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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, December 3, 2018

The Blessings are On Us

Did you know there are benefits of blessings? Have you ever really thought about why people say, “God Bless You or gesundheit” after someone sneezes? Why not say it after someone coughs or hiccups aloud? I have been curious about that.

Be a Blessing

1. Sneezing

As you observe the picture above, the man sneezing should cover his sneeze, because as you can see many particles are expelled into the air. I recall someone sneezing. I did not say anything. That person immediately turned to me and said, "You did not say God Bless me." So I said it to appease them at the time. After I thought about it, I still wondered why people say it particularly after someone sneezes. I wanted to know what the significance was of is this, particularly at the time after a sneeze.

According to en.wikipedia.org., In the hope of fighting off the Bubonic Plague, Pope Gregory 1 in AD 590 ordered unending prayer and parades of chanters through the streets. Sneezing was thought to be early symptoms of the plague; it was thought that saying "God Bless You" would stop the disease.

2. Numbers 6:24

"The Lord bless thee and keep thee," is a scripture that can be used to bless others and bless you. In fact this has been a scripture that my Pastor would have our congregation repeat at the closing of the Sunday Service. I recall talking with a lady that shared she was raising her 4 grandchildren. I told her God will bless her for that. In fact, there are numerous grandparents in this decade that are raising their grandchildren for various reasons. It is natural for me to say "the Lord Bless you or bless you" at any given time, but not necessarily after someone sneezes. So do you say, "God bless you" after someone sneezes?

3. Godspeed

Ever here of the term “Godspeed?” According to yourdictionary.com it is defined as wishing someone success or good fortune.

3. Drugs
Psalms 127:3 Children are a blessing and a gift from God, yet there are children that are searching for something to help them feel good about themselves. Drugs are a temporary fix that can now be found early in the elementary schools. Blessing your children can give them that security blanket that they need. It can give them the stability so that they do not need to rely on drugs or a pimp. Blessings can also let your children know they are valued and loved by Jesus. Blessing can also give children the wisdom and knowledge to make wise choices in life. How awesome is that?

4. Give to the Poor-Proverbs 28:27

Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses.” There are those that give to the poor selflessly. There are so many different ways to help. You may see soup kitchens, churches giving away free clothing. I even recall there was a time our church gave away new free brand name coats to children and adults. Think of those that cannot afford insurance.

5. Water

Water and food is something that you may take for granted until you do not have any. After The Flint water was poisoned, it was a blessing for the many outsiders as well as the churches in the city, that came forward to help with bottled water. You see others in other countries line up for food and water, but after the Flint poisoning it felt almost like living in a third world country. The only difference is we may sit in line in our vehicles for several hours at a time to be given free bottled water.

I am thankful for the many blessings and promises given to me in the bible and most importantly I am thankful for Jesus. What are you thankful for today?  Will you share with us? What other topics would you like to hear about at Anointedtoday.blogspot.com?

Photo Caption:

Commons, wikimedia.org., Mr. Nguyen68, Creative Commons  Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.


Photo Caption:

Wikimedia.org., Public Domain

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1 comment:

Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

Interesting, did not know that about God bless you or gesundheit! Thanks so much for linking up with us at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 32! Shared ♥