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Monday, February 5, 2024

How Seasons Affect You

What Is Your Favorite Season? Have you ever thought about how seasons affect you and other things? Did you know that seasons are important?

Life Seasons

***Just To See You Smile***

Have You Ever Felt Like This?

***Good News***

My favorite season is summer. For some reason summer just does not seem to last long enough. I love the sun. I love not having to wear winter boots, scarfs, and coats. It is just a good feeling.

1. Meteorological versus Astronomical Seasons

Did you know that the astronomical seasons are based on the position of the Earth in relation to the sun, whereas the meteorological seasons are based on the annual temperature cycles and help scientists track climate and weather trends. This is according to

2. Seasons May Affect Mental Health

How is your mental health? Have you thought about how seasons affect your mental health? According to emphasized one key factor of sunlight exposure, which directly influences the body’s production of serotonin. Serotonin is the “feel-good neurotransmitter. They further add that reduced sunlight in the Fall and Winter can lead to decrease serotonin levels, triggering depression, disruption of the body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm,  and affecting sleep patterns and mood.

I have definitely noted a difference in me when there is little to no sunlight. The sun seems to energize me. The days when it is cloudy I tend to want to sleep more. This is something how the weather affect’s a person’s mood.

I also observed when I traveled to Florida and Atlanta one Christmas, as I left Michigan’s wintery scene and entered Atlanta I could feel the warmth and I was so glad to see the sun. As I shed my winter boots and coat I noted the good feeling and I observed the clear blue sky. This was an awesome feeling.

3. Seasons Around the World

Did you know that Finland sees 18.5 hours OD daylight in the middle of June, in mid-December, it is light for less than six hours, Athens, Greece, in southern Europe it has 14.5 hours of daylight in June and 9.5 hours in December. This is discussed at They also noted that in Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost city in the United States, it stays light all day long between mid-May and early August. The city is in total darkness between mid-November and January. Can you imagine?

4. Allergies

Do you have allergies? Are you aware that the change of the seasons increase pollen from trees, grasses, and flowers triggering your allergies.  You may suffer with nasal congestion, itchy eyes, and throat irritation. Do you find yourself taking allergy medications because of this? I can certainly relate to this.

5. A Time For Everything

Ecclesiastics 3:1 states to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. I say that to say that seasons are very important for planting. The following vegetables tolerate 25 to 28 degrees F. They are as follows:

Broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, collards, English peas, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Mustard greens, parsley, radish, spinach, and Turnips. This is talked about at She further talks about planting corn, cucumber, eggplant, gourds, melons, okra, peppers, pumpkins, southern peas, summer squash, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes in the high spring, after the threat of frost is past; these vegetables need warm weather (65-90 degrees F). This is good information to know.

I recall attempting to plant flowers. I knew very little about what I was dong and should have done more research before doing so. I attempted to plant Tulip bulbs in the summer. I could not understand why they were not growing. I discovered that Tulip bulbs should be planted in the fall because the soil needs to have cooled off from the summer growing season.

6. The Best Season

What is the best season for your health? According to spring is the best season for your health because of the signaling of longer and warmer day means the return of outdoor activities, sunlight can do wonders for your health, and spring cleaning and deep cleaning can do wonders, spring break and summer vacations. Now even with this information summer is the best season for me. I am sure there are those that would say Fall or Winter is best for them. I know especially for those that love to ski Winter is the season that they look forward to. I never cared for the cold, snow, or the ice.

7. Health Changes

Did you know that your genes change seasonally, your arteries don’t like cold weather, and your mental health can be affected too?, talks about this. They gave an example that genes that suppress inflammation are more active in the summer.

8. Stay Healthy During Season Changes

Are you taking the steps to stay healthy during the season changes? It is important that you do so. A few things that you might do are to get fresh air, eat seasonal foods, stay hydrated, fight germs, and keep moving. talks about this. They further added that The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity which might include hiking, running, swimming, cycling and jumping rope. I cannot emphasize enough about staying hydrated. I learned this the hard way. I could not understand why I would get so many bladder infections during the Winter. I discovered I was drinking too much coffee and hot cocoa which I do not like, but was doing so to keep warm. I was not drinking enough water. When I stopped the coffee and cocoa and replaced it with water I did not have any bladder issues. It is important to learn your body and how the season affects your body.


Changing Seasons


The Science Behind Seasonal Changes and Mental Health




Which Veggies For Which Season?


8 Reasons Spring is the BEST Season for Your Health


3 Surprising Seasonal Health Changes to Know


5 Ways to Stay Healthy as the Seasons Change


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Joanne said...

I tend to like any day where the sun in shining... but summer is my favorite season (probably because we usually get the most sunny days then). I definitely can feel that immediate mood boost when the sun comes out after a string of cloudy days.

Jennifer Wise said...

Thanks for sharing these good ideas. Yes, I can tell that the seasons affect my health, both mental and physical, particularly winter. It's a hard time for me. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #24 linkup!

anointedtoday said...

Joanne thank for stopping by. I Like summer the best also.

anointedtoday said...

Jennifer I definitely do not care for winter either. Thanks for stopping by.

Natasha Mairs - Serenity You said...

Seasons definitely affects me. The lack of sun in winter also gets me down and I often suffer with SAD

anointedtoday said...

So sorry to hear Natasha that lack of sun in the winter affects you as it does many others. I cannot wait for the summer to come. It won't be long. Thanks for stopping by.

PaulaShort said...

I have bad SAD every year from fall time change until spring time change.
Thanks so much for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

anointedtoday said...

Your most welcome Paula.