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Be Kind Glossy Sticker

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How To Help Your Child Cope With ADHD

1. Symptoms.

Does your child have trouble sitting still? Does your child fidget like he/she has ants in their pants? What about difficulty keeping their attention in an activity or task? Does your child get upset easily and cry uncontrollably? Is your child easily distracted? These are just a few of ADHD symptoms. Below is a site with a quiz that can be taken for ADHD symptoms.

2. Diagnosis.

If you suspect that your child might have ADHD, contract your doctor and your child’s school. Usually the teachers and school are very good to work with. The doctor can give your child more extensive testing. Usually ADHD children tend to be highly intelligent.

Below is A video by Dr. Gerald Chodak. He explains ADHD and the brain.

Below is another video that shows one child’s diagnosis of ADHD.

3. Medication

This has been a touchy subject. Only use prescribed medication as a last resort. Too many of our children are over medicated too early too soon. Ritalin has been one of the common choices of medication for ADHD children. There are possible other alternatives.

4. Alternatives.

Diet is very important for ADHD. Certain foods aide in helping your ADHD child. Crackers and pretzels are great snacks. Making your child’s lunch for school assures you that you child is getting the foods that are needed for the ADHD. Apples, oranges, or pears contain complex carbohydrates which may aide your ADHD child for better sleeping at night.

Omega 3’s are considered essential fatty acids that are essential to human health. They can be can be purchased in a chewable fruity form. Most health stores will carry this product. They are great for ADHD children. It helps the neurotransmitters of the brain. It can also be found in Tuna and Salmon. I know of a child that was diagnosed with ADHD. Once the child started on the Omega 3’s and food was monitored, the teachers commented on the drastic improvement they saw in that child.

It helps to be well organized so your child can develop a routine.

Keep a calendar or chart of the good and bad days in the life of your ADHD child. Keep in contact with the teacher also.

Physical exercise and sports cannot be stressed enough. Sports such as soccer, skating, and basketball provide a physical outlet for the ADHD child.

Below is a site with Dr. Mary Jo Wagner. She sponsors on line brain classes for ADHD

Tips: Don’t feel guilty if your child has been diagnosed with ADHD.

Be glad that you discovered this and move forward with your child.


Your child would like to be able to sit still, but just can’t with ADHD. That is why it is important to get a proper diagnosis and help, because then many of the symptoms can be dealt with.

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