clear the sidewalk. The next thing I knew he had done the same for me and several other neighbors. I am sure he was just being kind, but his father was very upset. I could hear him telling him, “I told you to do our house, not everyone’s house in the neighborhood.” But I thought that was very generous of this young boy that thought he was doing a good deed. Indeed he did do good.
I just saw on the news a young man that travels all over the states to mow Veterans Lawns for free. He does this in an effort to help them. This is just awesome considering Veterans have given their lives on the battlefield for our safety.
I recall a Field Trip to Chicago as a child.in Kindergarten. We all needed to line up for the bathroom. One little boy could not wait. He had an accident in his pants. I recall feeling so sorry for him, but I did not know what I could do or say. He looked so sad. We were far away from home too. The teachers did not seem too sympathetic either. That was the bad part about it. He did not have a change of clothing. Although I did nothing then, as an adult I now think of things I could have said to console him at the time such as “everything will be okay” or you will be alright.”
7. Teachable Moments
I recall while on a playdate with my grandchildren. A little boy was about to hit one of the little girls playing with my grandchildren. She ran behind me for protection. He then told me, “She called me fat.” I then at that time used this as a teachable moment. I told the little girl whose mother had stepped away for a moment, “We do not call people out of their names.” “Tell him that you are sorry.” I knew her mother, so I knew her mother would have done the same. Sometimes children as well as adults may not realize at the time how unkind their words can be.
8. Tipping
A sense of performing an act of kindness can result in a sense of connection and satisfaction. I believe in giving a little extra for a tip when you have received good service. That is something that I will do, especially when I receive exceptional service. I recall during the holiday I gave a larger tip than normal, just because it was the holiday.
Long John Silver’s Restaurant has a large bell in it. They ask you to ring the bell as you leave if you received good service. I like that concept, because everyone that assists you may not be friendly or even kind.
9. Care Packages
There are many different types of care packages that can be made. Cancer Care Packages are greatly appreciated by patients. Those items could include money for the family, a free body massage at a parlor, natural soaps, or even just offering to clean house. Possibly you may want to give care packages to those in the military or a student that is away at college.
 Photo Caption: Commons Wikimedia.org.,
licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license 

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Antionette Blake said...

Yes, small acts of kindness doesn't cost a dime but it's worth a million! Happy 4th of July Holiday #TrafficJamWeekendLinkParty

Jennifer@MyFlagstaffHome said...

Such nice ideas for helping people. Thanks for inspiring us at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home! --Jennifer

Rhonda Gales said...

I love these ideas, and many are perfect for teens this summer. Thanks for sharing this great post. Thanks for sharing on Sunday's Best.