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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Bloggers Meet and Greet August- Do You Know What Is In Your Fruit?

Did you know that fruit has various vitamins and minerals that are essential to your good health? Have you examined what is in your fruit?

                                            fruit vitamins   


I love fruit and I have grown to love vegetables as well. Although fruit supplements may be good, fresh fruits are better. At today’s bloggers meet and greet let’s look at what vitamin’s and minerals are in some of the fruit that we consume.

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1. Dragon Fruit

A fruit that is new to me is dragon fruit also known as pitaya or pitahaya. According to it is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium and, vitamins C and E. they further add people in Southeast Asian cultures have regarded dragon fruit highly for hundreds of years as a health-promoting fruit. states that dragon fruit can be found in California, Mexico, and Florida and it resembles a cactus from the outside with many small seeds inside.

2. Pomegranate

Have you ever eaten a pomegranate? I love them, however, I do not like how the small red seeds stain your fingers with red. Pomegranates are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and Potassium according to

3. Bananas

Bananas can be very healthy for teeth because the calcium and vitamin D make for stronger bones and enamel. That is according to They further add that unripe or ripe bananas may give you a sudden attack of gas because your body needs fiber to work properly. Have you ever experienced gas after eating a banana? I find that I have to eat bananas in moderation. Like anything else too much of anything is not good for you.

4. Jackfruit

Have you ever eaten Jackfruit? Neither have I. According to it is an exotic fruit growing in tropical regions of the world and is native to South India. They further add that while this fruit is sweet and has a similar taste of a combination of apples, pineapples, mangoes, and bananas it is packed with nutrients which include fiber, protein, vitamin A, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Magnesium, Potassium Copper, and Manganese. Sounds good to me and very inviting to the pallet. For those of you that might be diabetic it was also mentioned that jackfruit has several properties that may help with blood sugar management.

5. Mangoes

How do you like Mangoes? While Mangoes are high in fiber and other nutrients it has a whopping 45 grams of sugar. That is according to So again moderation is important when eating mangoes or any other fruits.

6. Apples

That old cliché “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” May be something to think about. According to apples may help reduce the risk of caner, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and they are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and provide and array of antioxidants. So have you had your apple today?

7. Watermelon

I love watermelon. I never knew how to pick a watermelon. I recently saw a video describing how to pick a perfect watermelon. I decided to put this to the test. The video says to put two fingers in between the stripes on the watermelon. If your fingers fit then that is a ripe watermelon. I thought to myself what about people that have thick or thin fingers. Anyway I tried it. As soon as I got home from the store I cut the watermelon and it was very sweet. I was very happy. Did you know that the water content in a watermelon is 139 grams? In addition it has calcium 11 milligrams, iron, .36 mg., magnesium 15 mg, potassium 170 mg, vitamin C 12.3 mg and Vitamin A 865 mg. According to

 Another reason I like watermelon is that if you do not want to buy a whole watermelon several stores will have a half watermelon sliced and you can see what it looks like before you buy it. I have however avoided buying watermelon already cut up in plastic containerizes, because I discovered the watermelon would be spoiled. Not sure if it occurred from being in the plastic or not.

8. Cantaloupe

Another favorite fruit of mine is Cantaloupe. To eat a nice sweet, ripe cantelope is awesome. According to, one-cup of cantaloupe has 53 calories but contains 106% of vitamin A, 95% of Vitamin C, and is a good source of potassium and folate. They further add that cantaloupe and honeydew melons first grew in the Middle East, and there are many different varieties.

9. Color of Fruits

Did you know that red foods like tomatoes and watermelon contain lycopene which is important for fighting prostate cancer and heart disease. This is according to They further add that blueberries contain anthocyanins, which may help protect the body from cancer. I love tomatoes and blueberries. Just think of eating these fruits fresh. The great thing about summer is that several farms will sell their fresh fruits along side of the road. Farmer’s market is great for you to purchase fresh fruit. Fresh fruit is so vital to the body.

Possibly you are not able to get fresh fruit all the time. Remember the frozen section of your grocery store. You can always get frozen fruit. Be sure to always read the labels. Labels are most important. You want to know how much sugar or other ingredients you are receiving in your products. Always read the labels.

Photo Caption: Commons,


20 Healthy Fruits That Are Super Nutritious


Dragon Fruit


Are There Health Benefits to Drinking Pomegranate Juice?


Why Bananas Should Not Be a Part of Your Daily Diet

Why Is Jackfruit Good for You? Nutrition, benefits, and How To Eat It


Which Fruits Have the Most Sugar?


What to know about Apples


Is Watermelon Healthy? A Detailed Guide to Eating the Fruit and ReapingIts Possible Benefits


Melons pack a nutritional punch


Fruits and Vegetables

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ontheway said...

Thanks for providing this helpful info about fruits and the vitamins they contain. I love banana, mango, and watermelon. I have never tried dragon fruit and jackfruit.

Sarah said...

This is great information about the different vitamins in various fruit. I don't eat as much fruit as a probably should, so I don't get all those nice vitamins, but I do try to eat them often, especially pomegranate, I absolutely love those.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks ontheway for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by
Sarah. I love pomegranates too. I usually see them here around November of the year.

csuhpat1 said...

Such good info. Thanks for sharing it.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks csuhpat1 for stopping by.