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Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Let’s Laugh About It. . . Ha, ha, ha

Although the world is going through a Pandemic, laughter can be healing to the soul. Funny stuff does exist. Have you noticed how children can find humor in almost anything? Have you taken the time to find humor and laughter in your life?

furiously happy


I recall one day talking to my grandson. I do not even remember what we were talking about, but my grandson told me, “Granny you have a young spirit.” I had never really thought about it. Even though our bodies get older, our spirit stays alive.

Have you seen those that laugh at others? It is okay to laugh at a comedian or television show that is funny. It is not okay to laugh at another person at their expense when it hurts or humiliates them. That is one of the worst types of laughter there is. Possibly you have been laughed at. Hopefully people will learn to laugh together.

1. Power

Laughing is something that you may do and never take the time to think about the power of laughter. When you are laughing it sometimes can lighten the mood. Laughter can help healing, because it releases endorphins according to They further state laughter can temporarily relieve pain. I would say that is a lot of power to relieve pain considering there are those that live in pain daily; thus laughter can leave the body relaxed up to 45 minutes. Just think of those that would love to be without pain for just a moment. Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

2. Family

Family is so important. I have an older sister who is The First Lady at her church. She is still one of the funniest people I know. She always keeps me laughing. She can find humor in so many things. Now my baby sister is the same. She is just naturally funny. I recall when I was 8 months pregnant. My sister and sister-in-law wanted to go out dancing. They took me along with them. An Old friend asked me to dance while I still had my coat on. Later I took my coat off and as he passed by he stated, “I didn’t know you were pregnant.” My baby sister blurted out,” Man you didn’t see how big her stomach was?” We all laughed about it, because in reality, I was all stomach and was very much ready for this baby to come.

3. Television

Have you observed that even though some pictures are rated drama and action, there is still a lot of funny moments within the picture. Think about it.
Some of the characters in pictures are just naturally funny.

4. Dardnest Things

Kids do say the dardnest things. One 4-year-old kept passing gas. Finally the parent asked, “Do you think you might need to use the restroom?” She replied, “Yes.” So she went to the restroom and stayed there awhile. When she returned she stated, “I have some good news and I have some bad news.” “I tried to booboo, but it was only gas.”

5. Mother’s Day

I recall one Mother’s Day my Pastor saying Mother’s Day jokes before his sermon. They were funny and it did lighten the mood before his sermon.

6. Halloween

I recall my Uncle Bill during Halloween. I believe he loved it more than the children. When the children would come to our door trick or treating, he would greet them wearing a gorilla mask. The children would holler and run away. He thought that was so funny.

7. Dinner

I recalled my daughter during her teen years was making dinner for the family. The chicken was quite dark in fact it was black. I asked my daughter, “Did you burn the chicken?” Her reply with a straight face was, “ No mom that is a new recipe called “Blacken chicken.” We all laughed about it.

7. Organ Stimulate

Did you know that laughter stimulates the heart, lungs, and muscles? That is according to Mayo Clinic. They further add that it improves the immune system in that positive thoughts release neuropeptides that help fight stress and serious illness.

8. Laughing In Your Sleep

There have been times that I would awaken because I was laughing aloud in my sleep.  It has not happened often. Has this ever happened to you? According to laughing in your sleep is normal. They further found from one study that was done 33-44 % of a small sample of middle school children laughed in their sleep from the previous 6 months.

9. Laughter Yoga

Madan Kataria invented Yoga Therapy in 1995 according to A serious of breathing and relaxing exercises. They further add that it has been found that fake laughter eventually became genuine and produced good feelings.

10. Different types of Laughter

There are various types of laughter. Have you noticed how others laugh? Some may have high-pitched nasal laughs while others may have deep laughs. Among the different types of laugh may include belly laughs, cachinnation laugh (loud laughter), sarcastic laugh, and cackel laugh (a loud laugh suggestive of a hen laying eggs. Do any of these laughs sound familiar to you? What type of laugh do you have? You may probably think of other types of laughs that you have heard.

11. Bloopers

I love watching the bloopers from movies. Occasionally they will show them at the end of the movie. These bloopers really make me laugh. Most of the time they are so funny that the actors within the scenes cannot help but laugh. Something about laughter is that sometimes there may be scenes that were not intentionally meant to be funny, but turned out to be very funny.  

Have you had a good laugh today?   If not, laugh now. . . ha, ha. ha . . .

Image by nguyenbaqua from Pixabay


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Reidland Family said...

The video can't help but make you laugh out loud!

April J Harris said...

Laughter truly is more important than ever these days! I have woken up laughing once or twice (not recently though). Love your daughter's response to her "blackened chicken"! Thank you so much for sharing this important reminder to keep laughing despite the challenges. It's good for us! Thank you also for being a p art fo the Hearth and Soul community. Stay safe and well, Betty. Wishing you a good week.

Shelbee on the Edge said...

Laughter really does have incredible healing power, doesn’t it? My husband makes me laugh so hard on a daily basis and as a result the last 12 years with him have been amazing! I have always said that if you can make me laugh daily, I will stick around for life. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post!


Pimenta Mais Doce said...

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anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by Pimenta. The Photos on your blog are quite interesting. Yes I followed you.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Reidland Family. Thanks for stopping by.

April Harris said...

Laughter truly can be the best medicine! Thank you for sharing this lovely post with the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Have a safe and happy week.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you April. Thanks for stopping by. said...

What an outstanding complement from your grandson!

anointedtoday said... yes it was a great compliment. Out of the mouths of babes. Thanks for stopping by.