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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Should You Continue Your Education?

Education can come in different forms. It does not necessarily mean going back to school to earn a degree, although that might be preferable. You should be ever learning. What do you think?


Education continued 

Did you know that reading encourages empathy? Have you ever read a book and put yourself in one of the character’s place? Reading helps you understand that different people look at the world differently.
1. Ever Learning
You are ever learning in some type of way such as reading. Reading increases your vocabulary as well as the fact that it gives you knowledge. Are you reading about things that interest you? That reading could be about golfing, soccer, playing the piano, knitting, or even cooking. There is no end to what you can read and learn. There are those that read and meditate with their Bible. Romans 12:2 be transformed by the renewing of your mind. This renewing should happen on a daily basis. Just as you feed your body with food and water daily, so should you feed your spirit. When you exercise, walk, jog, or dance, you are feeding your physical body and your mind also. Your body is learning that this helps the muscles stretch. Your body learns that this gets that blood to pumping.
Someone once said that when you read a book you can identify the person’s spirit that wrote the book.

3. Fishing
As I mentioned earlier, you gain knowledge by reading. Life experience will teach you many things. I like to fish. In addition to watching the fish channel on television, I learned about “Gulp Minnows.” When fishing for specks (crappie) sometimes the fish just will not bite the live minnows. Apparently, they have different appetites just as adults do. Well, I learned that they love “Gulp minnows.” Gulp Minnows are a type of artificial minnows in a jar. They come in different colors and smell like sardines to me. You place them on a “Jig” (fishing lure). As oppose to hooking a minnow in the top back you hook this Gulp Minnow through the head. Now because technology is changing rapidly, before long there will be something else new to help catch specks (crappie). Therefore, it is important to learn about new techniques with nearly everything.

4. School all year Long
There are those that argue it is better for students to go to school all year round as oppose to having 2 months or more off during the summer. Going to school year round can have its advantages for students.

Previously, when students were off from school all summer, teachers would have to retrain the students coming back after summer vacation. With year round school education students will be able to retain much of what they have learned the previous year and even be better prepared for the upcoming school year.

Several years ago Beecher district in Michigan was facing a state take over because of low performance. Studies have shown that more than 6 to 7 weeks away from the classroom, slows a student’s performance.

In addition, Beecher has now start classes on August 20 or close to as oppose to after Labor Day. I am so glad to see that the Beecher Districts are taking this direction. This year round education operates on a balanced calendar.  Grand Blanc and Davison Schools operate on a balanced calendar.

I have seen how many of the students in the Grand Blanc schools excel. Possibly the Flint Schools as well as other schools will follow.

Around August 12 is the start time for many schools in Georgia. This is nothing new for them though. This early starting has prevailed for many years and the students usually perform marvelously as a result of this.

I also have observed that many parents in Michigan and in Georgia take advantage of summer camps to keep their children active until school does start.
There are pros and cons of Year-Round School education according to Some argue that frequent breaks of the year round schooling makes it hard starting up each time for learning. In addition, it causes problems for parents finding childcare. I believe sometimes that there is a small price for children’s education. I am all for this year round schooling, because I have seen the positive results in children. What do you think?
Photo Caption: Pixabay CC0 Creative Commons
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1 comment:

Dr. Elise Ho said...

There are so many reasons to continue our education or to chose not to. I believe everyone will find what is right for them.