I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, July 6, 2018

Can You Exercise Without Going to the Gym?

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why dancing is good exercise?” Or possibly you have asked, “Why hip hop dancing is good exercise?”


Dancing is a great form of exercise. It is something that you can do and feel good while dong it. Do you like to dance? Children love to dance. Movement is in their spirits. Exercising and having fun is what Hip hop dance is. Hip hop dance provides stamina endurance, strengthens the heart muscles, and tones the abdominal muscles. It is an easy way to get your children to exercise.

1. Exercise in School

Any exercise that provides you a good workout should be considered. Exercising is good for the body. Because everyone is different, each person will need to find which exercise is best for you. Many schools have some type of dancing and exercise movement into their regular school routine. Either before or after school.  In addition, starting the “Let's Move” movement in schools is a good move by Michelle Obama. Even though Barack Obama is no longer President, I still love the “Let's Move” Movement. Kudos to Michelle. The students benefit from this. That is a positive and healthy move for the future of our young people and generations to follow.

Some schools have even gone as far as to have an actual Hip hop Dance Team that dances during half times at their games. Can you imagine the exercise that they get for dong this? The rewards are just phenomenal.

Besides the fact that hip hop is a great way to get children to exercise, it also engages students. Educators realize teaching hip hop can also be a bridge to talk about other subjects.

2. Burning Calories

According to Fitday.com hip hop dance is a fun and effective way to burn calories while getting your heart to pumping.  Did you know that there are sites available where you can input your weight and the number of minutes that you exercise to estimate the number of calories that you burn? It is listed below, just click on the link:

3. Hip Hop DVD

You will determine which hip-hop DVD or video is best for you. It depends on what areas of your body you want to workout. Twenty minute and Ten minute workouts, are available for those that have less time to workout. Encouraging children to exercise with Hip hop is good.

4. Feeling Good

There are many benefits to dancing. I can say that I like dancing and it really makes me feel good. I can recall as a small child the parties at our house included children and adults dancing freely on the floor. At a family reunion I recall 2 little ones that danced all night every dance on the dance floor. They never sat down nor did they seem to get tired. They were happy just dancing by themselves at times.

5. Fun

Dancing is fun. Previously at my Pastor's Anniversary Banquet the members danced and I observed that there was a lot of laughter in the room. One little girl actually started dancing soon as she heard music playing. She had no problem getting on the dance floor by herself. There was no shame in her game. This was a beautiful site to see. I am so glad that my pastor had this vision. Young and old was up on the dance floor dancing. So besides the obvious health benefits, dancing is fun. Also, dancing is not just limited to the young. Older people can dance too. Have you tried dancing?  I do believe you can exercise without going to the gym. 

Photo Caption: Pixabay, Coffee

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Lee MacArthur said...

I exercise regularly without going to the gym. I do use DVD's but I park in the back of parking lots so I have to walk around, take stairs when I can rather than using the elevator, and choose an option that gives me movement such as gardening rather than just sitting.

anniemaria192 said...

Entire post really Awesome! Thank you for all the hard work you put into it. It's really shows. Status Gym