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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Spiritual Feeding

You are made up of mind, body, and soul. Spiritual feeding is just as important as the food that you eat for your physical body.

Spiritual Advice


1. Healthy Mind

Everyone wants to have a healthy mind, but some may not want to do the work that helps aide a healthy mind such as eating properly, getting enough sleep, or even doing physical exercise. The brain is very vital to the body.

According to betterhealth.vic.gov.au/ signs of brain death include pupils not responding to light, the person shows no reaction to pain, the eyes don’t move when ice water is poured into the ear (oculo-vestibular reflex), the person doesn’t  breathe when the ventilator is switched off, and an electroencephalogram test shows no brain activity at all. Now just as the brain is vital to the body so is spiritual feeding.

2. Feeding Your Spirit

What are you feeding your spirit? Are you nourishing your spirit on a daily basis. Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. This needs to be done on a daily basis not just once in awhile. It reminds me one day I asked one of my children did they take their bath already. The response was, “I just took one yesterday.” In other words that was enough. That is not so with spiritual feeding. Feeding must be continually on a daily basis just as your eat food for the physical body daily.

3. Spiritual Journaling

According to redeemingproductivity.com journaling puts prayer to paper and provides a place to record insights gained form studying scripture. I believe it is one thing to have scripture and prayer in your head and another when you actually write it down. I recall looking though my father’s Bible even though I never witnessed him going to church. I did not understand at the time why he wrote scripture and left it in the Bible. After I was older I understood why. I recalled during Bible Study pastor would give us information and I wrote it directly in my Bible. The good thing about that is whenever I turn to that particular scripture I could see the notes that I had written.

4. The Word of God

I believe God speaks to me through his words in the Bible. Someone once said that when you read a book any book you are hearing the thoughts of that author. The Bible is not the only way to be spiritually fed. There are other good books available.

5. Personal Relationship with God

It is important to have a personal relationship with God. The great thing about God is that He is available 24/7. You can talk to Him. When you may think that you are all alone, you only need to remember God is always there. One of my favorite scriptures is Hebrew 13:5 I will Never Leave thee, nor forsake thee. I cannot count the number of times I have found myself repeating that scripture. I cannot count the number of times that the emotion of fear would creep up and I found myself talking to God and repeating scripture that I had memorized. I would think to myself, “These are God’s words not mine.”

6. Equally Yoked

I recalled in College I did a verbal presentation in my religious studies class. I spoke about the importance of being equally yoked before marriage, because many times people marry for the wrong reason. Possibly one person is a member of a church and the other is not. Teenagers often just look at the outward appearance of their friends and never take time to date and get to know a person. Anyway after the presentation I was asked to answer any questions. One of the questions was “What if you are already married and finding out many differences between the two of you? My answer was, Mark 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Had it not been for the Bible teaching of my pastor and memorizing scripture I would not have been able to remember that. You see I had no idea what questions the class would ask me. I also had not idea if I would be able to answer all of the questions, but I was glad that I did. That is just another example of the importance of spiritual feeding in order to respond to whatever may come your way.

7. My Testimony

I recall my daughter was ill.  During church service we went up to the altar for prayer. Miraculously the prayer that the associate minister prayed was exactly what we needed to hear. It was as though God was talking directly to us.  I will never forget that day. 

8. Apps

There are apps that will give you daily verses directly to your Iphone. Some of these apps have audible listening as well. Did I mention there are podcasts that are available too?

I like

King James Bible App


A few more  are listed below:

Bible Gateway App


Get.tithe.ly/blog suggests The Bible App for Iphone and Android, Tithe.ly’s Church App, Bible.is, NeuBible, and Bible Cross References

9. Listening

Sometimes you may be so busy with your hustle and bustle of life that you do not take the time to sit and listen to God trying to get your attention. Sometimes just meditating quietly will help you to listen.

10. Spiritual Warfare

Why is it important to feed yourself spiritually? It is important because the battle in the world is not yours it is the Lord. Ephesians 6:11-12 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. God has supernatural powers and the devil, demons, and evil are a real existence in the world today. So to those that are saved stay prayed up.


Brain death


10 spiritual Benefits of Journaling


4 of the Best Bible Study Apps for Daily Scripture Reading


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PaulaShort said...

Betty, this is a wonderful message. I love your tips. And what a wonderful healing your daughter had through the fellowship of prayer. Just like having faith of a mustard seed prayer can move mountains.
Thank you bunches for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.

anointedtoday said...

Thank you so much Paula. I love sharing at Sweet Tea & Friends.