I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, June 10, 2022

Are You Living In Pain?

I have observed numerous people that complain they have no joint pain relief. Some complain about their hips, their hands, their legs, and you can name it. If you are living today with none to little pain, count that a blessing.


***Good News***

Muscle Pain

I believe that muscle pain is no joke. I have been blessed to not live in pain, but I know there are others that cannot make that statement. Strong pain relief for some is a much needed reality. I can just imagine the pain can wear and tear on your physical and mental health. When I had I surgery I practically lived on pain pills daily until my eye healed. So I can just imagine those that live with pain on a daily basis it has to be hard.

1. A Few Tips

According to Wedmd.com deep breathing, reducing stress in your life, and joining a support group can help to lessen your pain. I can attest to the deep breathing which I do daily. The deep breathing just seems to relax the muscles. As long as you live there may be times you are confronted with medical issues, but how you deal with those issues is important. If you are given the proper tools to address the issues, your life still can be productive.

2. Chronic Disease

According to patientrising.org., a spoonie can refer to any individual who suffers from a chronic illness; because these illnesses are often invisible to most people, spoonies may appear healthy and able-bodied. They further add that when you have deleted all your spoons you no longer have a choice of what you want to do and the pain cannot be solved by medication or cooled massage.

3. History of Pain Meds

Did you know that the first opioid medication, morphine, was created in 1803? According to heathline,com beside that several other products contain opioids such as Buprenorphine, Butorphanol, codeine sulfate, Fentanyl, and Hydrocodone bitartrate.

4. Pain Management

According to betterhealth.vic.gov. The 2 types of pain include acute pain and chronic pain (which generally lasts for longer than 3 months). They further add that managing pain without medicines may include heat or cold ice packs, physical therapies, massage, relaxation and stress management techniques, cognitive behaviour therapy, and acupuncture.

I remember one of my children was in labor. As soon as she entered the Emergency Room she requested medicine for pain. Unfortunately they found she had only dilated to 1 and explained medicine could not be given this early. So Pain is different for everyone. Your tolerance to pain may be totally different than mine.

5. How Pain Affects the Body

According to Chronicmom.com chronic pain impairs the hippocampus which is the part of the brain that regulates learning, memory, and the emotional processing. She further adds that chronic pain can zap your energy, wear down your immune system and change your sleep habits which can lead to long term fatigue.

This reminds me of the fact that when you come into the Emergency Room for pain, I like that they ask about the severity of your pain from 1-10.

6. Pacing Yourself

Have you tried pacing yourself with your chronic pain by deciding what you want to pace, setting S.M.A.R.T.( Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) Goals, making a plan, being consistent, tracking your progress, feeling okay to say no, not overdoing it, and being patient with yourself? These are all great ideas from chronicdiary.com.

7. Stiff Neck

Are you living in pain with a stiff neck? I recall I would need to call over  1,000 customers a month at this particular job.    Myself as well as co-workers would complain of neck stiffness from being on the telephone all day. I would go home and have my children line up to massage my stiff and painful shoulder. My children eventually bought me a massager they explained that there fingers would get too tired. Did you know that being on the computer or your cellphone for long lengths of time playing games can cause neck stiffness as well? That is something that you might want to be mindful of. Try doing everything in moderation and not to excess. Sometimes exercises such as chin tucks, cross-Body Arm Stretch, side neck stretch, and cervical rotation may help. Livelovefruit.com talks about this and even gives you video to view for those that are more visual learners.

8. Tired of Pain

I can’t imagine living in chronic pain, but I do believe it can take a tole on your body. Chronic.mom suggest when your tired of being in pain give yourself a break and take one day at a time, try adult coloring books, or find something new to challenge yourself in making you happy. You probably say that is easier said than done because there are so many different types of pain that people endure on a day to day basis.

9. Foods for Rheumatoid Arthritis

I once heard someone say. “I don’t want to be bothered with Arthur today.” I did not have a clue as to what the reference “Arthur” meant. I asked, “ Who is Arthur?” The reply was   “Arthritis.” Although presently there is no cure for arthritis there are foods to eat to help with the pain from arthritis such as fish, dark leafy vegetables, fiber-rich foods such as whole grain, bean, nuts, fruits, virgin olive oil, walnuts, and processed foods. Commonsearches.net talks about this. Speaking of processed foods many of the foods today are processed foods. Start making it a point as well to read the labels. After reading the labels you may sometimes be surprised as to what is in your food that you were not aware of previously.


11 Tips for Living With Chronic Pain


What Is a Spoonie? A Patient Explains Life With a Chronic Disease


26 Commonly Used Opioid Medications


Pain and pain management-adults


The side effects of chronic pain no one talks about


9 Ways to Use Pacing to Help Chronic Pain


15 Stretches to Relieve a Stiff Neck, Tight Shoulders, and Upper BackPain


What to do when you’re tired of being in pain


What to Eat and Avoid with Rheumatoid Arthritis


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PaulaShort said...

Betty, thank you for sharing this blessed post. Such a great collection of information. Me? Just a woman with fibromyalgia, trigeminal neuralgia, and several other chronic illnesses here. I'm definitely going to be diving into some of your articles. Blessings
Paula from https://simplycoffeeandjesus.com

anointedtoday said...

Hi. Paula. Thanks for stopping by. I will be reading your articles as well.

April J Harris said...

I know many people who are living with chronic pain. Thank you for sharing this compassionate advice and these important resources with Hearth and Soul.

anointedtoday said...

Your most welcome April J. Harris. Thank you for having me at Hearth and Soul.