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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Are You Overworked?

Do you know of employees that are overworked? Possibly you have overworked yourself at some point in time to make that overtime money. Was it worth it?


* * * Have You Exhibited Any of These Signs?* * *
A. You Lack Energy
B. You Have Trouble Falling Asleep
C. Your Forgetful
D. Your Replacing Sleep with Caffeine
According to psych2go.net if you have exhibited any of the above signs, possibly you are overworked.

* * Have you called in sick for work and you were not really sick? * *
1. Calling in Sick
According to Lauren Hockenson of mashable.com employees that are calling in sick more often or playing hooky possibly are signs that employees are overworking. She further adds that 52% of American workers admitted calling in sick when they were not ill. Can you relate to that? Are you so overworked that you call in sick just to get some rest?
A. Solution:
Are you able to take mini-vacations? Some workplaces have menus for work. Employees are able to buy or sell vacation days. I recalled when I first started working I would sell my vacation days because I wanted the extra money. Then as I got older that did a reverse. I would buy vacation days, because I wanted the time off. Can you identify with any of this?
B. Solution:
Some Employers are allowing their employees to work from home. This gives the employee more flexible time. There is no need to worry about commuting back and forth. The employee is working in the comfort of their own home.
2. Negotiate
Laura Stack of CNN.com talks about negotiating with your boss and prioritizing when you have too much work to do. I definitely agree with that. We also, must remember that we negotiate all of our lives about one thing or another.
3. Prioritize
I often recall prioritizing my work. I would decide what to do first, especially when there were timelines for some duties. Although with most businesses now when an employee leaves, they may not replace that employee, but rather give the workload to someone else or to several people in another department. They do this to try to save the company money. Most times adding more workload will during the course of time overwork employees.
Some of the managers may offer to help you with your work to see what you actually do. Many times they do not have a clue, because they are so busy going to meetings. I recall allowing my manager to do that with me. My co-workers just declared my manager slowed the process of our work.  I thought she probably did slow it up that day, but if I did not showed her, she would not have had a clue about all the workload that my co-workers and I had to do. She did try to come up with solutions to help ease the work load.  I was thankful for that too 
4. Look Somewhere Else
Possibly you have gone as far as you can with this employer. Maybe all the signs are there that the employer does not appreciate you. As far as loyalty goes, employees no longer stay at a job for 10 or 15 years. Instead, they may leave after 2-3 years for a better job opportunity. They may find a job where they can work smarter not harder.
5. Your Health
I do know that it affects your health. I recall working 7 days a week for a full year. I really loved the money, but I was so tired after working, I had no time to spend it, other than pay bills. I definitely did not have a social life. So there is definitely a down side to working all the time. According to En. Wikipedia.org., employees that work over-time experience higher tobacco and alcohol usage, prone to depression, loss of productivity, and much more. So you can do the math. Is it worth it to overwork yourself?
Photo Caption: Clip art Library

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Sylvia Graceforagypsy.com said...

Great post! So many of us have been overworked! Thanks for sharing up with us at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 32

Lee MacArthur said...

It is so easy to become overworked. Where I am, I can retire and use any unused sick leave to add time so I get more money. I plan to use it for another year.

Jennifer@MyFlagstaffHome said...

Great advice! Thanks for sharing with us at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home! --Jennifer