I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Signs You are a Good Parent

Are you aware that first time parenting is trial and error? You may make mistakes parenting, but hopefully you will be a responsible parent.

Being responsible for this new baby that is coming to your family is a responsibility that you do not want to take likely. You can never received too many parenting tips.

responsibilities of a parent
Parenting Tips

I recall that several of the high schools have included as part of their student curriculum to care for a doll.  This doll is monitored to cry just like a real baby when it is in need or distress. Although this is not the real deal, it gives the students a glimpse of the responsibility of caring for a newborn. As I watched a television program there were 15-year-old children on the program giving their reasons for wanting to have a baby. Some stated they wanted a baby so it would love them. When they made this statement, they had no clue about the reality of taking care of a baby. In fact, they are babes themselves.

Those that are already parents, have probably figure this out at this point whether you are a teenage parent or older. A few things that may be signs that you are a good parent are as follows:


According to WebMd.com you cannot spoil a child with love. I agree. Genuine love is not all the material things, but giving your children the feeling and knowing that they are truly loved. How many times have you heard a child say, “He does not love me.” Those are the feelings of that child. Or have you heard a child say, “I really feel loved.” I know words of affirmation, “I love you, I enjoy our time together, you are so special, and hugs and kisses will go along way to help a child feel loved.

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Don't Fix It

Do you try and fix all of your children's problem's? Sometimes give your children time to find their own solutions according to Parents.com. I would even take it a step further and use this time to discuss possible solutions. Maybe ask James or Sue, “How could they fix this or what other things could you do?” You would be surprised at the amazing solutions that children will come up with. I recall a principal making a statement to a group of second graders. She said, “Employers want people that can find solutions to their problems.” I thought this is so true. Start early with your children encourage them to find solutions to their own problems.

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Role Play

I have mentioned this before. Role Playing will give you a good idea of what your child's perception is. I recall role playing with my children as they grew up. They portrayed one of my children as doing whatever she wanted and showed me as responding say, “That is okay.” I had to take a look at the fact that they made it clear I was favoring one child even when this child was in the wrong. Sometimes it may be an awakening for a parent to have to see and admit that they have not been getting it right, but that does happen.

These are just a few tips to help you be a responsible parent. Help your child feel loved and wanted.

Image Credits:  Canva designs


Personal Experience

10 Commandments to Good Parenting

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1 comment:

swapna said...

Top 5 Parenting Tips

Parenting is not easy as many of you parents would have realized by now. These are some tips which will help to make the journey smoother and easier. These tips are not addressing a specific problem, they are just certain guidelines. These are general parenting tips which you can apply in your everyday life while bringing up the kids.
