I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Saturday, October 4, 2014

3 Healthy Habits for Your Children

Did you know that just as adults are developing healthy habits, you can help your children develop healthy habits? Both of you can have fun doing this too.

There are bad habits and there are habits that are good for you. Although healthy eating habits are quite important for children, there are a variety of other good habits that will help your children have a balanced life. They are listed below.
A list of Good habits for kids


Laughing is free and it does not cost any money. Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Besides the fact that this is mentioned in the Bible, when you laugh, it just gives you a good feeling. Have you ever observed how carefree children are
about laughing and playing? They will laugh at almost anything. Children are bombarded in our society by so many negatives, they need to be able to laugh about some things. I have observed how some children are able to make others laugh. Some like telling jokes and some just are naturally funny.  According to WebMd, studies have shown that humor may raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in the body and boost the levels of the immune cells. Sometimes just laughing with your children about something you all find amusing. Possibly a funny commercial, picture, or even a joke, may be something you and your children find to laugh about throughout your day.


There are various ways that children can be involved in healthy activities. Besides the 20 minutes recess that they may receive at school, after school or on weekends you may go to the park for about 15 to 20 minutes. It does not have to be for a long length of time. Children love to play on the slides and swings at the park. When the weather does not permit, I have found that Haloburger and McDonald's Restaurants have play areas for the children and they just love this. Riding bikes is a great activity for both you and your children. Dancing is an excellent activity. You can do that easily in your home. I attended our family reunion recently. There were 2 little ones between the ages 3 and 5 years old. They started dancing and never stopped the entire evening. They were having so much fun.

Positive Attitude

Everyone may not have a positive attitude. Some children or even adults may expect more of themselves and feel crushed when that does not happen. It may be easy to find fault with others or ourselves, but what about a positive attitude? This is something some children may have to work at. Possibly ask your children to think and say something positive about a family member. Possibly you might ask your children what do they have to say that is positive about a teacher. I recall having to go to the high school for a conference with one of my children's teacher. I took her with me. Before going up there she had nothing positive to say about the teacher, only that she hated him. It did not occur to me to take that moment to see if she could think of something positive to say about him. I did let her know that she is entitled to her feelings, but needed to give him respect in the classroom. Think about the teachable moments during you and your child's day that your child can have a positive attitude.  Did you know that positive thinking can help with stress management according to Mayo Clinic Staff at Mayo Clinic.com? They further add that positive talk can help with better coping skills during hardships and times of stress. Positiveness is contagious. Why not encourage your children today to be positive?
Photo Captions:  Morguefile, by happy-flowers

Proverbs 17:22

Give Your Body a Boost -- With Laughter

Positive thinking: Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress

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Unknown said...

Betty, I love this! I agree that healthy habits are essential! I love the one that say laughing! My hubby and I strive for a home that has lots of laughter!
Cathy@ three kids and a fish

Unknown said...

I love that you included laughing in this, Betty, even putting it first. There is nothing I enjoy more than watching my kids explode with laughter. It makes for an incredibly joyous moment. We are not a very active family. That is one we are working on :).

Our Little Yarden said...

Laughing is essential - Thanks for linking up to Pin Worthy Wednesday, I have pinned your post to the Pin Worthy Wednesday Pinterest Board

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Amber.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this at Good Morning Mondays. Laughter is so important and so is a positive attitude. Blessings

anointedtoday said...

Your welcome Terri. It is a pleasure.

anointedtoday said...

Good for you Cathy.

anointedtoday said...

Good for you Candace. If you have laughter, you have a lot.