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Friday, February 26, 2021

Bloggers Meet and Greet March * * * Happiness Today * * *

Welcome to the March  Meet and Greet. Are you happy? Did you know that happiness is a state of mind? Do you need to be wealthy and rich to be happy? What does it take to make you happy?

5 love languages 

                                                ***Good News***

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Did you know that you are the one to determine your happiness? Have you thought about what it is that you need? Someone once said, “ We are all in different boats.” Everyone may have different needs and different wants, but everyone wants to be happy. How many have looked for love in all the wrong places?

Have you been the person that said, “ I will be happy when....” or I would be happy if it wasn't for?”

1. Someone

Are you relying on someone else to make you happy? In your pursuit of happiness have you found out what it is? Even when you get married are you expecting your spouse to supply all your needs? That might be a big request for anyone to try and feel. Your spouse may try to make you happy, but may not keep you happy all the time. Happiness comes from within.

2. Good times Bad times

If you live long enough you will experience some good days and some bad days. Happiness and love are emotions that everyone likes to feel, but you make the choice to be happy during good times or bad times.

3. Love Is Power

If you have felt that you were loved, love is a great power. Hebrew 4:12.” For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edge sword.” I believe that this scripture assures me that I can rely on God’s word. Even when I may feel bad, sorrowful, or even fearful, I can remember God’s word which is alive. I can feel peace within and happiness as well. 

4. What is Happiness?

According to 4 major chemicals help to cause happiness. They are as follows:

Dopamine, Oxytocin (feeling of empathy, close bond to others), Serotonin mood regulator, and Endorphins (fight or flight response). These chemicals may be exuded through out bodies at different times. Exercise may cause some of these chemicals to increase whereas some foods may cause them. They help to give us that feel good feeling. Have you ever observed how you feel after exercising? I know after I go for a walk I feel really good. This is just one aspect of happiness.

5. Thinking

You can change your way of thinking. It is your choice. If you are not aware of your thinking, you may think negative thoughts and not think of the good things that you have. You may not be thankful for what you have, but gratitude can be a good feeling. I ounce heard someone say, “I felt sorry because I had not shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.” Remember there is always someone worse off than you. You make the choice to have a “pity party or not.”

6. Happiness meaning for some

Al Green wrote the song “Love and Happiness.” I recall a line in his song, “ Well, happiness is when, you really feel good with somebody.” That might be happiness for some.

It has been said that divorce can be a stressor on the body. It also has been said an abusive relationship can be equally stressful. I recall leaving an abusive marriage. I felt liberated as though I had been released from an invisible prison. I recall my pastor teaching in bible study stating that, "When you are feeling bad one of the best ways to overcome that is to volunteer and help others". He further stated that,"When you are helping others you have less time to have a “pity party.” So I volunteered teaching adults reading. That was one of the best things that I did. It did make me happy. I discovered I had so much to be thankful for. I could read and I was helping others to learn how to read. It was such a good feeling to be able to help others.

7. Feelings

Sometimes I used to wish I could feel happy all the time. Our bodies were built with emotional feelings for a reason. Sometimes to alert us of things going on in our bodies or sometimes to alert us of other things. You cannot always rely on feelings. You make wake up feeling mad or angry and not even know why at the time. You definitely may feel sad when you lose a loved ones, because you are suffering a loss. Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth may pass away, but my word shall not pass away.” I believe that this scripture assures me that I can rely on God’s word. Even when I may feel bad, sorrowful, or even fearful. You may be lusting after someone, but lust and material things do not last always.

8. Songs

There are numerous songs that give us happy feelings. The song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams touched many people. It is a song that many can relate too. It does not matter whether you are rich or poor. I recall at my pastor’s banquet celebration. The youth danced to this song. To my amazement they started going to the audience and picking adults bringing them to the dance floor. That was a glorious day. Young and old were dancing together. I love to dance and danced with my grandchildren. In fact my granddaughter and I were the last people on the dance floor that night.  Everyone was smiling and laughing. That was happiness. The expression on my pastor’s face said it all, especially when the young people performed for him. He had a big smile.

Now think about it. What is happiness for you?



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Antionette Blake said...

Yes: it pays to be happy every day especially when you wake up looking up! #TrafficJamWeekend

Karen Del Tatto said...

You've certainly given us much to think about regarding happiness. :-)

Thanks for sharing.

April J Harris said...

Thank you so much for sharing this really uplifting and inspiring post at the Hearth and Soul Link Party! We all need a little boost these days and your post is just perfect for that! Take care and stay well.

Sara @ Content in the Meantime said...

Thank you for sharing your Meet and Greet on my What Are You Doing? Social Hop, and for sharing your thoughts on happiness.

Sara @ Content in the Meantime said...

Thanks for sharing your favorite things on my What Are You Doing? social hop!

Unknown said...

Great thoughts on happiness for bloggers and anyone else looking for a mood boost! I completely agree that happiness must come from within and no one can make you happy. Thanks for posting!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by unknown.

csuhpat1 said...

Thanks for hosting and great words that you wrote.

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome csuhpart1. Thanks for stopping by. Love your blog

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing. We need to put our happiness in our own hands and start working towards it.