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Saturday, March 22, 2025

7 Reasons to Eat the Rainbow?

Why Eat the Rainbow? My answer to that is why not eat the rainbow? Did you know that a healthy eating lifestyle is vital to your health and can make all the difference in your body?

Just to See You Smile:


The Rainbow Connection


1. Plant Based Foods

Did you know that God originally intended for humans to eat only plant based foods? Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seen to you it shall be for meat. Even though this is stated clearly in the Bible and even though there are several other scriptures that note the animal meat that should be eaten by humans, man seemingly still needs to see scientific proof as to the why and how of it all.

2. Sweet Peppers

Sweet peppers are a new addition to my diet. They are an excellent way to eat the rainbow. I never knew how beneficial they could be to my diet. Besides being so colorful and delightful to the eye they are delightful to the body as well. As I listened to the book “Hack Your Body Heal Your Body by Kimberly Wilson, I was amazed when she talked about giving your body a vita chemical infused soup. She talked about how the colorful vegetables of red, yellow, and green were loaded with polyphenals and carotids which are so good for your body. Now I understand why there are those that say do not throw away left over vegetables, but rather freeze them and later use them for making soup.

Did you know that sweet peppers also known as bell peppers are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and Fibers? talks about this. They further added that peppers are a good source of Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin E, and Fiber.

I love the mini sweet peppers. They come in a package and you usually will find red, yellow, and orange peppers in the package. Also, there is the traditional green bell pepper. I have used them in sphaghetti meat sauce, turkey soup, chili, and baked chicken. The flavor that they give the food is awesome. The added bonus to this is that they are nutritional as well.

3. Seeds in the Sweet Peppers

Can You Eat Bell Pepper Seeds? According to yes you can eat bell pepper seeds, but some may choose not to eat seeds inside due to personal preference, texture, or a bitter taste. I have not tried them with the seeds I usually remove the seeds, but if any of you use the seeds let me know how you like it.

4. Colors of the Sweet Peppers

Are some sweet peppers sweeter than others? Yes of course some sweet peppers are sweeter than others. The California Wonder red peppers are the sweetest, the orange sun peppers have a healthy orange and are very sweet, the purple beauty are fun to use raw in salads, and the bright yellow are excellent for roasting or stuffing for a beautiful presentation. They are all talked about at Now do not forget the green bell pepper which you can also use raw in salads. I have tried that and I love it. I love eating the rainbow. Green peppers can also be found as a choice on many of your pizza dishes.

5. Paint Your Plate

Did you know that you can try to include as many plant-based colors in your meals and snacks as possible. This is according to They further suggest make servings that are not that big, think in twos, eat two servings in the morning, two in the afternoon, and two at night, snacks count also, when you shop look at your cart, dine out colorfully starting with a cup of vegetable soup, look local to your farmers markets, and frozen produce is okay too. I could not agree more. I especially buy frozen vegetables as opposed to canned vegetables and when possible fresh vegetables are a must.

I recall shopping and just looking at other’s shopping carts. Have you ever done this? You will be amazed at what some people are buying. I observed one person’s cart mainly had cartons of Mountain Dew and Pepsi Cola. Possibly they were having a party and possibly they were not having a party.

6. More Benefits of Eating the Rainbow

Eating the rainbow is not just eating colorful vegetables, but eating colorful fruit as well. talks about eating the reds which carry anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, and help lower heart disease and certain cancers, eating yellow and orange supports eye health, eating green lowers the risk of cancer and heart disease, eating blue and purple may help improve brain function, neurological disorders, and type 2 diabetes, and whites and browns lower risk of heart disease, colon cancer, and other cancers.

7. My Testimony

I recall when I attempted to stop smoking. It was not easy for me. I tried numerous times before actually quitting. I discovered that besides bible scripture and praying I needed something to do with my hands instead of having a cigarette in it. I kept a rainbow of raw vegetables with me most of the time. I would snack on them. Raw vegetables are a great source of nutrients for your body. This really helped me. It also helped me develop a new good habit. There are good habits available to you. Most of the time they are right in front of you. I remembered my Pastor always spoke about getting to the root of a problem. That stuck in my mind as well.


Everything to know about bell peppers


Can You Eat Bell Pepper Seeds?


The Home Gardener’s Guide to Sweet Bell Pepper Colors and Flavors


Phytonutrients: Paint your plate with the colors of the rainbow


Benefits of Eating the Rainbow


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Boost Your Memory


Is Seedless Fruit Better?


Benefits of a Good Salad





Monday, March 17, 2025

How To Keep Your Memory Sharp

Did you know that it is important to renew your mind and to do all that you can to keep your mind in shape? Your mind serves so many functions to the rest of your body.

Did You Know?



1. A Forgotten Thought

Where does a thought go when it is forgotten? According to thoughts and memories that have been long-forgotten, may be accessed again when you have strong enough information to activate those same groups of neurons. They further add that smells in particular, can be quite evocative and able to bring back memories that have been forgotten. I could not agree more with this. I recall a certain fragrance of perfume one of my aunts used to wear. Whenever I smell that fragrance it brings back memories of her. I also remember a certain type of cigar my father smoked that had a sweet aroma too it.

Have you ever smelled a cologne that someone was wearing and it reminded you of a deceased spouse or friend?

2. Music

You can improve your memory. What important role does music play in memory? Have you recalled hearing a song that you used to listen to when you were a teenager? Does that bring back memories? Have you ever found yourself humming or singing a tune throughout your day that you just can not seem to get it out of your head? Some tunes just seem to stay with you. Do you remember when the song came out, “Don’t Worry, be happy?” That was a catchy tune that everyone seemed to like and to remember as well. I know I remembered it well.

Did you know that music stimulates your limbic system, which is responsible for your emotions and body parts that process sounds., talks about this. They also added that music is often used in therapy as it can help to access memories that might otherwise be impossible to remember again.

I recall at one of my Pastor’s Banquets he wanted the young people to dance. When the song Happy by Pharrell Williams was played all of the young people were dancing, but dancing in their own unique styles. I observed as they danced before him it was like dancing for a King. It was amazing to see the unique individuality of each child dancing. Also, it was even more amazing when each child came to the adult table and brought the parents up to dance. We were not expecting that so that was a total surprise for the parents as well. Yes I was up there dancing with my grandchildren. I had a ball. Now when I hear that song Happy I think about my Pastor’s Banquet.

3. Types of Memory

Did You Know that there are three main types of memory? The sensory memory is stored for a very brief period of time no longer than a half-second for visual information, short-term memory (also known as) active memory is the information we are currently aware of, and long-term memory refers to the continuing storage of information. talks about this. They further added that you can improve your memory by doing the following:

a. write it down

b. attach meaning to it

c. repeat it

d. group it

e. test yourself

f. take a mental picture

g. get enough rest

h. use memorization techniques

Do any of the above sound familiar to you? I can really identify with writing it down. I find that I do remember much better when writing things down as oppose to typing it on the computer or my notepad.

4. More Ways to Improve Memory

You can protect your memory? Are there ways to improve your memory? You can improve your memory by being physically active every day, staying mentally active, spending time with others, stay organized, sleep well, eat a healthy diet, and manage chronic health problems. Talks about this.

Have there been times that you went to one room to get or do something and discovered that you forgot what it was? You are not alone. Have there been times you did not remember whether you locked your car door? You are not alone. You cannot remember everything all of the time. Being active and staying active as much as possible is very important. Have you observed that many patients that have procedures done in the hospital are usually up the next day walking around? Even mother’s that have babies. Research has found that the sooner a patient is up after surgery is important to that person’s healing. Research has also shown that doing many procedures on an outpatient basis can be better for a patient as oppose to staying in the hospital several days.

5. Teaching

You can maintain your memory. Can you improve your memory by teaching others? Teaching others forces you to be on your A game! You can explain a single concept or prepare a mini lesson for others or when your students challenge you with questions, they are dong you a favor by increasing mental connections and enhancing your depth of knowledge. Armyresillience. talks about this. They also suggest testing yourself by simply reading and reviewing information. This will provide a sense of knowing the material when your really do not know it. It forces yourself to recall information.

6. Forgetfulness

Are you forgetful? As I mentioned earlier you may not remember every single thing. Did you know that learning a new skill and following a daily routine can be helpful with forgetfulness? This is according to They further add the importance of staying involved in activities that can help both the mind and the body and interacting with friends and family. Interacting with friends and family is so important, because ofttimes people may have a tendency to isolate or simply withdraw. Friends and family can be so important to combat that tendency to isolate.


Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten?


Why Are Songs Associated With Memories?


What Is Memory?


Healthy Aging


Maximize Your Study Efforts with Memory Hacks


Memory Problems, Forgetfulness, and Aging


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Love Is Action; A Verb


Do You Know the Benefits of Touch?


Touch Since the Pandemic




Saturday, March 8, 2025

Let’s Talk About Random Acts of Kindness (OMG)

When you think about random acts of kindness the list could go on and on. Sometimes the smallest acts can yield great rewards.

Did You Know?


1. Edification

Did you know that your kind words can build up another person? Because you do not always know what a person may be going through, kinds words can be very uplifting. For example, can you remember a time when you were feeling very bad? Then someone may have said kind words to you and you forgot that you had been feeling bad. Sometimes you may be your worst enemy. Sometimes have you found yourself condemning yourself or putting yourself down? That is one of the worst things that you can do. Examples of edification phases are as follows:

a. I believe in you

b. I appreciate you

c. You are an inspiration

Ephesians 4:29 talks about this. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen.”

2. Church Full of Sick People

Did you know that the church is full of sick people? Not necessarily physically sick, but emotionally and spiritually? Have you ever heard someone say, “I will get saved when I stop smoking, or drinking, or when I get my life together?" The only problem with that is that there is no perfect one, no not one. Romans 3:10 “There is no one righteous, not even one.”

Did you know that you are unique and that there is no other like you? What could you say to someone that feels they need to get their life together before even coming to church?

a. God wants you to come just as you are

b. God will clean you up

By telling someone that, that could be one of the kindness acts you could do. You probably have never thought of it as an act of kindness.

Each person has unique gifts and talents possibly that no one else has. That person may not see that in themselves. If you take a good look you can find honest and earnest things about individuals. Examples of phrases of acts of kindness in this situation could be as follows:

a. You have inspired me

b. I am so glad that I met you and got to know you

I remember someone telling me, “Please let your daughter know that I was so blessed to have met her.” I did convey that to my daughter who otherwise would have had no idea. I recall someone sharing a testimony of their life with me. I could not help but to tell her, “That is an awesome testimony and you truly blessed me by sharing that with me.” I say that to say that you may look at someone and not realize or even know the struggles that they have been through in their life. When they share their testimony that is an act of kindness to others to let them know they are are not alone. Knowing that you are not alone is truly a big act of kindness when you think about it.

3. Positives vs Negatives

Do you know how many positives are needed to outweigh a negative? According to research continues to suggest that it takes at least three positive interactions to outweigh one negative interaction. They further added that some studies recommend an even greater amount of praise, reporting that five to one and seven to one ratios are necessary for achieving and maintaining a healthy and productive feedback relationship. This is another reason why random acts of kindness in any form is so beneficial to individuals.

When you go about your daily routine and encounter others, you don’t know how much negativity that they have already encountered. When you turn the television on there is negativity in the news reports or neighbors may be arguing with each other. Negativity may just be all around. A random act of kindness to someone may be just the kindness that person needs at just the right time. Words are so powerful. You do not have to have a lot of money to perform a random act of kindness. Sometimes just giving a person a smile can be so uplifting to them.

4. Problem Solving

Are you a problem solver? Did you know as long as you live in this world you will have some type of problem? Sometimes a random act of kindness will solve that person’s problem or dilemma for that moment. For example:

a. yielding the right away when driving and the traffic is heavy.

I recall when my husband and I traveled to Memphis, this one particular exit we were attempting to get on was difficult. Sadly none of the driver’s would yield to us. I guess everyone was in a rush to get where they were going. Although this probably happens in various states and is not unusual. It was very dis-concerning to me. Even though no one yielded we were eventually able to get over to the exit. I say this to say how much does it hurt to yield to another in traffic. I am very thankful for people that have yielded to me in traffic and I usually give them a “nod” or “high-five.” To say, “Thank you.” These are small acts of kindness that we sometimes never think about, but we should.

5. How Does It Makes You Feel?

a. Appreciated

I have mentioned this before. The first time someone told me that they appreciated it, it was the best feeling in the world, mainly because I did not expect it and I did not feel that I did that much. Telling someone that you honestly appreciate them may make all the difference in the world to that person.

I recall injuring my ankle and walking on a cane. As I came to the door a gentleman open the door for me. I could not help but tell him, “Thank you; I appreciate you.”  I also recall a man in  a wheelchair opening the door for me when my ankle was not injured.  I really appreciated that and I told that to the nice gentleman.  

Random acts of kindness will make you feel good and the acts are beneficial to the giver as well as the receiver. It is what I call a win/win situation. What do you think?


Three Positives For Every One Constructive


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Love Is an Action Verb


Boost Your Memory


Antisemitism in America




Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Why Believe In God?

 Why believe in God is a good question, because there are those that clearly do not believe in God, but believe in themselves or science. Sometimes there is no explanation as to why things happen. Sometimes even doctors admit that they have done all they can do.

*** Good News***

Why Not Believe In God?  God is Great.

1. Pray In School

Do you remember when prayer was taken out of the schools? According to prayer was taken out of schools in 1962 because it violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment, yet if you look at our paper money and our coins it states clearly, “In God We Trust.” Although everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, the fact is there are those that do not believe in prayer.

I recall a principle at one of the high schools confided in me that even though prayer was taken out of the schools she would get up early in the morning before school started and walked the halls praying. This was her individual prayer. Even though it was taken out of the schools she still was committed to praying.

I recall another incident regarding a school field trip involving myself and my grandson. We were outside at a table about to eat. I realized prayer was not allowed in the schools. So I asked my grandson to bow his head and I prayed allowed quietly. To my surprise after finishing praying everyone at the table had stopped what they were doing and said, “Amen.” I had no idea they were listening. I guess that old saying that you never know who is watching you is true. I never knew.

2. Faith

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. Faith gives you something to hope for. How many times have you seen people just give up on life or even just give up on others? When the doctors have said they have done all they can do, you can be reassured that God is supernatural and can do what no man can do. How many times have you heard people say it is a miracle, we don’t know the how or what but it is? Have you seen babies that they call miracle babies? Babies that defy all odds, that were given only so many days or so many years to live, yet they lived much longer than the time that doctors predicted? I personally know of a miracle baby that lived many years and beat all odds.  

I have twin grandchildren. The one twin weighed 5 pounds when born, yet the other twin was 2 ½ pounds. Today they are both healthy and the 2 ½ pound twin is tall and solid.


3. Jealous God

Exodus 34:14. For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Before starting a project or before doing anything major do you pray to God or is the praying done in reverse order. Do you pray after starting when things are not going as well. You are not alone. I must admit I have done this also in the wrong order. God made us in his own image. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. He wants to hear from you when things are going well not just when things are going bad. Just like those that are mothers and fathers. We love our children, but we also love hearing from them when things are going well not just when there is a problem.

4. Hope

Believing in God gives us hope for tomorrow. I believe that God is Great. Have you seen patients in the hospital on their death beds holding on until that 1 child could come and see them 1 last time before death. You wonder how do they hold on. They have hope. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

5. Atoms

According to you can’t see atoms with the naked eyes, but we know they exist. Someone once said God has no phone, but they talk to him, God has no Facebook but he is still their friend, and God has no Twitter but they still follow him. When you believe in God you will talk to Him and follow Him.

6. Believing

For those that do not believe in God their may come a time in your life when you are in a situation that is dependent on God and only he can help you. As a young child there was a time in my life I was in a household of drinkers and fighters. I was constantly in prayer, because I did not want anyone to be killed. Thank God no one was ever killed, but living in the fear of that constantly caused me to be dependent on God more than ever. It also caused me to always remember how far he has brought me.

7. Curious

At a very young age I observed my neighbors always going to church. My father nor my grandmother went to church. So I wanted to know what was church all about. After only going one time, I knew that I loved church. I would really pray during the service. I already believed in God because we only had 1 book in our house that was the Bible. So I started reading it early. I did, however, find out later that there were different religions. I had no idea my first church was Methodist until many years later when I attended a baptist church. Also, my sister attended a sanctified church. I was amazed at how many different churches existed, but there was one common theme that was God. I never stopped believing. Again there are those that believe in God and others that may not believe until an incident or something drastic happens in their life, but these are reasons to believe.

8. Emptiness

Have you ever felt that you have done all you can do, but still felt empty? Have you been with a crowd of people, but still felt lonely? That type of emptiness is something that only God can fill. Have you been in a storm of problems or circumstances and felt there was not way out, but after reading God’s word discovering that God can give you a peace that the world cannot give. The Joy of the Lord is reassuring.   Even in the midst of the storm you can still feel peace within. That is God. Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


The First Amendment Encyclopedia


On Seeing Atoms.


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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Great Tips About Your Hippocampus

Do you know the importance of your brain? Did you know that within your brain you have the ability to make decisions? Are you making wise decisions?

Did You Know?


1. The Hippocampus

Do you know what the hippocampus is? The hippocampus is a small part of the brain that has a big job to help you learn and remember. This is mentioned at, They further added that besides learning your hippocampus is responsible for short-and long-term memory, visual-spatial memory (remembering the position of your body in relation to nearby objects), verbal memory (remembering the right words to say), and declarative (or explicit) memory (the recollection of facts or experiences).

2. The Anatomy of the Hippocampus

Where is the hippocampus located in the brain? It is located in the medial temporal lob of the brain, underneath the cortical surface and it’s structure is divided into two halves which lie in the left and right sides of the brain. This organ is said to be curved with a shape that resembles a seahorse and the name is derived from a coupling of the Greek words “hippo” for horse and “kampos” for sea. Dr. Ananya Mandal, MD talks about this at She further adds that the hippocampus was first referred to by Venetian anatomist Julius Caesar Aranzi in 1587.

3. Exercise

Does exercise keep your mental “muscles” in good shape? According to physical exercise, cognitive training, nutrition, better sleep and meditation play vital roles to strengthen your mental muscles. Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

The renewing of your mind is a daily thing; not just weekly, monthly, or yearly.

Although computers and the internet are everywhere reading and meditating on scriptures in the bible are still of great importance.

4. Too Much Computer Time

Is too much computer time Bad for your Brain?  Did you know that the brain is elastic and it can change and grow? talks about how your brain can become addicted to the fast-paced, instantaneous give-and-take of the high-speed, connected, online world. They further added it can cause issues where learning is concerned. I can see how that can happen. Have you thought about how much you rely on the internet?

If you want to know something do you just automatically look it up on the internet? Whereas you probably used to go the library, now the library is at your finger tips within seconds. 1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order. Sometimes too much or too little of anything can be disastrous. In fact, have you noticed that much of what science has proven has already been talked about in the Bible and that it is nothing new?

5. Hand Notes Versus Digital Notes

Which is better hand notes versus digital notes? My Pastor has always emphasized taking hand notes. I now know why. Many in the church now are using computers for notes and reading scriptures. emphasizes that the main advantage of handwritten notes lead to better conceptual understanding and retention and the writing by hand slows down the note-taking process, allowing students to process and reframe information in their own words, which enhances learning.

I also have observed that when I grocery shop with a list on my cellphone I tend to forget or miss something, whereas if I make a handwritten list I am less likely to overlook an item. That has been my observation.

6. Memory

Have you ever misplaced your glasses? I recall someone stating they could not find their glasses. Finally several people told him your glasses are on top on your head. They were not on his eyes. This all is a part of remembering where did you put your glasses and when did you do it?

I attended a funeral recently. A young man of about age 50 talked about his father of 81-years that just passed away. He emphasized that even though his father was 81-years, his father’s mind was very sharp and very intact. I thought to myself that is such a blessing. Also observe that I stated, “Young man of age 50.” Depends on what stage you are in life this may determine what you consider old. Think about from the day you are born you start aging. I recall my 11 year old daughter was at the babysitter’s house and became very upset because a 6-year-old boy told her he liked older women. She took it as an insult and told him she was only 11-years-old. What she did not realize was the 6-year-old considered her to be older.

7. Ways to Improve Your Hippocampus Function

Can you improve your hippocampus function? You sure can. You can improve your hippocampus function by learning something new, exercising, eating fish, drinking coffee, eating blueberries, stimulating your brain, eating dark chocolate, practice mindfulness, switching things up, and taking advantage of e-learning. talks about this.

I particularly like the one about switching things up. I sometimes switch the direction that I might go to a store. I sometimes switch up the order that I might do my housework. I have sometimes even practiced switching which hand that I write with. Instead of writing with my dominant right hand I will purposely use my left hand. That does feel weird too. You should try it. I sometimes brush my teeth before my shower, but then I might switch up and brush my teeth after my shower. Switching things up can feel good also. When I walk I sometimes change the time from 20 minutes to 30 or sometimes even an hour. It is never the same. I hope you find these few hippocampus tips helpful.




What is the Hippocampus?


A Workout for your brain


Too Much Computer Time Can Be Bad For Your Brain


Digital Noes vs Paper Notes for 2025: Benefits of Taking Notes by Hand

 10 Ways to Improve Your Hippocampus Function


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Why Believe in God?


The Power of Listening


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Monday, February 17, 2025

7 Intriguing Creators to Be Mentioned During Black History

Do you realize that you are living History right now. There are numerous Black people that have had an impact in our society today. I would like to talk about a few of them.

Did You Know:

Hugs can be returned without a receipt.


1. No. 44. Barac Obama

Barac Obama was the 44th President of the United States. He is still living. His father was from Kenya and his mother from Kansas. He was born August 4, 1961 in Hawaii. President Obama’s years of public service are based around his unwavering belief in the ability to unite people around a politics of purpose. In the Illinois State Senate, he passed the first major ethics reform in 25 years, cut taxes for working families, and expanded health care for children and their parents. I can say that I am a past recipient of the health care because Insurance costs were so high they were just not affordable for living.

President Obama and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two daughters, Malia and Sasha. This is talked about at Did you know that he was also elected to a 2nd term? He spent 8 years in the white house. I never imagined that I would see a color of person like me in the White House during my lifetime. I am so proud and honored to have witnessed this historical time. As my grandson once said he wants to grow up and become President so he can make changes in the world. I do not doubt what he has said either.

2. Minnie Martin

Minnie Martin founded Martin Leasing in 1978. I originally knew her as Minnie Williams. I remember as a young girl going with her and Mt. Calvary Baptist Church to an Amusement Park. This was my first Amusement Park that I ever attended. I loved it and I remember she was a very caring person. I am so proud and honored to have known her. Federation of Canada’s Post talks about her also. They emphasized that she was an ex-General Motors employee at AC Delco, 1988 Martin Leasing Co. was incorporated, 1997 in August Minnie Martin passed away. As of 2003 Martin Leasing changed its name to Martin Transportation Systems, Inc. (MTS). Now in 2024 the company has a fleet of over 1,100 trucks and employs over 2,500 truck drives and support staff. Currently owned by Richard E. Johnston and it’s a family run company.

3. Polly Irungu, American Photographer and Journalist

This woman, a Black inventor, founded Black Women Photographers, a global network aimed at promoting and assisting Black women photographers. She was also the photo editor for the office of the previous, United States Vice President Kamala Harris. She was born in Nairobi, Kenya, moved to the United States at the age of 4, and was raised in both Kansas and Oregon., talks about this. Irungu worked at McDonald’s in high school and saved to buy her first camera. Irungu practice portrait photography using her brother as her model. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in journalism from the University of Oregon in 2017. some of her work was featured in a Nasdaq campaign dubbed, Amplifying Black Voices, documenting Black Lives, in 2020.

4. Bessie Blount Griffin (1914-2009)

Bessie Blount Griffin, a Black creator, was born in the community of Hickory, in Princess Anne County (later the city of Chesapeake), where she attended a one-room segregated school. Can you imagine being punished for writing with your left hand? Well she was punished and she then taught herself to write by holding a pencil in her teeth and feet, which is a technique she later taught to servicemen who had suffered amputations. Talks about this. Bessie worked with wounded soldiers during World War II, which led her to invent an apparatus that enable amputees to feed themselves. The size was impractical so she developed a portable version for which she received a patent in 1951. Unfortunately the United States Veterans Administration had no interest in manufacturing it and Bessie turned over her patent rights to the french government for use in military hospitals. In the 1960’s she began working in law enforcement as a forensic scientist detecting forged documents. In her 80’s Bessie continued to operate as a forensic science consultant, verifying the authenticity of documents related to slavery, the Civil war, and Native American treaties with the United States.

5. George Crum (1824-19140)

Have you ever wondered who invented the potato chips that you eat? Crum, a chef and restaurateur, is said to have unintentionally created the potato chip during the summer of 1853. According to this was in response to a customer who sent back their fried potatoes after complaining they were too thick. They further added that the crisps were an instant hit, and Crum never patented the creations. Today chips are the world’s favorite snack. Also, they are just one of my favorites as well. What about you?

6. Percy Lavon Julian (1899-1975)

A big part of Black History is Percy Lavon Julian. Have you ever heard of a synthesized drug called physostigmine? According to Percy Lavon Julian he synthesized the drug called physostigmine, which is used to treat glaucoma. They also added that he discovered how to mass produce cortisone and the steroid progesterone, which was used to produce sex hormones.

7. Annie Turnbo Malone (August 9, 1877-May 10, 1957)

Annie was born in Metropolis, Illinois, the daughter of Robert and Isabella Turnbo, who had formerly been enslaved. She was born on a farm near Metropolis in Massac County, Illinois, the tenth of eleven children. According to, she took a particular interest in chemistry, but because of frequent illness, she was forced to withdraw from classes. While out of school she practiced hairdressing with her sister. With expertise in both chemistry and hair care she began to develop her own hair-care products. 

At that time many women used goose fat, heavy oils, soap, or bacon grease to straighten their curls, which damaged both scalp and hair. In the 1900 she developed different hair-care products and manufactured her own line of non-damaging hair straighteners, special oils, and hair-stimulant products for African-American women. 

She opened her first shop in 1902 and recruited many women whom she trained to sell her products. One of her selling agents was Sarah Breedlove Davis later known as Madam C.J. Walker. This brings to my memory when I was a teenager I was sent to a Cosmetology School to get my hair straightened. I remember some of the hair dressers were better than others. I had always been very tender-headed and I hated for this one hair-dresser to do my hair. It was very painful. I now remember her having the straightening comb so hot that she burned much of my hair, but then I did not realize they were learning and in training.

These are just a few of the many Intriguing Black Creators that I have mentioned today. There are many Black contributors throughout the years that have given so many contributions to our world.


President Barac Obama

 Minnie Martin

 Polly Irungu

 Bessie Blount Griffin (1914-2009)

 15 African-American Inventors to Remember This Black History Month and Beyond

 Annie Turnbo Malone


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