Keeping children safe has taken on a
new role. With the introduction of the Internet, it has given the
meaning of keeping our children safe a much different approach.
With the new age of computers and
technology, parents are looking for cyber safety for kids as well as
adults. There are new safety guards that are created everyday. As
parents you want to be as cyber savvy as possible, because there are
so many threats and predators lurking in cyberspace waiting to steal
any and all information that they can from you.
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Safe Kids |
1. Online Game Ratings
Yes you can block sites and use
internet filters, but that is that enough to keep children safe on
the internet? Do you know your Internet Game Rating? According to
NBC news, it is important to only allow your children to play
age-appropriate games online and offline as well. I also, take it a
step further. Just because a game states that it is age appropriate
for a certain age, there still may be questionable things about the
game that conflict with your value. So I usually play the game also
to see for myself if this is something children should play. Then I
know for sure.
I recall watching an episode of
CSI-Cybercrime. I was amazed to see how criminals hide behind some
of the games online. The criminal would purposely pick high scoring
players and befriend them. He then had them deliver a package which
contained a gun, which he would use to kill various individuals. The
sad part is that the children did not know or did not question the
delivering of the packages. They actually thought it was part of a
higher gaming plan.
2. Safe Search
Although safe searches are not
guaranteed 100%, it is important to find the safest searches for
kids. With Google Safe Search you can avoid inappropriate content
that might pop up with your child's search. Some explicit images
should not be seen by children, but because there is very little
control with engine searches, it might be unavoidable. Also, in the
article 5 Online Safety Tips for Kids,,
I mention that a strange thing about the internet is that you may not
know who you are talking too, even if someone sends you a picture,
because there is no guarantee that this is a true picture of the
other person.
3. Ipad, Iphone,and Tablet
Let's take a look at the new
generation. Besides the fact they may do their homework on a PC
(Personal Desktop Computer or Laptop), they may also play games and
talk to their friends on other computer devices. Rather than tie a
credit card to my Ipad for in-app purchases I just purchase iTunes
Cards. They can be purchased for $15, $25, and up. In addition, I
added a pass-code, so that must be entered any time a purchase or
download is made, even free purchases. Also, iTunes cards make great
gifts to give children and teens that have computer devices.
Recently, I had a friend that received a $50 iTunes gift card and had
no clue what to do with it or how to use it. I explained instead of
using your credit card, the iTunes card could be used to purchase
songs, books, or even games. Most people enjoy some type of music.
According to Russ Warner at there are several restrictions with the Apple
devices that can be used to help protect your child from
inappropriate content. These restrictions may include disabling the
camera, disable Siri, and disable iTunes Store for limited access.
He further adds if you have young children there is an option to
create 10 or 20 child-friendly websites and only give your children
access to them. Remember as parents it is up to you to
keep your children as safe as possible. God gives them to us and He expects us
to nurture, care for them, and love them as He has loved us.
Photo Caption: Commons,,
Tnvols2, Creative
Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported license
How to protect young kids frominappropriate Internet, Kim Lachance Shandrow
How to Keep Your Child Safe on the iPodTouch, iPhone, Russ Warner
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The internet is such a great tool that can be used for good or evil. It is so easy to become lazy and not guard what my kids do online. I tend to just cut off the usage of devices at all and I'm sure my kids would appreciate some safe usage - so thanks for sharing this. Best wishes!
Sometimes cutting off the usage of devices is good MomPrepares. Thanks for stopping by.
I love using CommonSenseMedia for their age ratings on games, etc., because they give a little more detail than the companies themselves on potentially objectionable things in games. I think you're missing the biggest piece, though. We have to educate our children about online safety and decision-making just as we do in the real world. We can't keep the entire world away from our kids forever. We have to prepare them for it.
Thanks for linking with #TwinklyTuesday.
Great post, thanks for sharing at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings
This is an area that parents need to constantly monitor. Just when I think I {might} have a grip on things, I read about 20+ more things to watch for. Another thing worth mentioning is never give your kids their apple id password. My kiddos can't download and/or purchase anything without me typing in the password. Thanks for sharing at Waiting on...Wednesday!
Holly @
Hi Betty,
What an important and timely post! I often observe the children in my family as well as those of friends and most of the time they are glued to a cellphone, game player or tablet and I am concerned for their safety, so I am delighted that you shared '3 Awesome Factors to Protect Your Kids in Cyberspace' with us at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party! What helpful tips! I am pinning and sharing!
It is a pleasure Deborah.
It is a pleasure Holly.
I agree Sadie. These are 3 factors I chose to mention. Obviously there are many more subjects that could be mentioned in addition to what you suggested.. Thanks for stopping by anoinedtoday.
Your welcome Terri.
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