I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, October 1, 2016

What Can You Do For Breast Cancer Awareness?

At some point in time you may know or have known a friend or relative that has been affected by Cancer. Cancer affects the entire family. There are 10 simple things that you can do.

Did you know that October is Cancer Awareness month? There are things you can do to support Cancer Awareness.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

1. Prayer

Prayer is very powerful. Pray for those diagnosed with Cancer. Be sure to include them on your prayer list. Ask your family and others to pray with you.

2. Sitting

In my article  Eye-Opening Breast Cancer Tips, I talk about the importance of sitting with a friend or relative during Chemotherapy treatment. Sometimes that can be most reassuring to them to have someone there with them. I have learned so much about Cancer while sitting with Chemotherapy patients. It made me realize how little I knew about it.

3. Support Groups

Going with a chemopatient to a support group can also be reassuring to the patient and can be an eye-opener for you.

4. Donating

Many times families are financially burdened with the cost of cancer treatments after insurance. Since cancer affects the entire family, it can take it's tole. Families that have small children or elderly need assistance. Sometimes just giving a financial donation directly to the family can be a big relief.

5. Asking

Sometimes just asking the cancer patient or family member how you can help, is another relief. The patient may tell you they need help with child care, house cleaning, grocery shopping, or even transportation to appointments, because the side effects of chemotherapy may leave them feeling completely drained of energy.

This is a nonprofit organization that offers maid services free of charge. This service has been around since 2006 and is offered throughout the United States and Canada.

7. Pink

You can wear the symbolic pink ribbon, or better yet wear all pink. Check with your Cancer Organization regarding literature that you can hand out telling about cancer.

8. Social Media

Talk it up on social media. There are so many more social media platforms today such as Facebook, Twitter, instagram, your blog or website, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google Plus, Utube, and much more.
I love Pinterest as a great source. I have a breast cancer awareness board.  There are so many rich full pins here. Since this is a group board I have several awesome contributors that I cannot thank enough.

9. Bake

How many of you love to bake? This is a perfect time to bake those pink muffins or pink cakes for your family dinner or another favorite event.

10. Chemo Care Basket

This basket might include a cap or colorful scarf, music gift card, lift balm, bottled water, socks, hard candy to suck on, an inspirational book or CD, hand sanitizer, natural hand soap etc. This list could go on and on.  What are you doing for Breast Cancer Awareness?  I would love to hear from you.

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elizabeth said...

Thank you for making me more aware!

anointedtoday said...

Thanks for stopping by anointedtoday.blogspot.com Elizabeth.

Kathleen said...

Beautiful ideas to help those with breast cancer.

Blogger's Pit Stop

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Kathleen.

Menaka Bharathi said...

Great pointers Thanks for Joining The Bloggers Pit Stop

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Menaka.