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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, April 22, 2019

What Would You Do when Face-to-Face with an Active Shooter at School?

There have been numerous school shootings in America. Have you ever asked yourself, what would you do if you came face to face with an active shooter at school? actually happened to a young lady and thankfully there were no fatalities that day.

Photo credit: krosseel from morguefile.com
By krosseel

There are times you might say you would know what to do if you came face to face with an active shooter at school, but do you really know what to do?

As I watched the live interview of Antoinette Tuff with Anderson Cooper, I was amazed as he talked with her. When faced with the active shooter she made some tough decisions and her last name happens to be Tuff. Antoinette helped save hundreds of children that day. She even received a call from President Obama.

Antoinette shared that her pastor had trained her as to what to say to people who were hurting and to use her own experiences as an example. Anderson Cooper asked, "Would you like to meet that young man again?” She answered, "Yes, because I know that he was hurting and needed help. “ In addition, she made it clear that it was God using her and the Holy Spirit giving her the words to say. I thought to myself, “Antoinette is a very humble person.” I observed that she showed genuine concern for this young man that actually came into the school with a lot of ammunition along with a gun. It was awesome that she convinced the shooter to put his weapon down and submit to the police. Therefore, there were no fatalities that day at this school. You might think you know what you would have done in this same situation but do you really know what you would do?

Antoinette Tuff is a “true hero.” Words that she said to the gunman stayed in mind, “It’s going to be alright sweetie.” In addition, she is now a survivor, author, and speaker.

Many schools are increasing drills and training as to what to do in the situation if an active shooter was to come to their school. Some schools are drilling several times a day.

 Most active shooter videos emphasize running to safety, finding somewhere to hide; locking doors, turning off lights, and as a last resort improvise a weapon and fight. Antoinette did none of these; instead she stayed calm and talked the gunman into giving himself up.  Since that time a movie has been made based on the true story of Antoinette Tuff.  It is entitled "Faith Under Fire."  I recently watched it on lifetime.  It gives you a lot to think about.   You may say what you think you would do, but until you are in that situation, do you really know what you would do?


Antoinette Tuff hailed as 'true hero' for handling Georgia school gunman

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Joanne said...

Wow! That sounds like a really powerful movie. I remember doing active shooter drills in our old school when I was teaching and thinking there had to be something we could be doing other than running and hiding.... what a wonderful hero.

Jennifer@MyFlagstaffHome said...

She was definitely walking in the Spirit that day. Truly amazing. As a former classroom teacher and college professor, I have had to have those discussions and drills with students, but you're right, all of the training is based on how to hide. That amazing woman was so brave and saved so many lives. You bring up a great question to ponder. Thanks for sharing at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home. Blessings to you! --Jennifer

Roseann Hampton said...

I've been through an active shooter training but if it was actually happening I think it would be hard to stay calm! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!