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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, March 14, 2019

What About Your Metabolism?

* * * 5 Things I Did Not Know * * *

Have you ever wondered how some people never seem to gain weight? Then there are others that fluctuate with their weight.

Fast Metabolism

There are those that have always been heavy most of their lives. How does your metabolism affect your weight?

I never realized it, but I believe I have a fast metabolism.

1. Fast metabolism

Did you know that you have a lot of control over your metabolic rate and that you can burn an extra 500 to 600 calories a day with proper exercise and eating properly? According to Mayo Clinic Staff, regular aerobic exercise is one of the most efficient ways to burn calories. These activities may include walking, bicycling and swimming. My favorite is walking. I cannot emphasize enough how important walking is to me. After thinking about this, I do know that I try to eat properly and I do exercise. I remember there was a time that I skipped breakfast and realized later that physically I felt horrible.   So I do realize the importance of breakfast as well.

2. Eat Often

How often do you eat? According to WebMd.com eating often like every 2 to 3 hours will speed up your metabolism, while skipping and eating less sends your metabolism into panic making it think it needs to store fat, because there is not enough food available. In addition, several studies have shown that people who snack regularly eat less at mealtime. I believe that makes sense. Although, I did not realize it, I tend to eat mini-meals for the most part. I also, love vegetables and fruits. I recall listening to a doctor that admitted his down fall was tostidos.  He said he really liked them, but if he ate too many his cholesterol would increase too high. So it is very important that you are aware of what you eat, when you are eating more often.

I recall a close friend of mine was on the heavy side. Her and I talked when we were children.   I recall her telling me when she felt bad she would turn to food to comfort her. I shared with her when I felt bad I would not eat, because the food did not taste the same and was not pleasurable at all. Isn’t that something how food can play such a vital role in our lives and how it affects each of us differently?

3. Exercise

I know personally that exercise definitely helps speed up the metabolism. Many times I will park my vehicle father away from my destination so that I can get that extra walking in. For example, when I go to the store I intentionally park farther away in the parking lot.

4. Calories

According to healthline.com the more calories you burn the easier it is to lose weight and kept it off. They also add that people who drink water instead of sugary drinks are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off. I know personally there are many smartphone apps that you can just take a picture of your meal and it will calculate how many calories are in it. This app is also good for those times that you may eat out and have concern about your calorie intake. A new free app that I use on my smartphone is Myfitnesspal. I also like that there is a community associated with this app where you can ask questions or give suggestions to others.

A. * * * Water* * *

You probably never think about the importance of water. When our Flint water was poisoned everyone really thought about it then. We sometimes take for granted that water is a free privilege that we should have. We use water for bathing and cooking as well. Thank God we had awesome people that gave donations and delivered free bottled water to us. We are still receiving bottled water, because all the lead pipes still have not been replaced. Also, note someone has said that the Federal guidelines for lead in the water of all United States are too low.  This makes you think even more about the importance of water.

5. Sleep

According to Psychologytoday.com  when you sleep less, your body starts to burn calories at a slower rate to preserve energy. They further add that if you want to burn fat and wake up less hungry when dieting, sleep more. . . 8.5 hours a night to be exact.

How much sleep are you getting? Are you getting enough sleep. How many hours per night do you sleep?

I have discovered that although I cannot control everything regarding my metabolic rate, the 5 things discussed above are a few things that I can control.

Photo Captions: Pixabay

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Amy @ The Quiet Homemaker said...

Thank you for the great information! It is so easy to skip some of these things, but I know that I need to be better at taking care of my body at times!

Stopping by from #TuneInThursday



Joanne said...

I used to follow an eating plan that had me eating mini meals every three hours that included a lean protein, a vegetable, and a whole grain carb; I lost weight so easily!! I was rarely hungry so it made it nice and easy to sick to what I had planned out meal wise... then I had kids and it all sort of went out the window.

Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

Thanks so much for linking up with us at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 33! Shared ♥