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I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, January 1, 2018

How to Be Intentional in 2018. . . 5 Things You Need to Know

Are you focused? Are you intentional? There are ways to be intentional. Do you let others decide what your day will be about? Will you be intentional this year? Why not start making a plan to be more intentional.

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Living Intentional 

****A few tips are listed below on being intentional in 2018****

“For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” That is so awesome. Did you know there are several things that you can do to be intentional because God gives you freewill. You can have purposeful living. It is possible.

1. Sleep Habits

Do you have trouble getting a good night's sleep? Do you sometimes just toss and turn? Do you decide to just lay there. Possibly there are good sleeping habits that you can use to help you get a good night's sleep. I have found that during days I may have trouble falling asleep repeating bible scriptures that I have memorized is really helpful and soothing to me as well. I know personally that it is important to not deviate from you regular sleep schedule, because a couple of times I would deviate and stay up late watching a movie. I discovered that was a big mistake. It usually compromised my immune system and I would end up getting sick. Sometimes it is hard to stick to this schedule because there is so much I want to do and especially in the wintertime when the days are shorter there is just not enough time in a day. That old cliche “Rome wasn’t built in a day” makes sense. I have come to the realization that what does not get done today will have to be done tomorrow or the day after.

2. Gratefulness

Do you express your gratefulness. Of course things may not be as great as you had anticipated, but look around. Think of those that are less fortunate than you. I recall as a young child when I lived with my father, we did not have a car. That did not matter to me, because we could take the bus or the train to where we wanted to go. As I watched Judge Mabel and one of her cases, it was so sad to see this young woman taking her mother to court. She was very ungrateful and did not even seen the sacrifices that her mother had made so that she would be where she is at now. This young woman was very focused on appearances. She actually felt she was better than her mother. Had it not been for her mother she would not have been here today. Think of those that were not able and are not able to get an education. Think about those that are living in shelters or even just living in their cars because of circumstances. Circumstances can affect everyone. Be grateful for what you have.

3. Exercise

I cannot emphasize enough about making exercise a priority.
Are you intentional by exercising? Did you know that increasing the blood flow nourishes the skin cells? According to Web MD, besides nourishing the skin it keeps the skin cells vital. In addition, they emphasize that exercise is important to healthy skin and increasing the blood flow helps flush cellular debris out of the system. I walk several days a week and find that it is quite beneficial to me. It is not too late to improve your circulatory system. Why not start today?
About 600,000 Americans die from heart disease each year according to The Center for Disease and Health Prevention. In addition, they add that coronary heart disease kills more than 385,000 people annually. That is a lot of people.
4. Kindness

Did you know that kindness is infectious? Do you just wait until Veterans Day to honor a vet? I recall my husband and I going into the store. Before he could grab the door a nice lady took the door and said, “No you go in first and thanks for protecting our country.” My husband had on his veteran's cap. This was how she knew he was a veteran. It was totally unexpected, but I could tell my husband really appreciated it.

I also recall one day my husband and I was at an event out of town. This man approached my husband and said, “Welcome home here is $100.00. Take you and your
wife out to dinner.” I thought that was so sweet and very unexpected.

5. Increase Spiritual Feeding

Just as you feed your physical body the spiritual needs to be fed as well. I will be intentional to feed by body the word of God, which will be essential for my emotional well being. This brings to mind when I was talking with a friend regarding an episode in my life. The great thing about my friend is that she told me what the word of God says about it. Then made it clear this is not what she was saying, but showed me scripture as to what God said about it. I will always value that advice. 

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Angie said...

Love this article! thanks for reminding me to live with intent.

Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond said...

Great tips and very timely to start the New Year well. Thanks for sharing with us at #BloggersPitStop.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Sue.

Dr. Elise Ho said...

Happy New Year to you. Thanks for sharing at the no rules link party at www.askdrho.com

anointedtoday said...

Thank you Dr. Elise.

Rhonda Gales said...

These are great tips to implement in the New Year. Thanks for sharing on Sunday's Best.

aginglikeafinewine.com said...

Each one of these are wise and beneficial tips! Thank you for sharing at Party in Your PJ's!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks aginglikeafinewine.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks aginglikeafinewine.