I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, September 4, 2014

How Many Roles Do You Have as a Mother?

Have you ever considered the many roles that you have as a mother? Those roles can be endless when you have children. That is why it is understandable that a mother's role at home with her children is just as important as going to a 9-5 job in the corporate world.

balance work and family

According to lifewithoutpink.com a few of the job titles a mother holds includes CEO of the Household, Taxidriver, teacher, and playdate coordinator.

CEO of the household

I am sure that the single mother's can definitely relate to this. Many have had to be the head of their household for various reasons. When this occurs mother's learn very quickly the importance of managing the finances, making important decisions regarding the welfare of the family, and being responsible for the safety of her children. Some single mothers do not have the luxury to stay at home with their children, because they have to work to pay the bills. Still they are responsible parent's for their children and are responsible for daycare and getting their children to school on a daily basis. I am only discussing a few of those roles, but I am sure there are a 100 or more roles that other mothers can think of immediately.


Do you find yourself driving your children to and from school or to the bus stop? Do you spend a great deal of time taking your children to soccer, dance, gymnastics, or baseball practice? The more extra-curricular activities your children are in the more driving you are possibly doing.

Playdate Coordinator

Yes play dates are nice, but someone needs to coordinate a time and place that is convenient for both families. Sometimes there may be a lot of juggling involved to find a happy medium.

Doctor/Dentist Appointments

Someone has to schedule these. The more children that you have the more scheduling that may be involved. Most parents may try and schedule them in the early morning or later in the day.

I recall someone asking a group of children why they did not want to come to church. One of their major complaints was that they had so many activities throughout the week after school, that they just wanted to relax on the weekends and do nothing. Sometimes a mother's role may be to assess if she has her children in too many activities, possibly activities that the children could care less about.

I have observed in some household parents are working 2 jobs just to survive. Although this is something they feel they need to do, when they are not working that leaves very little time to sleep or even get any rest.

I recall there was a period when I was a single parent, I was once working 3 jobs. When I look back, I do not know how I did it, but there was this driving force that I did what I had to do for my children.

Now I have just touched on the tip of the many roles that a mother has. How many can you think of?

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52 Job Title a Mom Holds

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Our Little Yarden said...

Cook, nursemaid when they are sick in the night, laundry maid so ,many hats we wear - Thanks for linking up to Pin Worthy Wednesday, I have pinned your post to the Pin Worthy Wednesday Pinterest Board.

anointedtoday said...

Amen Amber

Unknown said...

There are so many duties that require a mothers attention but I think, teacher and life coach are important ones too. Thanks for sharing this at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings

anointedtoday said...

You are most welcome Terri.