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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, November 20, 2023

Should College be Free to Students?

Although college may not be for everyone, should college be free to those that want to pursue it? This would be a great debt option. There have been several pro and cons about this subject.

***Good News***

Yes there are those that can afford to send their children to college. That is great, but what about those that are struggling and cannot afford it.

1. Free College

Did you know that there was a time when colleges were tuition free? According to peoplesworld.org they talks about the City University of New York having many four year colleges and community colleges tuition free until the late 1960’s. They further added that in countries in Europe and elsewhere they offer free college education to this day.

2. What Happened to Tuition Free?

What happened to change this tuition free atmosphere for college. Well in the 1960’s the WWII, the GI Bill for soldiers the demand continued to soar and outweigh the supply (amount of colleges) resulting in for-profit universities started to form. Uopeople.edu further adds that after President Nixon brought into existence Sallie Mae student loans it ended up increasing the cost of education.

3. What Countries Offer Free College?

What countries offer free college? This is a great debt option. Yes there are some countries that do offer this and they are as follows?

1. Germany

2. Iceland

3. Poland

Lending tree.com discusses this.

4. Why Should College Be Free?

When College is free it helps improve society, it can widened the workforce, boost the economy, increase equality, and students can focus better on their studies when they are not worried about money according to uopeople.edu. I can identify with the boosting of the economy because my children and I had student debt after graduating from college. It felt like a heavy load. Even though one of my children received a 4-year scholarship because this particular college catered classes to Seniors she was unable to get the classes she needed in her Senior year and ended up still having to acquire a loan for the last year. Many of the colleges have changed that attitude and students are able to get the classes that they need upon graduation.

Also, keep in mind there are parents that can afford to pay their children’s way through college, but what about the those that cannot? What about the students that are struggling? Everyone is not fortunate enough to have money to pay for college. A student that does not have to focus on repaying a student loan debt can concentrate on being more productive in society. Unless you have experienced student debt you also may have no concept as to how burdensome it can become.

5. Who Benefits Most

Low- income families, first-Generation College students, and returning adults and Lifelong Learners would benefit most from free colleges according to learn.org.

How many times have you heard someone say that they were the first to graduate college from their family? That is a honor and a blessing as well. This is a great debt help, because no student loan debt would occur. It sets an example to the rest of the family that “if they can see it they can be it.” It is encouragement to those that thought it was impossible. They can now see that it is possible when looking at their loved one that showed them the way.

6. College is Not for Everyone

Not everyone will go to college. There is nothing wrong with that because you can still acquire a skill and become quite successful with that. I recall a beautician that I really liked because every time I came to get my hair done she always wore an amazing style. She shared with me that as a teenager she would do her friends hair. She loved doing what she does. I also remember a friend telling me if you are able to do people’s hair you always have something to fall back on if another job does not work out. Indeed.com suggests setting achievable career goals, finding career opportunities that do not require a college degree, consider a professional certification or trade, take an online course, assess your career aptitude, learn and apply new skills, learn from a mentor, get on-the-job training, work in an internship, volunteering in an organization related to your career interests, build a professional network, deepen your business knowledge, study entrepreneurship, invest and save your earnings, and going into a business with a partner.

7. Six-Figure Jobs Without a Degree

Yes there are six-figure jobs that do exist. They are as follows:

1. Data Scientist

2. Data Engineer

3. Business Analysts

4. Software Engineer

5. Engineering Manager

6. Test Engineer

7. Cybersecurity Engineer

8. Technical Program Manager

9. Product Manager

10. User Experience Engineering

11. Web Developer

12. Mobile Developer

These are all talked about at multiverse. They further add that a Real Estate Agent, Air Traffic Controller, and Medical and Health Service Manager do not require college degrees. You do need to pass an exam to get a license from the state that you practice in. Also the Air Traffic Controller requires applicants to hold a NATCA Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative Certificate and you must pass the Federal Aviation Administration Air-Traffic Controller Selection Test. So if you have skills in any of these areas it may be well worth it for you to pursue if you feel college is not for you. Everyone must always remember to do what is best for you.

7. Fastest Trade jobs

Accordidng to classet.org., some of the fastest trade jobs include, handyman/craftsman, Pest Control, Electrician, Plumber, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioner Technician, Welder, and Carpenter. They also add that fast construction jobs include construction laborer, heavy equipment operator, Mason, Painter, and Roofer. Think about it someone has to to do these jobs why not you?


Free college was once the norm all over America


Is Tuition-Free Education Actually a Thing?


5 Reasons Why College Should Be Free

 Who Would Benefit Most From Free College?


How to Succeed Without College


How to get six-figure jobs without a college degree

 Fastest trades and construction jobs to learn


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Jennifer Wise said...

Very interesting statistics about college being free in the U.S. before and where it's free in the world now. Other options such as trade schools would be interesting to learn more about too, as you mentioned college isn't for everyone. Interesting post! Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #16 linkup. Come share another post or two at #17 which opens December 4. Have a great week.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by.

PaulaShort said...

Hey Betty, yes I think college should be free. It seems to be working in other places. I love when you share your informational articles because I glean much.
Visiting today from SSPS 290#72

anointedtoday said...

I am in complete agreement with you Paula. College should be free to students.

csuhpat1 said...

I agree with you 100%

anointedtoday said...

Csuhpat1 thanks for stopping by. I wish more agreed that college should be free to students. I believe some do not get the big picture.

PaulaShort said...

Thanks bunches for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month Betty.

anointedtoday said...

Your Most Welcome Paula.