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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Great Tips About Your Hippocampus

Do you know the importance of your brain? Did you know that within your brain you have the ability to make decisions? Are you making wise decisions?

Did You Know?


1. The Hippocampus

Do you know what the hippocampus is? The hippocampus is a small part of the brain that has a big job to help you learn and remember. This is mentioned at, They further added that besides learning your hippocampus is responsible for short-and long-term memory, visual-spatial memory (remembering the position of your body in relation to nearby objects), verbal memory (remembering the right words to say), and declarative (or explicit) memory (the recollection of facts or experiences).

2. The Anatomy of the Hippocampus

Where is the hippocampus located in the brain? It is located in the medial temporal lob of the brain, underneath the cortical surface and it’s structure is divided into two halves which lie in the left and right sides of the brain. This organ is said to be curved with a shape that resembles a seahorse and the name is derived from a coupling of the Greek words “hippo” for horse and “kampos” for sea. Dr. Ananya Mandal, MD talks about this at She further adds that the hippocampus was first referred to by Venetian anatomist Julius Caesar Aranzi in 1587.

3. Exercise

Does exercise keep your mental “muscles” in good shape? According to physical exercise, cognitive training, nutrition, better sleep and meditation play vital roles to strengthen your mental muscles. Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

The renewing of your mind is a daily thing; not just weekly, monthly, or yearly.

Although computers and the internet are everywhere reading and meditating on scriptures in the bible are still of great importance.

4. Too Much Computer Time

Is too much computer time Bad for your Brain?  Did you know that the brain is elastic and it can change and grow? talks about how your brain can become addicted to the fast-paced, instantaneous give-and-take of the high-speed, connected, online world. They further added it can cause issues where learning is concerned. I can see how that can happen. Have you thought about how much you rely on the internet?

If you want to know something do you just automatically look it up on the internet? Whereas you probably used to go the library, now the library is at your finger tips within seconds. 1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order. Sometimes too much or too little of anything can be disastrous. In fact, have you noticed that much of what science has proven has already been talked about in the Bible and that it is nothing new?

5. Hand Notes Versus Digital Notes

Which is better hand notes versus digital notes? My Pastor has always emphasized taking hand notes. I now know why. Many in the church now are using computers for notes and reading scriptures. emphasizes that the main advantage of handwritten notes lead to better conceptual understanding and retention and the writing by hand slows down the note-taking process, allowing students to process and reframe information in their own words, which enhances learning.

I also have observed that when I grocery shop with a list on my cellphone I tend to forget or miss something, whereas if I make a handwritten list I am less likely to overlook an item. That has been my observation.

6. Memory

Have you ever misplaced your glasses? I recall someone stating they could not find their glasses. Finally several people told him your glasses are on top on your head. They were not on his eyes. This all is a part of remembering where did you put your glasses and when did you do it?

I attended a funeral recently. A young man of about age 50 talked about his father of 81-years that just passed away. He emphasized that even though his father was 81-years, his father’s mind was very sharp and very intact. I thought to myself that is such a blessing. Also observe that I stated, “Young man of age 50.” Depends on what stage you are in life this may determine what you consider old. Think about from the day you are born you start aging. I recall my 11 year old daughter was at the babysitter’s house and became very upset because a 6-year-old boy told her he liked older women. She took it as an insult and told him she was only 11-years-old. What she did not realize was the 6-year-old considered her to be older.

7. Ways to Improve Your Hippocampus Function

Can you improve your hippocampus function? You sure can. You can improve your hippocampus function by learning something new, exercising, eating fish, drinking coffee, eating blueberries, stimulating your brain, eating dark chocolate, practice mindfulness, switching things up, and taking advantage of e-learning. talks about this.

I particularly like the one about switching things up. I sometimes switch the direction that I might go to a store. I sometimes switch up the order that I might do my housework. I have sometimes even practiced switching which hand that I write with. Instead of writing with my dominant right hand I will purposely use my left hand. That does feel weird too. You should try it. I sometimes brush my teeth before my shower, but then I might switch up and brush my teeth after my shower. Switching things up can feel good also. When I walk I sometimes change the time from 20 minutes to 30 or sometimes even an hour. It is never the same. I hope you find these few hippocampus tips helpful.




What is the Hippocampus?


A Workout for your brain


Too Much Computer Time Can Be Bad For Your Brain


Digital Noes vs Paper Notes for 2025: Benefits of Taking Notes by Hand

 10 Ways to Improve Your Hippocampus Function


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Joanne said...

Thank you so much for sharing with us at Talking About it Tuesdays!

anointedtoday said...

You are most welcome Joanne. Thanks for stopping by.