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Be Kind Glossy Sticker
Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Sunday, March 14, 2010

When Your Child Doubts God

Angry Teen

1. Why?

As a child, I remember asking God, “Why?” “Why Me?” “Why do you allow this to happen to children?” Maybe there are those of you that have asked the same thing at some point in your life. I wonder have you ever asked yourself, “Why did God allow me to survive that ordeal?”

2. Doubt

Doubt and unbelief is not of God. John 10:10. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. If your child were to make a statement such as, “I don’t believe in God, since He allowed my friend to be killed in that car accident.” This would be the time you need to speak God’s word. God’s word is real. Speak the promises of God. Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. How many times have we spoken out of hurt and anger, saying hurtful and spiteful things? Well your child may be angry at God just as he/she gets angry with you.

3. Reason

As I grew older, I still realized the power of prayer. Although, when I asked, “Why?” as a child, I did not understand then that God possibly allowed some things to happen to make me stronger and to lead my children and their unborn children closer to God, because sins follow a family through 4 generations. Yes, sins of the fathers can travel through 4 generations. I realized he allow me to survive to be a witness of what God can do. Also, to show me that I do not have to remain a victim. Even as an adult, I have questioned God, because I did not understand His divine plan, but I know that He knows. I once told a former prospective employer, “I do not know what my future holds, but I do know who holds my future.”

4. Trusting God

God’s word is real and alive. Heb. 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edge sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Scientist are now discovering what God’s word has said from the beginning of time. Spoken words can and do become a reality. The Bible is an instruction manual to the believers that are saved. What ever we need God’s got it. Just ask, and you shall receive it.

Joyce Meyer talks about trusting God in the video below.

Tips: Praise God during bad times and good times.

Pray for the wisdom of God to know when to speak and when to
listen. James 1:19

Not knowing can be trying, but trusting in God can strengthen our faith.

Remember not necessarily in our time, but God’s time.

Has there been a time that you doubted God and he brought you out? Feel free to leave comments below. I welcome your comments.


Society of the Contential Lumunaries (Copy) said...

This is very good teaching by Joyce Meyer.I have always enjoyed listening to Joyce Meyer. Very good post, and it was for me at the right time. Thanks for posting.

Marissa Writes said...

Nicely put... and I agree we need to share God's word with our kids when they are struggling. As a parent these are the times I have to remember that God is the only one who can turn a heart... and prayer is the best I can do as I wait for a child's heart to soften to the Truth.

thanks for linking up with Salt & Light!
