I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, August 5, 2019

Exactly How Important are Your Feet?

Your feet are an important part of your body. Do you have foot pain? Do you take your feet for granted? You may not think about the importance of your feet, until your feet hurt or you have a foot problem. Start caring for your feet before there is a problem. Have you ever had sore, tired, or aching feet? That is one of the most uncomfortable feeling there is? Have you ever tried to wear high heels and your feet were constantly aching?

Foot Care

When your feet hurt, it is not a good feeling. Foot pain is serious. I recall many times taking my heels off in the choir stand just to get relief from my hurting feet. Oh what a relief it was to take the heels off, even if it was only for a moment. I was not the only one, because sometimes when the pastor asked us to go into the audience many choir members were scrambling to get back into their heels. Foot care is definitely important. I am now more picky about what shoes or heels that I wear. One of my new improvements is that I now wear my shoes for comfort more than for styles or fads.

1. Soak Your Feet

Do you recall how good it feels to soak your tired feet in warm water? That is one of the best feelings. TLC (Tender loving care) is something that your feet will thrive on.

2. Comfortable Shoes

Did you know that shoes that fit too tightly can cause corns or ingrown toenails? In addition, some shoes are bad for your feet even though they fit properly. Although I see many wearing Stiletto’s I could not imagine wearing them, because they are so high. I recall buying a pair of heels without trying them on. They were my normal size. When I got home and tried them they were too big. Needless to say I was upset, because I liked the style of shoe. I even tried to wear them around the house and they kept falling off my feet. I finally decided to take them back and prayed they had another pair that would fit. Thank goodness they did, so I just exchanged them. The right fit felt so much better. I can recall being uncomfortable wearing heels and even having problems with certain type of shoes. Foot care is definitely important. I am now more picky about what shoes or heels that I wear. One of my new improvements is that I now wear my shoes for comfort more than for styles or fads. What about you?

3. Pumice Stone

After you have soaked your feet in water for about 10 to 15 minutes a pumice stone can be used to remove the dry skin from your feet. It will also help to smooth out those rough edges on your feet. I have found when I keep my feet moisturized regularly I do not need to use a pumice stone personally.  I also find that the Skin So Soft Gel body oil provides lots of moisture to my feet and it smells good too.

4. Wearing Flip Flops

Did you know that when using a public shower like the gym you should wear flip-flops or shower shoes? Doing this can protect your feet from possible foot fungus such as athlete's foot and nail fungus. Also, according to boston.com culture you definitely should wear flip-flops when showering in a college dorm.

5. Healthy Feet

Do you examine your feet or wash your feet daily with warm soap and water? You should do this daily for good foot health according to medlineplus foothealth.com.

6. Prevention

There are a few things that you can do to prevent foot trouble. Preventing foot trouble is what I would consider foot maintenance. If you need to be on your feet all day take breaks and get off of your feet according to Web MD. In addition, they further suggest that you keep your toenails trimmed so that they don’t grow into your skin. I know that I have experienced the poor circulation because of elastic in my socks. I also personally have discovered I needed to take socks off often and just give my feet a time to breath and relax.

7. Diabetic Foot Care

Did you know that besides inspecting your feet daily, you should moisturize your feet but not in between the toes because that could cause fungal infection according to Foothealth facts.org? I never realized that. So know that your feet are very important and play an active part in your life. Keep your feet healthy as well as beautiful.

Well at this point, I would say your feet are very very important. What do you think?


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Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

Thanks so much for linking up your post at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 42!

Jerralea said...

These are good tips. It feels so nice to soak your feet!

Sylvia Graceforagypsy.com said...

Great information! Thanks for linking up with us at the http://graceforagypsy.com/wednesday-aim-link-party-42/#comment-1648

Aletha Oglesby, M.D. said...

Betty, these are all sound suggestions, our feet are important. Even though I am a physician, I don't think I truly appreciated my feet until I broke a bone in my foot 2 years ago. The pain and especially the immobility while it healed were life changing-I've never taken them for granted since.