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Friday, June 4, 2021

Life After COVID-19 Vaccination

 What is life like after the COVID-19 Vaccination. Are people going back to the “normal?” What is normal? How has your life been impacted by the Vaccination?

                                                        You Vaccinations

                                             ***Good News***

Most states are gradually making changes because of the COVID-19 Vaccinations. Seemingly the numbers of COVID cases are going down. Some people may fail to forget that the reasoning for the distancing and the mask wearing was to keep people safe until a vaccine was developed. It has been learned that throughout the thousands of years in History masks and distancing was the best alternative used at the time until vaccines were developed.

1. Partying

As States are stating that larger crowds can gather together and there is no mask mandates for those that have been vaccinated that poses a good question. What about those that have not been vaccinated and still refuse to get vaccinated? Well according to the Denver vaccinated people are safe to gather in small gatherings around those unvaccinated. They further state that vaccinated people are more unlikely to become sick.   Still there is no guarantee that you will not catch COVID-19, but if you do you will not be as sickly.    Also, in my neighborhood it was as though COVID-19 mandates were ignored. There were large parties and many that did not distance or wear masks. They seemingly were willing to take the risk in order to promote their own agenda. There was lots of drinking. You could see people visibly walking around with alcohol drinks in their hands/

2. Why Get Vaccinated?

I recall talking with a cashier in Kroger Store. She stated she was not vaccinated and that was her preference. She compared COVID-19 to the Flu. She then stated that she was still here. I thought to myself, “She apparently has not had anyone close to her die from COVID-19.” Because this virus unlike previous viruses is so deadly and because you can be a carrier of it with no symptoms and still give it to someone else was enough to convince me to get vaccinated. Although I was previously tested for COVID-19 and was negative, I could not imagine having it and unknowingly giving it to my family, a friend or a stranger. That is what helped me make the decision to get vaccinated. There is no guarantee you will not catch it just the likelihood you will not be as sickly if you do catch it.

3. Vaccination Card

I like that when you get vaccinated they give you a documented card of your vaccination. Now there are some that are stating you should show this card when entering a business. Although proof of vaccination has been required by schools in the past should there be this requirement for other businesses?

4. Should Businesses Ask to See Vaccination Cards?

That is a good question. According to news it is legal for a private business to ask to see your vaccination card. They further added that Babes of Carytown is approaching this differently by stating if you have proof of vaccination you can party mask-free, otherwise, you will have to mask up. Well I am sure that just as businesses became creative during the Pandemic they will also become created after Covid-19 vaccinations.

5. Herd Immunity

Exactly what is Herd Immunity? According to Herd Immunity protects the most vulnerable members of our population. They further add that if enough people are vaccinated against dangerous disease, those who are susceptible and cannot get vaccinated are protected because the germ will not be able to find those susceptible individuals. I do know and I am glad that the number of COVID cases are going down drastically.

6. After Vaccination

According to do continue practicing prevention walking, running, hiking or biking outside alone or with members of the same household. Now those mandates have gradually been increased in states to larger groups and no limitations to just those of the same household. Many are now flocking to the beaches and traveling.

7. More After Vaccination

If you are fully vaccinated, you can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic. This is according to the They further state that 2 weeks after your 2nd dose in a d-dose series such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines you are considered fully vaccinated or 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine such as Johnson & Johnson vaccine. My pet peeve is to remember to continue washing your hands because germs are around us everywhere. You would be surprised how important it is to wash your hands.

8. Traveling

After you have been fully vaccinated if you do travel consider driving rather than taking public transportation according to, They further suggest once you get to your destination think about who you are going to be around.

9. Medical Risks

There are those that may be hesitant because of the risk of taking the vaccine. There are those that say the benefits outweigh the risk., states that the chance of getting sick or dying from a particular disease is 1 in 100 or 1 in 10,000. So you must decide if the risk is worth taking with your health. Always get as much information as you can to be able to make an informed decision even though the choice will ultimately be yours. Also, consider nearly every medicine that is on the market has some possible side effects such as aspirin, Tylenol, Pepto Bismo or even herbal natural treatments. There are those that will pop a pill for illnesses and think nothing of the side effects of popping that pill.

Finally, COVID-19 cases are dropping greatly, for those that are fully vaccinated remember that as you get back to the “norm”COVID-19 still exists and is not completely gone.  What are your thoughts on this?


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Is it Legal for business to ask to see vaccination cards?


Herd Immunity


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Aletha Oglesby, M.D. said...

Thank you Betty, I appreciate the thoughtful and rational way you approach this issue. I commend you for choosing vaccination. As I read and listen to discussions on vaccination, especially those who decide against it, I wonder if they put the same thought into every important decision they make. We all make decisions every day that potentially impact our or someone else's life, without giving it much concern. Perhaps we should. Thanks for a nice review.

anointedtoday said...

Your Welcome Aletha. Thanks for stopping by.

Ana said...

Good points. Like you, I felt I needed to get vaccinated to protect my family and friends. Thank you for your insight.

Mihaela | said...

What I cannot stop thinking about is that the 1919 pandemic was over in less than two years, without any vaccine. We're about two years into this pandemic, there are plenty experimental vaccines in use, but we still can't see the end of it. Travel restrictions bugger me the most!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Ana. Glad you chose to get vaccinated.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by. I believe in time Mihaela the change will be seen and we will get through this. We will look at it as History.

Dawn said...

I got my vaccinations done but here in the UK we're still under heavy restrictions and have to wear a mask everywhere

Yet again freedom day has been put off for another 4 weeks, as somebody who's immunocompromised I'll continue wearing a mask until Covid has hopefully totally disappeared I can't afford to risk catching Covid as I have asthma too

But after nearly 15 months of Lockdown I've had enough and just want my life back and be able to to see my friends again

Hopefully soon life will return to normal, although so many small businesses have suffered from being closed for so long our High Streets here will look very different once Lockdown ends as most of the shops are already empty now 😢

anointedtoday said...

Congratulations Dawn on getting your vaccination. Here in Michigan the Governor has lifted restrictions. Some stores still require mask. Thanks for stopping by.