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Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Stop Cyberbullying

Although bullying has existed for years, cyberbullying has become quite prevalent. Cyberbullying reaches more people faster and can be far deadlier. They further add that even though it may be difficult it is important to not respond to the ignorance and stupidity of bullies or cyber bullies.

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                                   ***Good News***

1. Bullys are Cowards

Did you know that bullys have the ability to hide behind fake screen names to avoid detection so you may not know who is attacking you. That is according to

2. Michigan

Although Michigan was the 48th state to sign into effect the anti-bullying law, I am so glad that they finally did. It is sad that it took so long considering other states started legislation in 1999. talks about this and added no child should feel intimidated or afraid to come to school. I agree with this. I recall when I went to school no anti-bullying law had been established in Michigan.

3. Children

I recall when my daughter was in middle school. She was basically quiet and not very vocal in school. She came home upset that the other kids were teasing a young girl saying the girl’s father murdered the mother. To my surprise my daughter took up for the girl and was very upset that other kids could be so cruel. I was so proud of my daughter. I just happen to ask her the young girl’s name. Surprisingly I knew the girl’s father and shared with her that I grew up with that family and recalled when this event happened. I also shared that this young girl’s father was in a family where his father murdered the mother. This was tragic. I recalled as a young child his father seemed very mean. I also recall visiting over their house and always leaving early when their father would come home. It was very uncomfortable being around the father. So when my daughter shared how she stood up for the young girl I was so happy to hear that.

4. Effects of Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying doesn’t end when the school bell rings, it leaves little opportunity for victims to defend themselves, cyberbullying can showcase the incidents of bullying to hundreds or even thousands, and if the victim blocks   the bully the bully can create a new account according to They further add that effects of bullying may include a drop in social behavior, the victim may become withdrawn, grades may drop, avoidance of using the phone, usage of drugs or alcohol, or even talking and/or committing suicide.

5. Ways to Stop Cyberbullying

Have you considered ways to stop cyberbully? Have you been part of the solution?

You can tell them to stop, don’t respond to the bully, make copies of all contact with the bully, block the bully or report the bully to the authorities according to,


Links to report your abuse to:

 report harassment or bullying on Instagram


Report abusive behavior to


How to Report Abuse to Facebook


How to Report Abuse to Snapchat


6. Mobicap Safe Browser with Parental Control

Have you considered using an app to help prevent cyber bullying? Mobicap app can be used on your Iphone or your Ipad. With this app you can block websites, limit screen time or block and allow apps. This is an alternative to protect kids online.

7. Bully Button Parent-Kid app

This particular parenting app helps to record bullying actions against kids. Kids can easily record it and send the recording to the parents as well as to the school authority. I like this. I wish this was around when I was growing up.

8. More Tips to Stop Cyberbullying suggests that kids and teens know that it is not their fault, save the evidence, tell the person to stop, reach out for help, take action if someone you know is being bullied, and ultimately be sure to really listen.

9. Adult cyber bullying

It is sad that children experience cyberbullying, but adults received cyberbullying as well. Cyberbullying for adults may occur on social media, messaging, forums or gaming platforms according to They further add that bullies may attack your beliefs, political or religious, physical appearance, character, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation by humiliating you and revealing sensitive personal information that you preferred to keep private.

10. Cyberbully statistics

Did you know that 61%of teens reported being bullied because of their appearance, 56% reported being harassed on Facebook and 7 in 10 young people experience cyberbullying before the age of 18 according to They further added that LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) received 35% online threats, 58% were victims of hate speech at least once, and cyberbullying occurred 42% on Instagram, 37% on Facebook, Snapchat 31%, WhatsApp 12%, YouTube 10% and Twitter 9%.

11. Effects of Cyberbullying

According to emotional effects of cyberbully may bleed into their social lives by encountering trouble with getting along with others and possibly lead to alcohol and drug abuse. They further add that long-time effects may include chronic fatigue, insomnia, poor performance in school or work, depression, and possibly the feeling of an overall sense of hopelessness and worthlessness about their lives.

Finally, know that cyberbullying is serious. If you know or suspect someone is being cyberbullied do get involved. Do not be a bystander and allow another to bully someone. Stand up and do something about it. Be a friend to your friend. Do not allow them to be hurt or bullied by another.


Cyber-bullying: Bullying of The Most Devastating Kind


Michigan Passes Anti-bullying Law


What are the effects of cyberbullying?


5 Ways to Stop Cyberbullying


Tips to Help Stop Cyberbullying


Cyber Bullying: Adults can be victims too


Cyberbullying Statistics, Facts, and Trends (2021) with Charts


Digital Threats: The Effects of Cyberbullying


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8 comments: said...

Thanks for this good word and these resources. So needed as this has become a pandemic in and of itself. Visiting you from the friendship friday link up.

anointedtoday said...

Your most welcome Thanks for stopping by.

The Military Traveler said...

I endured bullying when I was in school but like you said at least then you knew who it was. Now people just hide behind a screen like cowards. I agree that cyber bullying should definitely be a crime.

anointedtoday said...

Military Traveler so sorry you endured bullying in school. It is sad that bullying has gone to a new level. Thanks so much to sharing and stopping by.

April Harris said...

What a sad story, but how lovely your daughter stood up for the young girl. It is so important to stop bullying of all kinds. Thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link party community!

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you April. Thanks for stopping by.

Hollysbirdnest said...

Great resources and advice this is so important especially to teach to our children!

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Hollysbirdnest. Thank you for stopping by. Have a good day.