I Love and Support HBCU

I Love and Support HBCU
I Love and Support HBCU

Monday, December 24, 2012

How to Care For Your Asthmatic Toddler

1. Calendar

Start keeping a calendar and/or journal for days that your toddler’s asthma seems to flare-up. Some flare-ups are worst in colder, rainy weather, or just when changing climates.

Woman Writing In Journal

2. Flare-ups and Scents

When your toddler wheezes and/or has tightening in the chest, or coughing, rest assured his asthma is flaring up. Be sure that he/she is getting enough rest and sufficient treatments. Rest is important for his /her immune system. Scents also can cause your child’s asthma to flare-up. So beware and observant of various perfumes, colognes, air fresheners, and cleaning products that you may have in your house. They can even cause your toddler to become sick to the stomach.

3. Treatments

Depending on the severity, your doctor may prescribe the Nebulizer treatment or mouth inhaler shown below. Treatment times may vary. Usually most insurance companies will pay for the Nebulizer Unit. Your toddler may need treatment only once a day or possibly two or 3 times a day. Your toddler basically breathes in the medicine from the nebulizer or inhaler which helps the bronchial vessels to open up. If your toddler is coughing often through the night, treatment before bedtime might me crucial. Sometimes the medicine from the nebulizer may tend to make your toddler hyper so you may want to give the treatment a couple of hours before bedtime.

Asthma cough in children

4. Medicine and Foods

Albuterol is the most common medicine that is used with the Nebulizer, it comes in small prepackaged units. Xopenex is another form of medicine for the Nebulizer. Some allergy causing foods can cause asthma flare-ups also. Some of them are processed potatoes, dried fruit, peanuts, soy, wheat, eggs, and fish. According to Quality Health.Com “The photochemical makeup of apples contain flavonoids which seem to decrease bronchial hypersensitivity and lower the risk of asthma.”

5. Weather

Weather definitely affects asthmas. Especially cold weather. When cold air gets into the lungs, it cause vessels to restrict and can cause shortness of breath and coughing. During the winter months, when temperatures go down to 20 degrees or lower, it is important to place a scarf around your toddlers mouth and nose when he/she goes out in the weather. This allows your toddler to breath warm air as oppose to cold air. I know this for a fact. Also, Dr. Oz has emphasized this same thing on the Dr. Oz show. Below is a video of how to use the Nebulizer Wand Treatment.


Nebulizer Wand Treatment

I welcome your views and your comments. Do you know of someone else that might need this information?

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