I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, August 5, 2016

New Levels. . . New Devils. . . Challenges Teens are Faced With Today

I heard someone say “new levels, new devils.” I thought about it. Kids today are faced with more complex problems. Problems are always going to exist, but the devil tries to be more craftier in deception. These are only a few of the teenage issues that teens encounter today.


1. Sex

Let's face it sex has existed since creation. As I watched National Geographic, they talked about how the nation handled explaining sex to our children over the past decade. They showed how sex was hardly discussed and TV shows even showed parents sleeping in twin beds as oppose to a full bed. They showed how sex was popular in the back seat of teenager's cars. In this new age children are having sex in school. They are finding new ways. There has been discussion of abstinence. Today there is teaching of how to use condoms, birth control, and sex with different partners. Even with all of this they emphasized that the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancies than any other country. Children are curious. It is important that sex is discussed between parent and child when the parent feels it is an appropriate age. I recall one parent mentioning to me she sat her daughter down and wanted to have a discussion about sex. She said her daughter asked, “Okay mom what do you want to know about it?” Too often I hear of other children telling their friends about sex.

2. Suicide

John 10:10  The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. No suicide is not a new issue for teens, but some of the devils techniques to deceive teens into committing suicide is.

Since the internet age bullying has taken a new form. Cyber bullying occurs often. It is not right and there are teens that cannot tolerate it, as they look to their peers. Some teens are misguided and feel that there is no other option at that time. They want relief from the pain. Jesus can give that inner peace, education, and closer parent communication as well as school involvement can help.

3. Self-Image

It is important for parents to let their teens know they are beautiful and handsome. Some teens have a poor self-image of self. I remember as a teen feeling I was too skinny. I did not like that image. Some teens may look in the mirror and only see what they call a physical flaw. They may not see the full picture that they are beautiful, but instead see that one pimple on their face that they so desperately want to hide or those ears they feel are too big.

4. School Shootings

Hundreds of years ago you never would have heard of a school shooting. Now, it has happened just too often. This is sad for those that have lost family and friends to shootings in their schools. This has caused some children to fear going to school. Schools are taking steps toward educating teachers and students what to do if they find themselves in this situation. Some schools are doing active drills, which I believe is not a bad idea.

City of Houston Releases Video Showing What to do If You're faced with Shooter

Unfortunately, guns are falling into the wrong hands and as a result innocent people are suffering for it. Some of the things that the City of Houston suggests are as follows:

1. running if a safe path is available
2. turning out lights when hiding and lock doors
3. silence ringers on cellphone

I believe silencing cellephones one ringers is very important as many Middle school and High School students carry cellphones to school in the event of an emergency.

5. Drugs

Again, drugs are not a new problem for teens, but there are newer and harsher drugs that are becoming an epidemic.

Two Fenton, Michigan teens died of apparent Heroin overdoses. The devil has gotten creative by setting up Meth labs. Unfortunately some of these labs explode during the processing of drugs and individuals are harmed.

6. Fast Money

There are teens that are attracted to fast money. The devil deceives them to think this is fast and easy. It may be fast and easy until they are caught selling drugs and thrown into jail. I had a friend that experienced that. He shared how attractive the fast money was. How often have you see some teens driving new cars, fully loaded, and their parents are poor and did not provide these luxuries for them. I recall taking my children to school in elementary school. They would point out the children at the school that were dealing drugs. Yes, some of them looked like nerds, I would have never thought. Sometimes the devils deceives teens to think the “Price is Right.” As I watched a television program, the policeman was an outstanding citizens until presented with a large some of money when asked to just do one little thing. Before he knew it, he was in a deeper situation that he thought. Prayerfully, you can keep communication open with your teen so that they can talk to you about anything. Prayerfully your teens will know that you love them unconditionally. Prayerfully your teen will receive their educational degree or obtain a skill that they can rely on in life, because we know everyone will not be a famous basketball player or football player. What other problems can you add to what I have talked about today? I would love to hear from you. Do you have any suggestions for topics you might want to hear about or discuss?

Photo Caption:

Photo Caption: Commons, Wikimedia.org.,Rolands Lakis, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

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Unknown said...

As the aunt to a teenage boy, I can relate to what you are saying! Thank you for sharing these wonderful insights about teens in New Levels. . . New Devils. . . Challenges Teens are Faced With Today at the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm Pinning and sharing!

Unknown said...

It is CERTAINLY more challenging to be a teen these days...we parents need to be diligent in our prayers AND in keeping the lines of communication open with them!
Thanks for laying it out there at Coffee and Conversation last week!!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Deborah for stopping by Anointedtoday.blogspot.com.

anointedtoday said...

I agree Pat. Thanks for stopping by anointedtoday.blogspot.com.

Janice Wald said...

Hi Betty,
Thanks for coming to Blogger's Pit Stop last week.
Janice, Pit Stop Crew

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Janice.