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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Friday, March 20, 2020

9 Things You Can Do at Home Now During the Cov-19 Pandemic

Since you are staying at home during the pandemic, there are a few things that you can be doing. Why not take advantage during this time. You know things could be worse.

Pandemic protection

                                                          ***Good News***

                                                         How Is Your Attitude?

Besides distancing, disinfecting, and staying home, pandemic protection can be provided in other ways as well.

 1. Attitude

How is your attitude? Do you have a bad attitude? You have a choice to change your way of thinking. Attitude is everything. No we are not living in the best situations, but we can keep a positive attitude. Don’t worry; be happy. Worrying is not productive.   

2. Laughter

I have written several articles regarding the importance of laughter. Did you know that laughter is the best medicine? Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. Have you had a good laugh today? Ha, Ha, Ha. Laughter makes you feel good. Forget about yourself for a moment. Laughter lightens the mood. The one thing I like about my older sister even though she is the first lady at her church, she always makes me laugh. She is just so funny.

3. Call or Skype Friends

We are living in an internet age. So why not take the time now that you have it to call, Skype, or face time friends and family. Several of my children live out out town, but even before the pandemic we have never failed to text each other daily, especially my oldest daughter.

4. Walk

Take a walk around your block. Walking is so beneficial to the body. Keep that body moving. The good thing about walking is that you can walk at your own pace and when you want to.

5. Goals

Review and set new goals. This is a good time to reflect over your life. You now have the time to do that. You do not have any excuses.

6. Break Time

Take a break from the news. Even though some of it is factual, it can be depressing. Set the devices aside and have real conversation with family members. So what if you are not good at it. This is an awesome time to start.

7. Disinfecting

Check resources and learn all the ways to disinfect and clean. Be sure to clean the doorknobs, light switches, wash the windows, and wipe your favorite ink pens. Find ways to clean that possibly you have not thought of thus far.

8. Board Games

Pull out those board games and have some family fun. Possibly Skype or Face time with friends or family and play games with each other online such as Family Feud and other games.

9. Relax

Take time to relax and meditate. The body needs down time. The body cannot just go, go, go, continually. I love to do deep breathing; Taking 10 deep breaths at a time. Why don’t you try it?

What are you doing during this pandemic?


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annies home said...

awesome ideas and many of which have little or no time for in regular days
come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

Aletha Oglesby, M.D. said...

Great tips. I'll admit to being an introvert, so staying home isn't hard for me,and at least I get out a few hours for work. I know it's harder for those with small children. But I do think it's strange that this seems so hard for so many.