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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Let’s Talk About Random Acts of Kindness (OMG)

When you think about random acts of kindness the list could go on and on. Sometimes the smallest acts can yield great rewards.

Did You Know?


1. Edification

Did you know that your kind words can build up another person? Because you do not always know what a person may be going through, kinds words can be very uplifting. For example, can you remember a time when you were feeling very bad? Then someone may have said kind words to you and you forgot that you had been feeling bad. Sometimes you may be your worst enemy. Sometimes have you found yourself condemning yourself or putting yourself down? That is one of the worst things that you can do. Examples of edification phases are as follows:

a. I believe in you

b. I appreciate you

c. You are an inspiration

Ephesians 4:29 talks about this. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen.”

2. Church Full of Sick People

Did you know that the church is full of sick people? Not necessarily physically sick, but emotionally and spiritually? Have you ever heard someone say, “I will get saved when I stop smoking, or drinking, or when I get my life together?" The only problem with that is that there is no perfect one, no not one. Romans 3:10 “There is no one righteous, not even one.”

Did you know that you are unique and that there is no other like you? What could you say to someone that feels they need to get their life together before even coming to church?

a. God wants you to come just as you are

b. God will clean you up

By telling someone that, that could be one of the kindness acts you could do. You probably have never thought of it as an act of kindness.

Each person has unique gifts and talents possibly that no one else has. That person may not see that in themselves. If you take a good look you can find honest and earnest things about individuals. Examples of phrases of acts of kindness in this situation could be as follows:

a. You have inspired me

b. I am so glad that I met you and got to know you

I remember someone telling me, “Please let your daughter know that I was so blessed to have met her.” I did convey that to my daughter who otherwise would have had no idea. I recall someone sharing a testimony of their life with me. I could not help but to tell her, “That is an awesome testimony and you truly blessed me by sharing that with me.” I say that to say that you may look at someone and not realize or even know the struggles that they have been through in their life. When they share their testimony that is an act of kindness to others to let them know they are are not alone. Knowing that you are not alone is truly a big act of kindness when you think about it.

3. Positives vs Negatives

Do you know how many positives are needed to outweigh a negative? According to research continues to suggest that it takes at least three positive interactions to outweigh one negative interaction. They further added that some studies recommend an even greater amount of praise, reporting that five to one and seven to one ratios are necessary for achieving and maintaining a healthy and productive feedback relationship. This is another reason why random acts of kindness in any form is so beneficial to individuals.

When you go about your daily routine and encounter others, you don’t know how much negativity that they have already encountered. When you turn the television on there is negativity in the news reports or neighbors may be arguing with each other. Negativity may just be all around. A random act of kindness to someone may be just the kindness that person needs at just the right time. Words are so powerful. You do not have to have a lot of money to perform a random act of kindness. Sometimes just giving a person a smile can be so uplifting to them.

4. Problem Solving

Are you a problem solver? Did you know as long as you live in this world you will have some type of problem? Sometimes a random act of kindness will solve that person’s problem or dilemma for that moment. For example:

a. yielding the right away when driving and the traffic is heavy.

I recall when my husband and I traveled to Memphis, this one particular exit we were attempting to get on was difficult. Sadly none of the driver’s would yield to us. I guess everyone was in a rush to get where they were going. Although this probably happens in various states and is not unusual. It was very dis-concerning to me. Even though no one yielded we were eventually able to get over to the exit. I say this to say how much does it hurt to yield to another in traffic. I am very thankful for people that have yielded to me in traffic and I usually give them a “nod” or “high-five.” To say, “Thank you.” These are small acts of kindness that we sometimes never think about, but we should.

5. How Does It Makes You Feel?

a. Appreciated

I have mentioned this before. The first time someone told me that they appreciated it, it was the best feeling in the world, mainly because I did not expect it and I did not feel that I did that much. Telling someone that you honestly appreciate them may make all the difference in the world to that person.

I recall injuring my ankle and walking on a cane. As I came to the door a gentleman open the door for me. I could not help but tell him, “Thank you; I appreciate you.”  I also recall a man in  a wheelchair opening the door for me when my ankle was not injured.  I really appreciated that and I told that to the nice gentleman.  

Random acts of kindness will make you feel good and the acts are beneficial to the giver as well as the receiver. It is what I call a win/win situation. What do you think?


Three Positives For Every One Constructive


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Joanne said...

I am all about random acts of kindness both big and small; I definitely think it can make such a larger impact than we know.

Jennifer Wise said...

I especially love what you've mentioned here in #2, Betty. Just the smallest exchange, smile, and kind word really makes a difference. I feel better having been to church for many reasons, but the kindnesses of others always lift my spirits, too. Thank you for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #57 linkup. We hope to see you at #58 sharing new or old posts again--it opens on Monday. :)

anointedtoday said...

I could not agree with you more Joanne.

anointedtoday said...

Thanks Jennifer.