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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Strategies to Develop Good Habits

Have you considered that not all habits are bad? Did you know that there are good habits that can work towards your own benefit?

Did You Know?


1. Attitude of Gratitude

Did you ever think about developing an attitude of gratitude? It might be easy to complain about several things, but you can always find something to be thankful for if you just look deep enough.

2. Sleep Habits

Are you getting enough sleep? Possibly you might want to make it a habit to go to bed early and stop staying up late? If you realize not getting enough sleep is taking a toll on your body, you might want to turn this around by making it a habit to go to be earlier. You might want to make the decision that this is what you will do.

3. Drinking Water

Do you drink enough water? Although I live in Flint and the city water was poisoned with lead around 2014, I still make it a habit to drink enough bottled water throughout the day. I make it a point to carry a water bottle with me when traveling throughout the day. That way I will have water available to me when needed. I have even noticed that some car establishments will have water as well as coffee for you when waiting for your car to be serviced.

According to, your body’s principal chemical component and makeup is about 50% to 70% of your body weight. Well how much is enough? They further added that about 15.5 cups of fluids a day is good for men and about 11.5 cups of fluid a day for women.

4. What About Breakfast?

Do you eat breakfast? Do you want to make it a habit to not miss breakfast? I recall as a teenager I never or very seldom ate breakfast. I never really realized at the time the importance of eating breakfast. It was not until I was pregnant with my first child I saw the importance of breakfast. It was at that time breakfast became a habit with me. Now there may be those that say that they do not like the traditional breakfast, (bacon, eggs, and toast). I get it. But did you know there are so many other foods that can be eaten for breakfast. For example, oatmeal with fruit and nuts, yogurt and berries, or french toast and yogurt. There are so many different combinations that you can eat for breakfast besides your traditional bacon, eggs, and toast.

5. More than One Healthy Habit

You do know that you can develop more than one healthy habit? The good thing is that you will decide what habits that you want to build on. Maybe it is a few or maybe there are a lot of them.

6. Routine

Finding a routine is very important. I recall a year before retiring I did a sort of practice run because even though I was retiring from the company, I knew I still needed a daily routine for my time. My husband had retired before me and I thought to myself, “This man is having too much fun.” So I did and still do have a regular routine for myself since I retired. Above all I know that I did not want to become a couch potato. Part of my routine was blogging. That has been a journey. I realized that I loved to write. At one point our church had a food bank and I loved volunteering for that. I discovered volunteering is so essential to giving back to your community.

Before I even retired I recalled volunteering to help adults learn to read. I found that that was very rewarding, because it had never occurred to me that there were adults that did not know how to read. I recall one of my clients telling me that he faked it so long carrying a newspaper with him pretending to read. He said it worked at his workplace until the computers became prominent then he knew he could not longer fake it.

7. Flexibility

How flexible are you? Even though you are developing good habits there may be days that things to not go as planned. Are you flexible to say that you will take up where you left off the next day? That is important. I know some days I am flooded with ideas for writing and I may not get to write right away as planned. I remember to tell myself that “Rome was not built in a day.” I tell myself to be patient and persistent. I have, however, gotten in the habit of making notes on my phone when I get ideas, so as not to forget about them. I believe that is a good healthy habit. I also note if there is something I may not want to forget at the time. Another good healthy habit. Thank goodness for the cellphones, because I used to carry a pen and notepad around. Now the cellphone is my notepad.

8. Appreciation

Did you know you can make it a habit to show your appreciation to others?  When a man that I do not know opens the door for me when entering a store, I make sure to let him know by telling him, “Thank you,” and “I appreciate you.” When you think about it, he did not have to do it and in fact there are some men that will not do it. I remember the first time someone told me that they appreciated me. I felt I did not do anything special, but when I was told that it made my heart melt. There was something about the words, “I appreciate you.” Think about it. Have you told anyone today that you appreciate them? It is never too late. As long as you have breath in your body, you still can tell someone. Look for opportunities to be able to honestly tell someone. Since I am thinking about it, I want to say, “I appreciate you as your read this. I am thankful that you are reading this.



Nutrition and healthy eating


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Jennifer Wise said...

The sleep, water, and breakfast ones are the biggest ones for me. I never used to eat breakfast until I was pregnant with my oldest (28 years ago) and now can't go without it! Thank you for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #55! We hope to see you again at #56 which opens Monday. :)

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Jennifer for stopping by. Glad that you liked the post.

PaulaShort said...

These are great strategies Betty.
Thanks bunches for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friends this month my friend.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Paula. Have a great day.