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I Love and Support HBCU

Sunday, January 17, 2021

6 Sleep Tips That You Need to Know About

 Sleep is vital to the body just as food and exercise is. You can get too much sleep or you can be deprived and get too little sleep. Can you strike a balance?

                                                                         Better Sleep

                                                                ***Good News***

Do you remember the feeling when you get a good night’s sleep and you are feeling well rested? I recall as a young child I was allowed to stay up as late as I wanted to at night. I always thought I would miss something so I loved staying up late. When I was older I realized staying up late could have a price. For example staying up late to study and cram for a school exam affected me, because the next day I was so tired. Staying up late partying and then attempting to go to work the next day was futile. I could feel the difference in my body. It did not feel good. All I wanted to do was go home and sleep. I slowly begin to realize just how important sleep was for my body and my well-being as well.

1. Memory Stabilization

While you are sleeping the hippocampus (a brain structure in the temporal lobe that has a major role in learning and memory) reactivates itself spontaneously. Certain neurons activate while others stay quiet. They form assemblies that set code information. So while you are sleeping your brain is active doing what it needs to do to stabilize your memory. This is all according to sciencedaily.com.

2. Brain Changes from Lack of Sleep

According to Forbes.com a recent study showed that drivers who regularly get less than 6 hours of sleep a night have a 33% higher risk of a car accident than drives who get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. They further added that sleep allows the brain to reset, helping integrate newly learned material with consolidated memories, so the brain can begin anew the next day. I can really identify with this. One day when I did not get enough sleep I would sometimes almost feel like I was drunk. I guess it could be compared to a walking zombie. It was not a very good feeling at all. Have any of you ever experienced this? Have there been days when you wish you could have gotten just a little more sleep?

3. Sleep During Covid-19

Since the Covid-19 Pandemic sleep patterns have changed for some. There have been reports of more domestic violence because of the lockdown. It has been stressful for many because several have lost loved one, several have lost jobs, and others have even lost their homes. According to todayshealthscience.com sleep disruption episodes has spiked 33% from before the Covid-19 pandemic and is 70% now, showing a 37% increase in total. They further add that working from home and children learning remotely has been a disaster for some. The Pandemic has changed our way of living in so many ways. If you are a hugger you will think twice now before attempting to hug someone or even allowing someone to hug you. I recall recently I saw an old acquaintance and she attempted to hug me I backed up and said I am not hugging during this Pandemic. I suggested a fist bump. It is in people’s nature to hug and touch each other. That has all changed for those that are not of the same household. We are learning about the Pandemic, but there is still much we do not know about it.

4. Electronics

I cannot emphasize enough how overuse of electronics can affect your sleep. I recall when I was working I loved to watch television. I discovered I needed to turn the television off at least 2 hours before my bedtime in order to get a good night sleep. I attempted 1 hour, but that did not work so I increased it to 2 hours. For some reason after working and coming home my body was wired and it took at least 2 hours just to relax. Now because of technology we not only have television, but we have Ipods, Ipads, cellphones, playstations and much more that wire our brains.

I recall when my children were in school I bought them a gaming set. They loved to play it so that I would wait until they were in bed and I would get out of bed just to have time to play it myself. Again, this was taking away from my sleep because I still needed to get up early in the morning for work.

5. Increase Light Exposure During the Day

According to Healthline.com a study done in older adults found that 2 hours of bright light exposure during the day increased the amount of sleep by 2 hours and sleep efficiency by 80%. They further added reducing the blue light exposure from electronics, television, and cellphones reduces hormones like melatonin.  Melatonin help you relax and get get deep sleep. That is why it so important to turn off electronics several hours before bedtime. This does make a lot of sense when you take time to think about it.

6. Natural Sleep Aides

Several natural sleep aides that you could try are Chamomile tea, Valerian (Herbal medication),Hops (female flower), Melatonin, passionflower, lavender, and Ginseng. This is according to healthline.com. I personally love lavender bath for showering it is relaxing and smells so very good. They further add to consult with your doctor before taking any herbal medication because it could interact with present medicine you are taking. Also if you are pregnant or lactating it could cause problems.

These are just a few tips regarding sleep. What sleep tips do you use that have been effective to getting a good nights sleep?


A new discovery: How our memories stabilize while we sleep


New Discovery Reveals How Your Brain Changes When You Need Sleep


How Covid-19 Has Changed Our Sleep


17 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night


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Sarah said...

Getting away from electronics before bedtime is so important. I do my best to get away from a screen thirty minutes before bed and I do notice a difference in my sleep.

anointedtoday said...

Sarah good for you. Thanks for stopping by.

Fans who will miss Judd said...

I didn't realize that the amount of light you get during the day affects sleep. Good to know! Thanks for sharing these tips.

anointedtoday said...

I did not know that at first either Fans who will miss Judd. Thanks for stopping by.