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I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, September 17, 2021

New Balance In Your Life

Do you want balance in your life? Are you an extremist? Do you go to extremes? Is too much of anything bad for you? As long as you are living you can strive for balance in your life.

Inspirational Words


1. Intentional

To be intentional will help you to add new balance in your life. Will it be perfect? Probably not. You can, however, strive to be intentional. Many are balancing family, work, motherhood, being a wife or husband, and much more. When you are intentional you look at specific things or attitudes that will help you achieve your goal. It is an ongoing thing. You will be updating, changing, and much more as you work toward your goal.

2. Start Slow

You may discover when your life is not balanced that you want to correct that in a hurry. Remember not to sprint, but think of life as a Marathon. What will the end results look like?

3. Being Positive

Do you mainly think about the positives in your life or the negatives? Sometimes our minds can be our worst enemy. People tend to draw near to positive people as oppose to negative ones. Who wants to be around someone that is negative and complaining most of the time. That can be very draining. That can influence the balance that you are trying to achieve in your life. There is so much to learn from positive people. Their mindset is totally different than a negative person.

4. Ask for Help

Do not be to proud to ask for help. Set aside your pride. If you do not know where to begin ask for help in achieving balance in your life. Everyone’s balance in their lives may look different. Concentrate on what it is that you want to achieve. Possibly you only need balance in one area of your life. Read articles. Sometimes a close friend may see your life just a little better than you.

5. Quality over quantity

According to simplyfiercely.com creating balance in your life might include finding time for self-care, spending quality time with friends and family, doing productive work, or keeping your house clean. In other words what is important for you and what are your priorities?  I really like the quality time over quantity. I recall juggling motherhood and my career. Because of finances my husband and I agreed to work different shifts so one of us could be with our children. I had one child seemingly no matter how much time I spent with her it was never enough. I had another child when my husband would drop me off for work, she would just smile and was content to be with her father. I thought to myself she did not even cry when I left for work, but that is a good thing that she was content with her father.

Finally I decided to not focus so much on quantity, but to focus on quality. I then changed my focus to quality time with my children. I would take them to the library, museum, the zoo and much more. They really seemed to love the library. As toddlers they were learning to pick out the books that they liked. I would read to them. Sometimes at home we would just dance with each other. I love to dance. The quality not the quantity was just what I needed to balance my life with my children. I came to the realization that God gives us 24 hours in a day. It was up to me how I would utilize my time to a point that I felt comfortable with the choices that I made. Sometimes they were right sometimes they were not, but I remembered to persevere. Perseverance is the name of the game for me. Don’t give up, but look for bigger and better ways.

6. Are You An Extremist?

If you discover that you go to extremes in your life then you definitely know there is no balance. Although your life may not be perfect you still strive and persevere to maintain balance in your life. Your life may be a work in process. Remember it all takes time and focus.

7. Relaxation

Do you take time to relax? You will be surprised how much relaxation will help you to achieve balance in your life. If you are constantly rushing all the time you will be anxious and not taking the needed time to focus. You will find yourself not being intentional. Relaxation can help you take a look at where you are going. Relaxation will just help you feel oh so much better about many things.

8. Prioritize

Have you ever made a to-do list and discovered there were so many things on there you did not know where to start? Well that is where prioritizing comes in. The old saying “ Rome was not built in a day” is something to think about. I remember I would be so excited about my to-do list and would become worn out and disappointed when I I did not complete it within a day. Think about it. Does it have to be completed in a day? By prioritizing you are choosing the most important actions first. The good thing about this is you make the decision.

I recall when there may have been 2 or 3 events that occurred on the same day. I may have wanted to go to all 3 but made a decision to go to one of them. Sometimes I would think to myself why did the events all have to be at the same time? Sometimes that happens. Life is full of choices and decisions. Making those choices can help add balance to your life. Who knows you might decide to not go to any events.

9. Too Much

Too much of anything is not good for anyone. When something or somethings are too much you are the one to make that decision that “enough is enough.” As a child I recall that I loved hot candy. Now I also discovered one day I ate too much hot candy and became sick on the stomach and also sick with a sore throat. That was a bitter lesson to learn, but it did teach me regardless to how much I like hot candy I need to be careful as to how much of it that I may eat at one time. I always remembered that.

So please share with me how do you create balance in your life? I realize everyone’s life is different.

Photo Caption: mahamed Hassan/ Pisabay


3 Important Lessons on Finding Balance in Life


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