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Monday, May 8, 2023

11 Gratitude Prompts (You May or May Have Not Thought About)

Do you show gratitude to others? Do you realize how important gratitude is? Did you know that showing gratitude can affect you and others tremendously?

Gratitude Diary

***Good News***

Why Should you start a gratitude diary or gratitude journaling? For one thing it is a good way to get those good thoughts from your head to paper. You might ask what exactly is gratitude?  It is showing appreciation and thankfulness to another. I recall going to a Smokey Robinson Concert. I was amazed at how humble this man was. He had an awesome attitude of gratefulness. He also showed gratitude to the band that played for him. He said he only rehearsed with them the day before. It was a Flint band. That was really amazing, because I had assumed it was his personal band and would not have known any different. He showed great gratitude to this band thanking them. This was a side of him that I never knew but I loved seeing it. Not only is he a great singer he shows gratitude to others.

A few gratitude prompts:

1. The Internet

There is nothing wrong with being grateful. Although the internet can be used for negative things, I am thankful for the internet especially during COVID-19. The internet allowed myself and others to stay in contact even though many were confined to their homes because of this deadly infectious disease. Churches and ministers were still able to share the GOOD News of the gospel. Also some families came closer together and found creative ways to exist during the state lockdown of COVID-19. Although I know of several friends that had COVID and died I am thankful that myself and my family members survived. That is a blessing.

2. Family

I am grateful for family. I recall when I divorced. My father-in-law told me something that I will never forget. He said, “You and my son may have divorced, but you have the family for life.” To this day I am still treated like family. There are different types of family. Family does not have to be biological. There is Facebook family, blended families, church family, and you can probably think of several more. My grandchildren’s God mother has family here, but even so she has told me my daughter and grandchildren are her family also.

3. Appreciate a Friend

I am grateful for friends. I make it a point to let someone know that I appreciate them when they have helped me. Sometimes they are not aware how helpful they are until you tell them. When was the last time that you told someone that you appreciate them?

4. My Eyes

I am grateful for my eyesight. Until I had eye surgery I believe I took my eyes for granted. After surgery I could not use the computer for several weeks, I could not drive, I could not tolerate the light from passing cars at night. That was a humbling experience and I am grateful now that I am healed, even though my eyes are sensitive to bright lights I still appreciate being able to see.

5. Walking

I am thankful that I am able to walk without a cane or walker. I have several friends that need their canes and walkers. Also there are young people even children that need assistance when walking so it is not just older people. To be able to walk is a blessing and I am thankful for that.

6. Journal

I am grateful that I am not only writing and telling you about gratitude journal prompts, but that I have just started my gratitude journaling. I am loving this journey. It feels so therapeutic. I recall winning a gratitude journal from a blogging giveaway. The instructions were to list a few things I was grateful for and to pass the book on to another to do the same. I did pass it on and pray that that person passed it on to someone else. I thought that was a great giveaway.

7. 7 Benefits of Gratitude

Although I know personally the benefits of Gratitude talks about better sleep, better physical health, better mental health, greater willpower, improved-self-esteem, better relationships, and improved self-care as a result of expressing gratitude.

8. Brain Activity

Gratitude journaling can help you think about life. As I have been writing about gratitude journaling I have been recalling many instances that I have personally experienced using gratitude and observing others that show gratitude. There are so many others that I can model after. It helps me think about life. There are so many times that I might want to have a pity party, but then I think about others that are less fortunate than me and that would love to have what I have. I So I have have learned to be thankful.

9. Opening the door

I recently was going into a retail store and a gentleman ahead of me had walked through the door but turned and saw me coming through; he politely stepped backed and held the door open for me. I am thankful for him. I did not know him but thanked him, because some men would have not held the door but rather just walk in and let the door slam in front of you. I have observed this thoughtfulness when traveling in the south. The men seem to be so courteous about opening and holding the door for women, at least for me.

10. Shoes

I remember reading a grateful quote, “I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.” That quote is something that I have always remembered. I have often heard my Pastor talk about how he would walk with his grandmother to the store and he had no shoes as a child. I cannot imagine, because I always had shoes. For that I am thankful. This makes me remember again there is always someone else that is worse off than me, so I really should not complain.

11. Homelessness

I am thankful that I am not homeless. I have seen those that because of circumstances became homeless, but before homelessness had everything that they desired. Circumstances can change your life with a twinkling of the eye. So I am thankful.

What do you have gratitude for? I hope you are journaling about it.


7 Benefits of Gratitude


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Carol said...

It was inspiring to read the many ways you experienced gratitude. I know that when I am thankful I have a better day. It is good to keep in my many blessings!

Esmé Slabbert said...

Waling without a cane now after a knee replacement was done less than 3 months ago. I am so grateful.
Thank you for sharing your links with us at SSPS. Please check back on Monday to see if your content has been featured.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Carol. Thanks also for stopping by.

anointedtoday said...

Esme so glad you are walking without a cane. That is a blessing. I have numerous friends that have had knee replacement surgery. They all say that they wish they would have had it done sooner.

PaulaShort said...

Betty, thanks for sharing your gratitude list and ideas. I try to pause, and regroup so that I can be intentional in showing gratitude.
Thanks bunches for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.

anointedtoday said...

Your Most Welcome Paula. That is a great idea to pause and regroup. Thanks for stopping by.

April J Harris said...

Betty, thank you for sharing this wonderful, heartwarming post. I keep a gratitude journal but even then I think I forget things! It is always good to be reminded of just how many blessings there are in the world by seeing things from someone else's perspective. I am so glad your eye surgery was successful. Thank you again for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Community.

anointedtoday said...

Your most welcome April. I sometimes forget as well. It is awesome to be reminded of how much we should be thankful for.