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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Intriguing Parenting Tips

* * * A Few Tips * * *

Have You made mistakes in parenting? Are you parenting a teen or a young child? If your answer is no to making mistakes in parenting, you are a rare one, because everyone has made mistakes including myself.

teaching with love and logic

Whether you are parenting younger children or teens all situations may not be the same. Note that each child is different and there is no one size fits all.

Romans 3:10, As it is written, There is none righteous, no, no one. You may wish that you were perfect and attempt to parent perfectly, but because you are imperfect you may make mistakes. Even with all the vast amounts of parenting books that are available parenting is trial and error, because every parent and every family is different.

1. Material Things

Material things are great. I believe adults like material things just as much as children do. I recall several adults saying that they wanted to give their children all of the things that they never had. Well that is great, but sometimes can be dangerous, because when children get everything they may not appreciate it. Moderation and balance is so important.


I recall one time forgetting to pick my child up from school. I thought to myself, “How could you forget your own child?” It never happened again, but just the idea that it happened bothered me for a long time.

2. Fixing It

Are you always attempting to fix your children’s problems or do you allow them to find possible solutions? Do you discuss the problems and ask your children to consider possible alternatives?

3. Entitled

Does your child feel entitled? Are your children walking around with an attitude that you owe them something? Do your children feel the money that you have worked hard for is their money? Does your child show appreciation or even gratitude? I recall working with a teenager whose father was a CEO of a company. He was upset because he had to make his lunch for work. His attitude was, “Why should my parents have all that money if I can’t spend it?” The only problem with his attitude was that it was his parent’s money and he had no idea how hard his parent’s worked to earn what they had.
Take time to talk to your children about earnings, goals, and savings.

4. Danish Way of Parenting

Did you know that according to Danishway.com the UN’s World Happiness Report Denmark is one of the happiest countries in the world? They further add that parenting is a gift to be valued and nurtured.

5. Valuable

Do you let your children know that they are valuable and that they have worth? Do you let your children know that they matter? Are you aware of issues or problems that are going on with your children? It is of utmost importance to keep the communication open. You may think you are doing an awesome job parenting, whereas your children may think otherwise.

Relax and be the best parent that you can be. Quit beating yourself up. Take the time to love your children, because they will grow up before you know it.


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Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

We tend to spoil our grandbabies, we just can't help it. Thanks so much for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty 41.

Seeking Serenity and Harmony said...

Great food for thought on parenting.