Oh Give Thanks Pet Bandana

Oh Give Thanks Pet Bandana
Oh Give Thanks Pet Bandana

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Blogging Is Therapeutic

Do you like to write? Are you aware that writing can be therapeutic? Writing your thoughts on paper can be very beneficial to you and to others as well.

Which One Are You?

1. My Blogging Story

In my article

My Blogging Story

I mentioned I started blogging in 2008 and had no clue as to what I was doing. I only knew that I loved to write. I looked for free blog sites. The site I was at got hacked numerous times that was very discouraging so I started looking around and found numerous linky parties that were very helpful to me. I decided I needed to do something new to get new results. I started looking for more blogging resources and reading everything I could find about starting a blog.

 Blogs encouraging blogs

 by Melanie Redd was a blog I found at Pinterest which was very encouraging for me. Her blog now has 219.2K members which was great exposure for my blog as well as the fact that I met new people.


Lisa Irby

was very motivational for me. She talks about how to create a website on her utube channel. 


The fact that Lisa is very personal and always responds to any messages or concerns that I sent her was very inspirational for me. One concern was that in the beginning I did not want to use my picture of myself on my blog. She explained the importance to me of using my picture to let people know that I am a real person. After talking with her the things that she told me made a lot of since.

I was very thankful to have found her. Now let us continue with the many benefits of blogging.

2. Mental Benefits of Blogging

Did you know that blogging creates a space for healing and mental health, blogging brings surprise, compassion and support, and being authentic. This is according to moorewellness.life. I could not agree with her more on that. She also mentioned if she was fake people would see that. My goal when writing is always to help others. I want to share my failures as well as my wins. I want others to see that although things have not been perfect in my life, I always have something to be thankful for. I have learned so much as well from other fellow bloggers. The support has been overwhelming.

I mentioned once before that I always keep a pen and paper handy as thoughts may come to me when I am on the go. Now with the new Technology I just jot my thoughts on my digital calendar. Wow! Thinks have changed.

3. Giving Back

Blogging allows me to give back to the community in my own way. Everyone has their own way to give back to help others. I discovered it is not always about getting, but rather giving to others.

Locationrebel.com talks about this. They emphasized how much is learned from the people that have helped you along the way. They further added that blogging can allow you to share your hobbies, that it is free therapy, it is a stress reliever, meet other like-minded individuals, become a better writer, and much much more.

4. Educate Customers

Did you know that 44% of people reported they read blogs because they wanted to learn something new. They further add that people can use blog articles to learn about new feature that they may not be using. This is talked about at wpbeginner.com.

5. Blog Even If Nobody Reads It

When I first started blogging I started reading everything that I could about blogging. I saw that there was a great emphasis on content. Even though I loved to write it seemed as though it took forever to build my content. According to businessgrow.com there are over 600 million blogs, people publish 70 million new posts on. WordPress.com every month, people post over 75 million new comments on WordPress.com blogs every month, and 22% of bloggers post every single week. So I gradually realized the old saying, “Rome was not built in a day.” I realized it would take time to build content. So I needed to be persistent and never give up.

6. Feelings About Blogging

Medium.com describes blogging as some days walking down the street naked, some days it is stressful, some days it is like having a conversation with yourself, some days it sucks, and some days it feels unstoppable. Can you identify with any of these feelings? I definitely can. The one thing I know about blogging is that when I blog I feel good. There may be times when I start blogging that I have very little to say, but then I start thinking and relating events. Blogging seems to really be motivational for me and I feel alive.

In my article

Evergreen Blogging Is Here to Stay


I talk about asking yourself, “Is this subject something people want to know about? “Is it something that people will do an internet search to find out more about?” I remember to keep in mind that people are social beings and evergreen content gives people a connection that they are finding content that is valuable to them. Yes evergreen content may stay around and be here for years and years to come. Also, as long as you are living, you will have problems. Evergreen blogging might include finding solutions and resources to various problems. Once you publish evergreen content you definitely want to share it on media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest. Lately I have become a fan of Tik-Tok. Also, note when I started



I did not have a clue as to what to pin and where to pin it, but I knew I liked that it was a visual pinboard. I now have 1.7K followers and 1.1k monthly views. I never could have imagined.

What are your feeling about blogging? Are you thinking about it? Do not just think about it, do it. You might surprise yourself.


Blogging Benefits Mental Health & Holistic Wellness


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Why Blog? 14 Benefits of Blogging in 2024


10 Benefits of Blogging Even if Nobody Reads It


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