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I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Bloggers Meet & Greet June 2019. . . Father's Day

Hi everyone. This bloggers Meet and Greet we will talk about Father's Day. Father's day is June 16, 2019. Honor your father. Ephesians 6:1-3 1. Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2. Honor they father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise') 3. That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

My Daddy


* * *You can feel free to return and post your blog here at anytime in the comment area below and not just in June.  

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More guests are always welcome as this will provide more networking opportunities for you. Above all be sure that your blog post is family friendly.

Definitely, feel free to take advantage of this FREE networking opportunity.

Father's Day is June 16, 2018. Why not honor your father from the past or in the present. Did You Know that although the Catholic Churches celebrated fatherhood dating back to the Middle-Ages, it was established as a holiday on June 10, 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd? She originally suggested June 5 her father's birthday, but the pastors did not have enough time to prepare their sermons, so the celebration was deferred to the third Sunday in June.


Memories of My Father's

1. Hair

My father always kept his hair cut short. He would allow me to brush his hair. When I wasn’t doing that. I was trying to straighten my dolls hair with a real hot comb. I would put the hot comb on our stove, which was in the middle of our front room.

2. Stray Cat

I remember I always cared about animals. I found a black kitten. The kitten's eyes were all matted together. I asked my father could I keep it and nurse it back to help. I did just that. I recall always showing and instructing my father how to take care of the cat's eyes.

3. Boxing

I recall watching boxing on television with my father. He would sit and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer and smoke a big fat cigar. Sometimes he smoked a pipe. The tobacco from the pipe would have a sweet aroma tobacco, but the cigar just stank.

4. Birthplace

My father was from Dundee, Mississippi. He had a very strong southern accent. He used to tell me how he picked cotton in the cotton fields as a child. As an adult he became a Porter for a train station. I remember riding on the train with him. The station had a distinct business smell.

5. Soft-Spoken

 My father was soft-spoken but he said what he meant and meant what he said. He was adamant about that.

6. Transportation

 Although we never had a car, we would walk or ride the bus wherever we wanted to go. I do not remember wanting for anything.

7. Good Cook

My father knew how to cook and I loved when he cooked greens, but I hated hot water cornbread. I never have liked hot watered cornbread to this day. 

 8. Reading

I started reading at age 3. I was hungry for knowledge. There were no other books in the house but the Bible. I knew nothing about a library. My father would sit patiently with me as I asked what was this word, what was that word? I was so fascinated with the bible, especially with God creating the world and creating Adam and Eve.   

What Memories do you have of your father?

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Sylvia Graceforagypsy.com said...

Such a heart felt post about memories of your father. Thanks for sharing this post at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 38

Janice Wald said...

Hi Betty!
This is a nice tribute to your father.
You're invited to my blog party as well as are your readers. Thank you for having me.

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Mandy Dawson Farmer said...

I would say your father was a wonderful man and a great daddy' I have a fathers day link up on m my blog this month. Come on over and post .. https://www.mandyandmichele.com/the-greatest-legacy-a-fathers-love/