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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Stress Busters

Are you Dealing with your stress or are you just enduring it? Stress can be detrimental to your health. If you do not control it, it will control you.

Anxiety Relief

1. Healthy Habits

Did you know that developing healthy habits can aide in reducing stress? Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs are just like a band-aide and do not get to the root of the problem. Your healthy habits might include, healthy eating, exercising, and even connecting with others. Have you ever thought about that there might be times you are not feeling good, but after talking and connecting with another you may have forgot about the bad feeling that you had?

2. Sleep

Did you know that sleep is a stress buster? Do you get enough sleep? I know that there are times I might feel stressed or tired because I am trying to get so much done. I forget that old adage that “Rome was not built in a day. “ Anyway when I am feeling stressed or tired I just stop what I am trying to do and sometimes even go to bed earlier that normal. I have found that after a good night’s rest circumstances appear different. They are less critical than they were before.

3. Statistics About Stress

According too cdc.gov in August 2022 more than 32% of United States adults reported having symptoms of anxiety or depression. They further add that taking breaks throughout the day may help relieve stress, ease tensions, lessen worry.

4. Digital Stress

Do you possibly have digital stress? Do you feel the urgency to answer your cellphone every time it rings? Are you checking your cellphone and your social media constantly? Are you using your cellphone when waiting in the doctor’s office or standing in a retail line? Is your smartphone near your bed so that you can answer it through the night if you receive a call? There are ways to deal with digital stress. According to ournews.co you can go on a digital detox, set yourself clear smartphone social usage boundaries, and re-balance your work and home life.

I really like the digital detox. I recall one summer my grandchildren were at the dinner table. I observed everyone was on their cellphone. The next day I insisted that there were to be no cellphones at the table. My one granddaughter almost fell ill. She needed to go lie down. I have also observed when at restaurants many times the entire family might be on their cellphones including mother and father. So it is not just the children that might need detox the parents might need it as well.

Dis-engaging from social media or your cellphone might not be a bad idea. Do you remember the time before cellphones? If someone called you and you were not at home, you either missed the call and/or checked your answering machine after you arrived home. Also engaging from technology for awhile is a good idea because you are not a machine, but rather a well-built human that needs to take time to rest.

5. Gratitude Journal

I started my gratitude journal have your started yours? When you are stressed you may not realize the many things that you could be thankful for. How many times have you overlooked the gratitude of the simple things in your life such as the air you breath, the awesome family that you have, or the thoughtful spouse that you have?

6. Music

Music is a natural way to relieve anxiety. What type of music do you like? Have you observed that many of the retail stores will play music while you shop? Listening to music can be soothing to the brain. I love a variety of music including gospel, country, classical, and smooth jazz. I grew up hearing gospel and rhythm and blues, but later in life as I listened to different music I discovered that I like other types of music.

Do you listen to music in your car? That is another way to relieve stress especially when there is a lot of traffic.

7. Audiobooks

Some natural remedies include reading which is a great way to relieve stress, but I just love audio books. I especially listen to them in the car when traveling. I love the positive and encouraging audiobooks. Be careful of what you listen to and allow into your spirit. At one time I was unknowingly listening to an audio book that was quite depressing and found myself feeling the depressed state that some of the characters were expressing in the the story. I soon changed that. This also applies to watching television. Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

According to kinshipunited.org., music can rewire the brain and music exposure can help undo some of the damage that trauma has on children’s brains. They further add that music is processed in both hemispheres of the brain; thus encouraging the transferring of information from one hemisphere to the other and undo some of the damage that trauma has done.

8. Green and Black Tea

Now according to yourmentalhealthpal.com Green Tea is one of the best drinks for anxiety because it activates chemicals within your body and activates neurotransmitters such as Serotonin a mood stabilizer and Dopamine the reward chemical which makes you feel good. They further add that Black tea lowers the risk of hypertension. I have relatives that love Green tea. I personally prefer black tea.

9. Pamper Yourself

Do you feel guilty about pampering yourself? You should not. It is important to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. What is it that you like to do? Is it taking a long shower, getting a pedicure, or maybe just having time alone from all the bustle of life and people? Discover what it is that makes you happy and do it. What are your guilty pleasures? Maybe you love chocolate or other sweets. Remember all things in moderation is the key.


Reduce Stress in 10 Minutes and Improve Your Well-Being


How to manage the digital-related stress of technology


Where Words Fall, Music Speaks


11 Best Stress Relieving Drinks to Help You Calm Down


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Esmé Slabbert said...

Social media detox is needed and I love it but must admit it's difficult, especially being 1000's km away from family and all in different time zones, does make it difficult to shut it down.
Thank you for sharing your links with us at #272 SSPS Linky. See you again next week.

anointedtoday said...

I agree with you Esme. Thanks for stopping by.

PaulaShort said...

Thank you so very much for sharing these stress busters with Sweet Tea & Friends this month Betty

anointedtoday said...

Your Most Welcome Paula.

Laurie Cover said...

I appreciate these reminders. I live with stress much of the time, and I am also coming to learn that many of these things I have to prioritize. Exercise, sleep is my biggest one. I really am working on that one.

I appreciate what you’ve shared
Have a great day!

anointedtoday said...

Laura so glad that you are mindful. Thanks for stopping by anointedtoday.blogspot.com.