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Friday, January 3, 2025

All Things AI (Artificial Intelligence)

I am sure that you have noticed AI (Artificial Intelligence) is everywhere. AI (Artificial Intelligence) started long ago, but is becoming more and more aggressive in it’s presence. Are you keeping in mind that it is Artificial Intelligence and not human?


Did You Know?


There are numerous AI (Artificial Intelligence) Apps. Several of them are time savers, but always keep in mind they are not human.

1. Homeworkify

What is Homeworkify and what does it do? This is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) tool that will provide you with answers to your homework questions if you are struggling with assignments. It breaks down step-by-step solutions and explanations. According to this saves you time, improving your knowledge and taking away the homework stresses.

2. Google Maps

Do you use Google Maps? I sure do and I love it. This is one one of the top AI applications. I use it to post reviews of good restaurants all over the United States. When I visit a good restaurant with excellent service I am encouraged to let other know about it. I have had more than 7,000 thousand views of my Google site. Presently it is closer to 10,000 views.  I will keep you updated here.   I love to use when traveling to a place that I have never been. Google will alert you of an accident up ahead and slow traffic. It will even show you better and faster routes in the event of slow traffic. It will show you routes that will give you better gas efficiency.

My Google Map Update January 14,2025 Tuesday

3. Robo Shark Vacuum

I love my Robo Shark Vacuum for vaccuming the carpet. It was one of my greatest investments. I just sit back and let the Robo vacuum do the work. I love that it automatically empties the vacuum after each vacuum. I only need to empty that once a month. How nice is that?

4. xAI (Artificial Intellifence)Colossus

What is xAI Colossus? According to Elon Musk announced that xAI Colossus is the most powerful AI (Artificial Intelligence)training system in the world and is now online. They further add that xAI(Artificial Intelligence) challenges top AU players like OpenAI(Artificial Intelligence) and Google.

5. Global Summit

Did you know that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is having an AI(Artificial Intelligence) Everything Global Summit? February 4, 2025 at the St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi. There will be talks with world leaders to address the most pressing challenges and opportunities in the race for AI (Artificial Intelligence) supremacy. Then February 5-6, 2025 there will be hosting of the largest and most innovative AI (Artificial Intelligence) companies around the world at the Dubai Exhibition Center. This is talked about at

6. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Reshaping the Workforce

Is AI (Artificial Intelligence)reshaping the workforce? According to a world Economic Forum report projected that by 2025, 85 million jobs will be displaced by AI (Artificial Intelligence, but 97 million new roles will emerge that require advanced digital and cognitive skills. They further added that Human Resource leaders will need to focus on fostering a workforce that can wok alongside AI (Artificial Intelligence), emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence. Will you be in that 97 million new roles of jobs?

7. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is fast

While AI is fast, the negatives are quite profound, according to They add that AI (Artificial Intelligence firms still have no solutions for issues around algorithmic bias, or attribution, or for copyright disputes not in litigation over the use of writing, books, images, film, and artwroks in AI (Artificial Intelligence) model training. They further add that AI(Artificial Intelligence is being used to enable massive loss of life and their financial incentives are “not aligned with human values.”

8. App Lawsuit

Unfortunately AI(Artificial Intelligence) is not always positive. According to a 15-year-old boy became addicted to the Character AI (Artificial Intelligence) app, with a chatbot called “Shonie” telling the child to cut its “arm and thighs” when it was sad, saying it “felt good for a moment,” a new civil complain filed. They further added the AI (Artificial Intelligence tried to talk the kid out of gelling his parents he had taken up cutting himself, according to the lawsuit. This is quite disturbing, because again I emphasized this is AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is not human advice. So caution still needs to be taken with AI (Artificial Intelligence).

9. Is AI(Artificial Intelligence) a Con?

Is AI (Artificial Intelligence a con? According to it is an investment and further suggests there must be a solution to power consumptions problems, data training problems, and there should be government regulations.

10.  Elon Musk’s Robots

Will Elon Musk’s Robots rule the wold? According to Elon Musk made a striking claim that humanoid robots will surpass the human population by 2040, suggesting a future with over 10 billion such robots. This is quite alarming. I cannot imagine a future with more robots than humans. That is alarming, because we are talking about AI (Artificial Intelligence) not human intelligence. What is your take on this? How do you think you would feel in a world where AI (Artificial Intelligence) ruled the world as oppose to Human Beings ruling? That is something to think about.

11. Does Siri Eavesdrop?

Does Siri Eavesdrop? Well according to Apple has agree to pay $95 million to settle a lawsuit accusing the privacy-minded company of deploying its virtual assistant Siri to eavesdrop on people using its iPhone and other trendy devices.

I believe that it is possible, because I recall myearphone was lying on my nightstand and my cellphone was in another room. As my husband and I lay on the bed we both heard a voice from my earphone, “I can’t find the cellphone.” Also there were instances when my earphone would automatically turn itself on to my cellphone. That was alarming. So I started disconnecting my earphone from my cellphone when not in use.


What Does Homeworkifydo?


India Today


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Life Of 2 Snowbirds said...

I never realized that there was so many AI apps and didn't even think of Google maps being one of them. Thanks for this post.

Jennifer Wise said...

Yes, Siri definitely eavesdrops--I have had several experiences like that. I do love Google Maps! It's so helpful. Thank you for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #53 linkup--we hope to see you next week at #54, too! :)

anointedtoday said...

Life of 2 Snowbirds I did not realize in the beginning about google Map being connected to AI either. In the beginning Ai was slowly integrated. Now it is becoming increasingly fast and seemingly in nearly everything. It seems there is an app for nearly everything now. This new generation has no idea about cursive because computers have been the main focus. In the past when you wanted to learn something you might go to the library. Now you can look the library up on the internet. Thanks for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Jennifer. Happy New Year.