Jesus is My Boss- Set of

Jesus is My Boss-  Set of
Jesus Is My Boss- Set of Coasters-

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It’s Not About You (Omg)

Do You Have A Child With Special Needs (autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, cancer, and much more)?

1. Special Needs

Special needs children really do have special needs. They are blessed when they can be placed with parents that love them. They are blessed when these special parents can provide for and nurture them. Sometimes it is not about you, but about a greater plan that God has for you and your special needs children.

2. Why Me?

Sometimes maybe you have asked God or yourself, “Why Me?” God may have answered you back and replied, “Why not you?” Sometimes you might be just what this special needs child needs. This child may need your love, support, guidance, and much more. Surprisingly you might be just the right person to give that to this child.

3. Polio

There are various special need children. There may be various children that have certain diseases. I remember a friend that had polio and walked with a lymph. One time when I picked her up for school, her and her mother had an altercation. She did not want to obey her mother. Her mother made the statement, “You might have polio, but you are not paralyzed and you are going to do it.” I felt sorry for her at the time, but now that I am older I realized, that her mother was using tough love. She would not allow that type of behavior from her other children, so she did not allow it from this child. I totally get it now. Sometimes parents and children go through their entire life “never getting it.”

4. Help

Sometimes parents may not be equipped to handle all of the needs or they may feel inadequate. There are special need classes and support groups. Sometimes just talking with other parents that have gone through the same situations can help. Have no doubts God does not make mistakes. You were chosen because you are specifically assigned to that special needs child.

5. Learning

There may be things that you need to learn from this special needs child that you would not have learned had you not had this child. Whether you are the biological parent or adopted parent, have no doubt that you were the one that God chose for this child. Always remember it is not about you, but the greater plan that God has designed. A friend of mine has a special needs child. The child was frowning and making unusual noises. I thought something was wrong. My friend said, “Oh she always does that on the songs that she does not like to hear.” My friend had learned this about her child and knew this instinctively. Mother’s know.

6. Treatment

Special needs children need to be treated with respect. If you are a special needs parent, teacher, or advocate know that you are specially chosen for them. Below is a video about What Would You Do?

If you were in this situation what would you do?

Do you have a special needs child experience that you can share? Do you realize how special you are? Do you have a sharing experience where you learned something from your special needs child. Will you share this article with others?

More From This Author listed under this sitemap:

When Children Worry

Do You Know The Importance of Fathers?

Blessing Your Children (Omg)

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