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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

6 Simple Ways To Rid that Muffin-Top

Has the weight slowly eased up on you? Have you been eating whatever you like not considering the consequences? Are you unhappy with that muffin-top? Well it is your choice as to whether you want to do something about it. Her are a few things you may want to try.


You may want to start by assessing your overall lifestyle. Take a look at what your daily habits are. Maybe you are just eating to be eating and not necessarily when you are hungry.

1. Log

You may want to start with keeping a log of your daily activities and eating habits. Are you eating unnecessarily sitting at your desk at work? Are you always eating as you watch TV? Take a look at when and how often you are eating.

 2. Calories

You definitely want to look at the amount of calories that you are taking in, because if they are more than you are burning, it may be impossible to lose weight. I love my Tracker to Go Free app that I have on my cellphone. It helps me to keep track of my daily calorie intake as well as my exercise habits. Google play has many free calorie tracker apps. When I first started using the app I was surprised at the amount of calories that I was eating on a daily basis. It helped me to be vigilant and conscious of what I am eating.  I also have a free pedometer app that tracks how many miles I walk.  This  is good to use around the house as well.  You will be surprised at how many steps you take around your house.  Update:  Also as of September 17, 2018.  I am now at 128 pounds.   

3. Questions

Although some of the food we eat may be good to us, but not good for us. I had to learn to balance. Eating too much of anything is just not good.

4. Exercise

Exercise if so important in getting rid of that muffin-top. I walk several days a week and also do about 100 stomach crunches daily. You may have to find what works best for you. Maybe experiment with different exercise plans. Cardio exercises are great for burning calories, plus you sweat which is even better. Besides cardio there is swimming, bike riding, dancing, skating,  and so much more that you can do.

5. Lifestyle

I cannot stress the importance of making your daily eating and exercise routine a lifestyle. Are you making healthy food choices? That is another important thing to remember. Instead of eating a piece of cake possibly replace it with a fruit or vegetable.

6. Read Labels

When buying food at the store, start reading the labels. Does that food have a high content of sugar? If so, you may want to make another selection.

What do you do to rid yourself of your muffin-top?


Photo Caption: Commons, wikimedia.org his file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

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Mary Hill said...

Hi, thanks so much for joining us on the #LMMLinkup this week. Your tips are great.

Nancy Andres at Colors 4 Health said...

Yahoo. Go woman go!

Unknown said...

These are good tips. I've found that doing planks has helped me tone my tummy a lot more than doing doing crunches. Plus, planks also help tone the arms, legs, and back, so it's a whole-body workout in one move!
Greetings from the Blogger's Pit Stop :)