I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, May 4, 2019

What Do You Know About Autism?

Do you know what Autism is? Do you have a child or know of someone that has Autism? Do you have any idea what causes Autism or the challenges of a family that has a child with Autism? There are a few things that may enlighten you about Autistic children and their challenges. Read more...at anointedtoday.blogspot.com

Signs of Autism

1. Cause of Autism

What causes Autism? According to WebMd., researchers think that certain combinations of genes may predispose a child to autism. They further add that the exact reason is not clear, but that it may occur from abnormalities in parts of the brain that interpret sensory input and process language.

Although I have only seen a few cases of Autism, I recall one autistic child that I thought was seemingly quite loud. I would hear her loud voice. I did not understand at the time what was going on. Later the parent told me her child had Autism. I watched the small children that were near, they seemed somewhat alarm and afraid, because they did not understand at that time.

2. Water and Autism

What is all the hype about water and Autism? According to The Daily Mail.co.uk. Sitting in a tub of hot water for a half hour helped children to be more sociable. This study also showed that sitting in the tub made them less prone to the repetitive action that can occur over and over.

3. Katy Perry’s video “Roar”

When I first heard about Katy Perry's song and video “Roar,” I wondered what all the hype was. My grandchildren were all excited telling me that Katy Perry had a contest and if their music video was chosen, Katy Perry would come to their school. It turns out that there was someone else, an 8-year-old child with Autism, that liked Katy Perry's song also according to today.com Jack Robbins, who normally does not say a word was repeatedly singing her song over and over. So apparently, there is something to music and Autistic children.

4. Autistic Tantrum

What should you do if you witness a kid having an autistic tantrum? According to Belief.net,you should not make comments to parents such as, “Can't you control your kid?'. Instead, ignore what is happening in front of you, because it is not your business. They do suggest giving a smile and possibly a sympathetic comment. I have only known a few Autistic children. I commend those parents that face the daily challenges of raising an Autistic child. Kudos to you.


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