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Saturday, May 14, 2022

13 Tips About Pinterest Group Boards

Pinterest Group Boards are a great way to share your boards and achieve great traffic to your site. If you have not joined a Pinterest Group Board, there are numerous boards available for nearly every niche that there is.


***Good News***

1. Managing Your Group Board

Did you know that when you create your group board you can add notes, invite friends to collaborate on your board, and choose whether your group can add others on your group board.

2. How to Create a Group Board

a. Select one your boards that you have already created

b. Click on the + Sign

c. Click on the +Sign at the bottom -invite collaborators

d. Enter the name or email you want to search for

e. Once they accept they are added on your list

f. Because this is your group you can remove collaborators also

This reminds me of one time a person joined one of my group boards and did a lot of spamming as well as inappropriate picture exposures. I did remove and block that person.

3. Finding a Group Board

You may join a group board and decide this group is not for you. You can leave that group at any time. You want to find the group that is good for you. Joining a group board gives you more exposure to other sites, thus the possibility of more traffic for both of you. It is a win/win situation for all.

4. Analytics

You have access to anayltics to check and see which boards are performing better than others. You can identify the top performers of your group boards and you may want to promote them even more.

5. Statistics

Did you know according to

a. there are 5 billion Pinterest boards

b. 77.1% of Pinterest audiences are female

c. 46% of United States women adults use Pinterest

d. 90% of weekly pinners make purchase decisions on Pinterest

e. Pinterest is one of the top 10 relevant brands in the United States

f. 85% of Pinners also claim to use the platform to plan new projects  

g. 82% of Pinterest’s active users claim to have bought products based on the

brand’s content on site and

h. 85% of all Pinterest traffic comes from the mobile app?

6. Pinterest Boards: How Many?

A great thing about Pinterest is that you can have 2,000 boards, 200,000 pins and 50,000 follows. This is stated at I have not arrived at those figures yet, but I am working on it.

7. Why Join a Pinterest Group Board

Have you heard the saying that, “ There is Power in Numbers.” There may be something to that adage. talks about the psychology of groups stating there is a need to belong, affiliation in groups provide members with information, assistance, social support, teamwork, and group development.

8. My Group Boards

Besides the group boards I have joined at Pinterest I have also created the following group boards:

Breast Cancer Awareness

New Technology News 2022


9. Group Boards I have Joined

I have joined the following groups boards on Pinterest:

All Things Family

Blogs Encouraging Blogs and Websites 

Joyfilled Hearts


These are just a few of the group boards I have joined. I really like these groups.

10. Social Engagement

According to a lack of connection with others can lead to poor emotional health, high blood pressure and a decline in physical health. They further add that social engagement enhances mental health, sense of belonging, better self-esteem increased cognitive functioning, and purposeful living. All of this can be derived from a Pinterest Group. Another great thing about a Pinterest Groups is that you are engaging with people all over the world not just from your state or your country. You can learn about other people’s cultures as well.

11. Creating Your Own Group Boards

You may decide that you want to create your own Group Board. That is awesome. Decide what Niche you want to create. Maybe it might be a craft group board or possibly a fashion group Board. Once you have created a pinboard. Be sure set ground rules for your expectation from collaborators. You can also suggest anyone wanting to join to just type ADD ME in the comments of the board. You also can click on that board then click on the + sign below it and you can invite collaborators by name or email by sending them an invite. Just wait for them to accept it and they will be added to your group. Be sure to check out some of my group boards to see what I am talking about. You may have areas of interest that you are passionate about and want to start a group board for that. There is just no end what you can accomplish on a Pinterest Group Board.

12. Monitor Your Group Board

You should receive notification when any of your collaborators pin to your board. So you want to monitor to be sure rules are being followed and you are not getting spam on your board. Should that happen you can remove that collaborator. Most collaborators follow the rules and guidelines so you should have no problems. Just remember if you do, deal with it at that time. You don’t want someone abusing the group board by over pinning and pinning too many of their own personal pins. You want pinning done in moderation.

13. Finding Group Boards

You can also find group boards by googling Pinterest Group Boards or visiting Group Board Directory

 or doing a search at Pinterest for Pinterest Group Boards. There are just numerous ways that are available to you to find a Pinterest Group Board. Group Boards can be awesome whether you are creating them, joining them, or doing both.

Remember have fun.


Create and manage group boards


51 Pinterest Statistics You Need to Know in 2022


Limits for Pins, boards, and follows


The Psychology of Groups


7 benefits of friendships and social groups as we age


Pinterest Group Board Directory


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Lydia C. Lee said...

I'm not on Pinterest - maybe I should check it out. Good tips! #FriendshipFriday

anointedtoday said...

Lydia C. Lee thanks for stopping by. I hope you do check Pinterest Out. When I first started I had no idea what I was doing, but once you pin one thing it gets easier and easier. You can always stop if you do not like it, but it is great for visual learners and I am always available for questions should you have any.

D.S. White said...

Thanks for this informative article! I have neglected Pinterest since I joined IG but articles like yours have had me slowly easing my way back over there.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you for stopping by D.S. White. I hope that you will enjoy Pinterest. I know that I do. I also get most of my traffic from Pinterest. Pinterest is a great pin board for visual learners also.

PaulaShort said...

Hey Betty, these tips are going to come in handy.
Thanks bunches for sharing these with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.

anointedtoday said...

Your most welcome Paula.