I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, October 17, 2022

October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month

This month is celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Although this is the month, awareness can be celebrated throughout the year.


Good Tips- Did You Know?

You must see my Breast Cancer Awareness Idea Pin shown below:

Breast Cancer Awareness Month


1. Why Wear Pink?

Do you know why pink is worn for Breast Cancer Awareness? Pink is feminine, gentle, caring color- the exact opposite of breast cancer; Invasive, aggressive, indiscriminate according to breastcancernow.org., It is further stated it represents fear of breast cancer, yet hope for the future and it became a symbol for breast cancer in 1992 for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the United States.

2. Cancer Freebies Resources

Did you know that you can get Cancer grants ranging from $200-$5,000 or more, free scholarships are available for Cancer survivors to return to school, free vacations and day trips are available, free transportation and housing are available, and much more according to cancercarrenews.com.

3. More Breast Cancer Resources

There are numerous Breast Cancer Resources available to you including the Inflammatory Breast Cancer-International Consortium, Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance Network, Male Breast Cancer Coalition, and several more that can be found at mibcc.org.

4. Gift Basket

You Can create your own gift basket for a Cancer Patient by including a blanket, snacks or vitamins, stress relievers such as a candle or coloring books, or self-care items such as Vaseline or chap stick. These ideas can be found at makingtimeformommy.com.

5. Chemo Care Gift Basket

Have you considered a Chemo Care Gift Basket? According to momsplanitvacationblog.com you may want to include hand sanitizer, lotion, tissues, a good book, chemo tote bag, water bottle, Seat belt Pillow for in the car, dining gift cards, warm socks, neck pillow, mouth rinse (biotene), and hand written notes.

6. Breast Cancer: Statistics

Did you know that according to cancer.net currently there are more than 3.8 million women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States.

7. 10 Symptoms of Breast Cancer-International

Do You Know the 10 Symptoms of Breast Cancer? They are as follows:

1. Lump in the Breast

2. Skin Changes

3. Swelling

4. Discharge from the Nipple

5. Breast Pain

6. Insomnia

7. Fatigue

8. Digestive Problems

9. Shortness of Breath

10. Difficulty Walking and Sitting

8. Chemo Port Pillow

Should you decide to make a Chemo Port Pillow createtodotate.org explains how to make one.

9. Breast Cancer and Deodorants

According to cancer.org. Parabens found in some beauty products including deodorants has been a major concern that it causes cancer. The reasoning is that Parabens absorb through the skin and the estrogen properties mimic estrogen which is the female hormone to cause breast cells normal and cancerous to divide. In addition, an oncologist told me that the reason for treating breast cancer so aggressively in young women is because cancer will feed off of their estrogen hormone. That was news to me. I just did not know that.

10. Cleaning for a Reason

Have you heard of this service? Cleaning for a Reason. This is a nonprofit organization that offers maid services free of charge. This service has been around since 2006 and is offered throughout the United States and Canada.

11. Social Media

Talk it up on social media. There are so many more social media platforms today such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, your blog or website, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google Plus, Utube, and much more.

I love https://www.pinterest.com/anointedtoday/breast-cancer-awareness/ Pinterest as a great source. I have a breast cancer awareness Group Board. It is listed below:


                             Breast Cancer Awareness

Just type ADD in the comments at Pinterest should you decide that you want to join. It is free. There are so many rich full pins here. Since this is a group board I have several awesome contributors that I cannot thank enough. Although I receive much of my traffic from Pinterest. Lately I have started getting a lot of traffic from Instagram. I am thankful for that as well.

12. Knit and Crochet

Do you know how to knit or crochet? Are you aware that you can make hats to donate to the cancer institute? Also, you can crochet or knit blankets. These hats are used by chemotherapy patients, who lose their hair during chemotherapy. The blankets are used during their chemotherapy treatments, as they may become quite cool as they sit during their treatments. I have seen some of the most beautiful blankets donated to the cancer society.

13. Go To Chemo with your Friend or Relative

If you have a relative or friend that is going to through chemo treatments, Just sitting with them during the treatment, can give them great support. Sometimes the chemo treatments may be just about 20 minutes during a session, while at other times, it may be up to 3 hours or more. Every patient’s timing and situation may vary. If you have never gone through this, you can learn a lot just sitting and talking with others that are going through this.

As I talked with a patient that had chemotherapy, he mentioned that he had trouble traveling to places that he may have been to numerous times. Because of the chemo fog, he just cannot remember the directions. This was frustrating to him too. Unfortunately chemotherapy damages the good cells of the body as well as the cancer cells, which includes cells in the brain as well.

14. Share Your Story

You never know how your story or testimony may help someone else. Everyone has a different story. Every family is affected differently. Even if you have not had breast cancer you may know a family member or friend that did have it. Remember we are all connected together.

Do You Have a Story to Share?


Why I Wear It Pink


More Cancer Freebies


How to Create a Gift Basked For a Cancer Patient


Breast Cancer: Statistics


Patient Resources


10-Symptomsof Breast Cancer


16 Ideas for a Chemo Care Package


How to Make A Chemo Port Pillow


Antiperspirants and Breast Cancer Risk

Cleaning for a Reason


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