I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, May 25, 2012

Crim Kids Classic Race 2012 ( OMG)

Crim Kids Classic Medal

This was the first Crim Kids Classic Race that I have attended. The turnout of parents and children was phenomenal. There were parents with their babies in strollers there too. Families had the option to pre-register online or to register at the Sarvis Center Building.I was impressed with the organization of the registering. Even though there were lineups, it went quite fast. The lineup was according to the beginning letter of your last name in alphabetical order. Pre-registering saves time and you only needed to pick up packets. The packets consisted of several goodies, which included a Crim T-shirt with their running number.

The adult family members were just as excited as the children were. It was a cool rainy day, but the rain seemed to cease during the actual runs. Luckily, it did not rain heavily that morning. Registration was from 10 am-11:00 am. The racing commenced at about 12:45 pm.

There were several races for the children, which included, the Diaper Dash, Toddler Trot, quarter mile run, half-mile run, and 1 mile run. This included ages 1-12 years of age. I was amazed to see what appeared to be three and 4 year olds running with great stamina. Parents were aloud to run with the smaller children, but seemed as though the smaller children were doing quite well on their own. I was impressed.

There were vendors inside of the Sarvis Center as well as outside of the center. McDonald’s restaurant and Ronald McDonald was among one of the vendors there that gave away coupons. Channel 12 and several other organizations were there. I saw a couple of bouncy houses, balloon makers, good music, and there was face painting. Children were not the only ones getting face painting, but adults were too. There were three young women and a child doing the face painting. They were very organized and very kind as they worked diligently. I commend them for their patience and work that they did.

I got my face painted too. It was fun.

The children moved and warmed up with lively music before the run. At the start of the runs, which was on Kearsly Street in front of the Whiting Auditorium, the children would line up and they would start their runs in groups of 10 at a time. There were many children.

As the children reached the finish line, they received their Crim medal. Then free pizza, water, and fruit awaited them. I thought this was a great idea.

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